

Monday, December 31, 2012

Hilarion 30.12-6.01.13 - german

Hilarions Wochenbotschaft

30. Dezember – 6. Januar 2013

Ihr Lieben,

Die Luft ist von Wunder und Zauber erfüllt. Es ist ein Gefühl der Erwartung, dass etwas wundervolles geschieht. Ihr habt euer Ziel erreicht und richtet euch nun ein. Die Veränderungen in euch und in euren persönlichen Leben sind aber eher auf den subtilen Ebenen eures Wesens zu finden, als dass es sich um dramatische äußere Veränderungen in einer völlig neuen Realität handelt. So soll es sein, damit diejenigen, die mit euch diese Abenteuerreise unternehmen, genug Zeit haben, den Unterschied wahrzunehmen und zu erkennen, dass etwas Grundlegendes geschehen ist.

Die Veränderungen finden unaufhörlich in jedem von euch statt. Es gibt einen Rhythmus der in Wellen einströmenden Energien, damit sie assimiliert werden können, bevor der nächste Ansturm beginnt. Versucht diesen zyklischen Prozess wahrzunehmen, denn dann werdet ihr darauf vorbereitet sein, wenn ähnliche Symptome der Aktivierung und Assimilation zu erwarten sind. Hört in diesen Zeiten auf euren Körper und folgt euren inneren Eingebungen. Viele von euch erleben über den Tag eine zunehmende Benommenheit. Um dieses Gefühl zu beachten, ist es hilfreich, sich dann für kurze Zeit hinzulegen oder still hinzusetzen, um diesen Integrationsprozess zu unterstützen und einfacher zu machen.

In dem Prozess eurer Entwicklung gleicht euer momentaner Zustand der verpuppten Raupe, die sich darauf vorbereitet, bald die Flügel als wunderschöner Schmetterling zu entfalten. Es findet eine Integration der höheren Aspekte eurer innewohnenden Göttlichkeit in euer Wesen statt und das wird alle eure Sinne beschäftigen, besonders eure intuitiven Fähigkeiten. Ihr lernt, mehr dem Ruf eures Herzens zu folgen als dem unaufhörlichen Geplapper eurer Gedanken nachzugehen, die versuchen weiter die Oberhand zu behalten, so wie sie euch seit Jahrtausenden geknechtet haben. Es mag Perioden großen Unbehagens und unerklärlicher Ängste geben. Beobachtet die aufsteigenden Gedanken und ihr werdet verstehen, dass dies eure längst vergangenen und durchlebten Erfahrungen sind, die für eine letztes Betrachten vor euch paradieren.

Beobachtet all das nur und erkennt die Tatsache an, dass es diese Erfahrungen sind, die euch bis zu diesem Punkt gebracht haben. Und hier lernt ihr nun, wer ihr wirklich seid. Die Aufforderung: "Erkenne Dich selbst" ist nun von großer Bedeutung. Ihr alle seid in dem Prozess, das, was ihr wahrlich (und göttlich) seid, von allem zu unterscheiden, was ihr nicht seid, um in einen Zustand größerer innerer Harmonie überzugehen. Die Dauer dieses Bewusstwerdungs-Prozesses ist für jeden verschieden, denn einer jeden Seele muss die Gelegenheit gegeben werden, all das bewusst zu erkennen, was für sie nicht mehr funktioniert und neue Verhaltensmuster entwickeln zu können, denen sie folgen möchte und die sie in die neue erstrebte Richtung führen.

Gewährt euch selbst diese Erfahrung und bewertet oder hinterfragt sie nicht, denn all das was ihr durchlebt und erfahren habt, war für eure Entwicklung und Entfaltung notwendig. Doch am wichtigsten ist es, Meine Lieben, dass ihr euch bedingungslos selbst liebt, mit all euren individuellen Eigenheiten und Ausdrucksformen. In allem was ihr erfahren habt, war ein Geschenk für euch selbst und die Menschen um euch. Wenn ihr die auf dem von euch gewählten Weg euch nicht mehr dienlichen Verhaltensmuster loslasst, dann wird das eure Reise in das neue Land beschleunigen, das auf euch wartet. Liebt einander, wie der Eine euch liebt, wie wir euch lieben. Alles ist gut!

Bis nächste Woche….

ICH BIN Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Hüterin der Symphonien der Gnade

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Übersetzer: Dr. Stephan Kaula

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Kiron: Ascencion and Being in the Heart

Kiron: About "Ascension" and "Being in the Heart".
Friday, 28th of December 2012

P: Good morning Kiron. I am very happy to see you. Some days are gone by, it feels for me like weeks... but... it is as it is.

K: Good morning Petra. I am also happy to see you. Yes, the days, like you say, are flying along, the time do not allow to be "locked in" anymore, time is also freed and is more and more becoming what it is, a permanent moving Entity. You are certainly on the search of signs to prove the "ascension" and you do not find very much, some do not find any, other a few. But only a few, very few have found, what has been predicted from some directions about the ascension into 5th Dimension.
Whatever you see, whatever you have found, there were no "rules", or "features", that were given to you, there were no promises, all the reliable sources had said, that everybody will "experience his / her own ascension, when he / she is ready for it and it will be an individually experience and exactly this is the way how it is. Do not compare with others, do not look, what could have happened, what you would have like to expect. Look and bring yourself back into the here and now. And be in your heart. When you are in the here and now and as well in your heart, then look and feel again what is different to you. Yes, your thought this morning was right. It is not about to ascend into 5th dimension, it is about to leave the 3rd dimension behind! And exactly this is the way. As long as you grab hold of old pattern, you can not expect to experience the 5th dimension.
How would you intent to be at two places at the same time, and I mean at the same time. If you are able to cope with that and it is possible, then you are already in higher dimensions. And it is your consciousness, which is carrying you into other dimensions, it is first the consciousness and then your body. So be patient with yourself, be patient with others and strive further, endeavor to be in your heart and in the here and now and you will see, you will achieve the point of your alignment. It is you who is going through this process.

P: Thank you Kiron, this was a clear statement. Please explain now, what it does mean to be in your heart. Can you explain how we can do that?

K: Yes. It's actually pretty easy. You know in your heart center is the place of love energy, the chakra has specific characteristics, it has the vibration of love energy, the other chakras in turn have other "properties" and attract other vibrations, because they attract each other as a result of the similarity and opposites. But we stick to "be in the heart." Now think of the qualities that represent love. You might say, "No, everything is love, it is all that exist". Yes, and again No. Because exactly at this point there is a distinction between your "task" as human beeings that are here on earth. You have the mission to assimilate and filter in your heart only those energies that can be converted to pure love.

P: Kiron, this is not clear for me. If you say, everything is love, then we can assimilate everything, what is the sense to the other Chakras? And what is the meaning of that?

K: Now, let me explain. You are receiving through your heart the pure vibrational frequency of love, you could receive it in full strength but this is not the case. You have created so called filters, and dampers to hinder the full assimilation, for the reason, because this energy would be too strong and "would totally confuse" you, because then one chakra would swing in its full "bloom" and the other chakras would not. That can not go well.

P: No, I imagine this as very disharmonious, like a motor that would run on full speed in an old wreck. The car would not run for long.

K: That's right. In the course of your incarnations you had the task to elevate the other chakras as well to their "inflorescence". It is called "to be in flower" because it is the highest form of expression. And you have run through the cleanup of karma that way. And in recent years you had intensified to carry out the tasks more or less consciously. Through the release of your karma by the Creator the last aspects could clear away, but only if you have accepted this decree, so if you have been working deliberately against it, however, nothing has changed.

P: You are saying, that if somebody wanted to stay in an "issue", then the karma did not clear away.

K: Yes, this is how it is. Now let us talk about the heart. The human being did always "know" how to love, everybody brought this ability to earth. The love between mother and child, the love of the parents, with everybody this channel was open during the birth. And also later, you often had situations where you felt love. To be in your heart is nothing unknown to you. It is simply as if you would love something. For example, take a dog that you love, if you have one. Do you think of bad things at this moment, when you have these feelings of love? About bad qualities that the dog might have? First of all not, and if you do, do you not love the dog anymore? Normally not. Because the love is stronger, clearing it away.
And now, go into your heart and look at something with love. How does it feel? Look at yourself, because you should also feel love for yourself. Or look at an animal, a flower, a person, an object. Feel this love, feel how this love is moving towards the beloved target, maybe you are feeling a flow of love coming back to you. Feel it, let it flow into you. Let it totally fulfill you.... And... can you do something "evil" / negative in this state now? Would you think of problems now? And if you think about, do you have the feeling that they are irresolvable, or do they not feel lighter, as if you would be able to solve them.

P: I understand what you want to say. I am summarizing it that way. If we have more or less cleared our other chakras, then our heart chakra can "flower" in a much stronger way and we can transform "love". And in this state of love we are in another way of thinking. In another "dimension of thinking" in the dimension of thinking "everything is easier and manageable in LOVE". And in this state we have a much greater potential. Much more possibilities to find true solutions.

K: Exactly like that. But not only this. As well, many "problems" are losing their impact, because they have no place in this "dimension of thinking". Especially, if they are "problems" based on emotions and characteristics. Other problems, that are manifest, as you like to say, financial problems are not just easily clearing away through the energy of love, but they will be easier to solve with the aid of this energy of love. Just simply, because you have much more "power in yourself as a result of this love energy" and because you are in the position to "free yourself or open to accept help" or to realize approaches.

P: Thank you Kiron. I think this was very detailed. Thank you for your explanation.

K: With pleasure. As always at your service.

Received and translated  by Petra Samoiski-Tierney

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mensagem do Solstício de Sirius Ra do Conselho Estelar da Luz

Mensagem do Solstício
Sirius Ra do Conselho Estelar da Luz

Querida Amuna Ra, eu desejo falar com você, do Conselho Estelar de Luz. Desejo lhe dar uma mensagem para ser enviada no dia 21 de Dezembro, o Solstício de Inverno no seu hemisfério. Vocês quase completaram os nove dias entre 12-12-12 e o Solstício. A Terra entrou na Quarta Dimensão e levou toda a vida sobre ela nessa transição. Vocês, agora, se aproximam  da hora quando seu Pai Sol irá passar inteiramente dentro da Quarta Dimensão, como a sincronização dos alinhamentos galácticos, e a Luz que ele envia é intensificada com as mais altas vibrações de Luz. Isso vai acontecer no Solstício, quando o seu dia é mais curto, e depois dessa transição, quando os dias começarem a ficar mais longos, primeiro de forma imperceptível, enquanto a Luz cresce externamente no seu mundo, também assim irá a sua experiência da Luz crescer internamente, primeiramente talvez de forma imperceptível, mas depois irá se tornar mais e mais óbvia.

Note o que muda em você e ao seu redor quando a sua frequência se torna mais capaz de carregar Luz, enquanto as suas vibrações aumentam. Prestem atenção , queridos, para o que muda com vocês, para o que vocês almejam, para os sentimentos dos seus corações. Isso irá lhes dizer o que é certo para você e não haverão dúvidas, vocês irão saber que seu coração fala verdadeiramente. E quando vocês souberem, sigam seus corações, queridos, e façam o que para vocês é certo.Tenham a coragem de permitir que as vossas vidas mudem e expandam.  Não sejam restringidos pelo passado, pois ele não mais é relevante a vocês. Permitam que sua consciência se expanda e sinta os novos perímetros de sua experiência, bem longe do que era possível até agora.

Estendam os seus sentidos e explorem o novo território, o novo território espiritual que está se abrindo diante de vocês. Deixem que sua visão interna se desdobre, para que vejam bem mais nessa Nova Era que a vocês é mostrada. E vejam as realidades internas do que está atrás de vocês. Vocês não discerniam, anteriormente, as consequências de agir daquela maneira? Antes, era como se existisse um véu estivesse entre vocês e a realidade de suas ações. Vocês não viam como essas afetavam os outros. Agora, tudo ficou claro e vocês não podem se esconder ou continuarem escondidos. Tudo está transparente, e é impossível mentir e disfarçar,  para que vocês sejam vistos, queridos, assim como são.

E é dessa forma que vocês devem ser agora. É vital que vocês se aceitem assim como são, para encararem a vocês mesmos de forma honesta, e para falarem de sua verdade com clareza e amabilidade. Falando a verdade, vocês irão ajudar os outros a encontrar uma forma de se aceitarem, já que antes de decidir mudar, eles tem de , primeiramente, se aceitarem assim como são.  Vendo com clareza a possibilidade que lhes é dada de crescer e transformar, para crescer em uma versão melhor de você mesmo, uma versão mais clara e mais honesta. E isso é sempre para o bem, queridos, sempre para o bem.

Esses processos irão ocorrer com rapidez. Muito será descartado nos processos de refinamento emocional, de purificação astral. Não serão mais necessárias as velhas maneiras nesses novos tempos que estão se desdobrando. Se vocês insistirem em continuar a carregá-las, elas irão lhes levar para baixo, dentro do pântano, e vocês se sentirão mais e mais desconfortáveis, mais e mais como se estivessem cavando uma cova vocês mesmos. E, então, teriam de achar uma forma de sair mais uma vez. Nesse ponto, realmente, não existe uma escolha, queridos, as novas frequências não irão permitir que as antigas e densas maneiras de vida dos seres existam, já que não são compatíveis com as vibrações de luz. O processo é rápido e fácil se vocês permitam que ele ocorra com graça, ao invés de lutar contra ele com todas as defesas que possuem.

Também, queridos, queríamos dizer para não reprimir os seus sentimentos. O que está em seus corações como uma reações honesta a uma situações tem de ser expresso, mesmo que seja uma expressão de raiva. Algumas vezes, essa raiva é justificada e tem um salutar efeito. Muitos de vocês se esforçam para serem sempre amorosos e gentis e, por conta disso, algumas vezes não se permitem expressar o que podem ser consideradas como emoções negativas. Elas são, então, negadas e reprimidas e não permitem que suas vidas se desdobrem e virem uma falsidade. Bem melhor é uma expressão de sentimentos, mesmo que estes tomem a forma da raiva. Quando o sentimento é expresso, ele avança e se transforma, e situação não vira algo parado. A vida do sentimento é fluida e está sempre a mudar. Sentimentos são como as águas da Terra, algumas vezes turbulentas, fortes e varrendo tudo que está em seu caminho, outras vezes fluindo calmamente e descansando em profundas piscinas - sempre em movimento, sempre mudando, sempre trazendo vida.

Vocês, agora, estão entrando em um período de grande fluidez em seu planeta, quando irão haver várias mudanças inesperadas, tanto no mundo ao seu redor quando em suas vidas internas. Tenham coragem para saudar o novo, queridos, para abraçá-lo e com ele seguir, e então seu caminho irá se abrir diante da alegria. Entrarão em um tempo de grande felicidade, um tempo de grande aumento de possibilidades para a felicidade. Deixem que entre em suas vidas e em seus corações.  Permitam a vocês mesmos experimentar o novo. Vocês estão transformado, assim tão facilmente. E, quando vocês estão transformados, seu mundo também assim o está. E tudo é renovado.

Sirius Ra, do Conselho Estelar da Luz, através de Amuna Ra, em 19 de Dezembro de 2012

Canal: Amuna Ra

Tradutora: Lara B.


Mensagem do Solstício
 Sirius Ra do Conselho Estelar da Luz

1.Querida Amuna Ra, desejo falar contigo do Conselho Estelar de Luz. Desejo transmitir-te uma mensagem para ser postada no dia 21 de Dezembro, o dia do Solstício de Inverno no vosso hemisfério. Vocês quase completaram nove dias entre 12-12-12 e o Solstício. A Terra entrou na Quarta Dimensão e, na sua transição, transportou com ela toda a vida. Agora, aproximam-se da hora em que o vosso Pai Sol irá passar completamente através da Quarta Dimensão, porque os alinhamentos galácticos estão sincronizados, e a Luz que ele envia é intensificada com as mais altas vibrações da Luz. Vai acontecer no Solstício, na ocasião em que o vosso dia é mais curto, e depois desta transição, quando os dias começarem a ficar mais longos, primeiro de forma imperceptível,  enquanto a Luz cresce externamente no vosso mundo, também a vossa experiência da Luz irá crescer assim, internamente, ao princípio talvez de maneira ténue, mas depois ir-se-á  tornar cada vez mais óbvia.

2. Notem o que muda em vós e ao vosso redor porque a vossa frequência torna-se mais adaptada a carregar Luz, pois as vossas vibrações aumentam. Prestem atenção, queridos, para o que muda em vós, para o que almejam, para os sentimentos dos vossos corações. Isso irá dizer o que é certo para vós e não terão dúvidas, pois irão saber que o vosso coração fala verdade. E quando souberem, sigam os vossos corações, queridos, e façam o que é correcto. Tenham a coragem de permitir que as vossas vidas mudem e expandam. Não se sintam tolhidos pelo passado, pois ele não  é mais compatível para vós. Permitam que a vossa consciência se expanda e sinta os novos perímetros da vossa experiência, muito para além do que foi possível até agora.

3. Ampliem os vossos sentidos e explorem o novo território, o novo território espiritual que se abre perante vós. Deixem a vossa visão interna desdobrar-se, para que vejam com muito mais clareza na Nova Era que se abre perante vós. E percebam as realidades internas do que está à vossa frente. Não discerniram, anteriormente, as consequências de agir daquela maneira? Antes, era como se existisse um véu entre vós e a realidade das vossas acções. Não viam como elas afectavam os outros. Tudo torna-se claro agora e não podem esconder-se ou continuar escondidos. Tudo é transparente e é impossível mentir e disfarçar, porque podem ser vistos, queridos, tal como são.

4. E é dessa forma que vocês devem ser agora. É vital aceitarem-se assim como são, para  se encararem com toda a honestidade, e para falarem a vossa verdade com clareza e amabilidade. Porque ao falar verdade, irá ajudar outros a encontrar uma forma de se aceitarem, pois antes que decidam mudar, primeiro têm de se aceitar tal como são. Ver com clareza como são, dá-vos possibilidade imediata de crescer e transformar, crescer numa versão melhor, numa versão mais clara e mais honesta de vós próprios. E isso é sempre para o bem, queridos, sempre para o bem.

5. Esses processos irão ocorrer com  grande rapidez. Muito será descartado nos processos do refinamento emocional, da purificação astral. Não terão mais necessidade das velhas maneiras, na nova época em que estão a progredir. Se insistirem em continuar a carregá-las, elas levar-vos-ão para baixo, para dentro do pântano, e sentir-se-ão cada vez mais desconfortáveis, como se estivessem cavando uma cova para vós. E, então, teriam de achar uma forma de subir mais uma vez. Porque, realmente, não existe escolha, queridos, as novas frequências da Luz não irão permitir que as maneiras antigas e densas existam, pois não são compatíveis com as vibrações da Luz. O processo é rápido e fácil, se permitirem que se desenvolva com graça, em vez de lutar contra ele com todas as defesas que possuem.

6. Queridos, também gostaríamos de dizer para não reprimirem os vossos sentimentos. O que está nos vossos corações como sendo uma reacção honesta a uma situação, tem de ser exprimido, mesmo que seja uma expressão de raiva. Algumas vezes, essa raiva é justificada e tem um efeito salutar. Muitos de vós esforçam-se por ser sempre amorosos e gentis, porque têm corações amorosos e carinhosos e então, por isso, algumas vezes não se permitem exprimir o que pode ser considerado emoções negativas. Assim, elas são negadas e reprimidas e vocês não permitem que as vossas vidas se desenvolvam e então tornam-se numa falsidade. Bem melhor é uma expressão honesta do sentimento, mesmo que assuma a forma da raiva. Pois logo que o sentimento é verbalizado, ele avança e transforma-se, e situação não fica estagnada. A vida do sentimento é fluída e está sempre a mudar. Os sentimentos são como as águas da Terra, por vezes são turbulentos, fortes e varrem tudo que está no caminho, outras vezes fluem calmamente e descansam em lagos profundos - sempre em movimento, sempre a mudar, sempre a trazer vida.

7. Agora, estão a entrar num período de grande fluidez no vosso planeta, em que irá haver várias mudanças inesperadas, quer no mundo ao vosso redor, quer nas vossas vidas internas. Queridos, tenham coragem de saudar o novo, para abraçá-lo e seguir com ele, e então o vosso caminho abrir-se-á à alegria que está à vossa frente. Entrarão numa época de grande felicidade, numa altura de possibilidades altamente alargadas para a felicidade. Deixem que ela entre nas vossas vidas e nos vossos corações. Permitam-se viver e experimentar o novo. É apenas uma questão de abrir os vossos corações e aceitar o que está lá. Serão transformados, tão facilmente quanto isto. E quando estiverem transformados, o vosso mundo também estará. E tudo será renovado.

Sirius Ra, do Conselho Estelar da Luz, através de Amuna Ra, em 19 de Dezembro de 2012"

Canal: Amuna Ra

Tradutora: Lara B.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Final Thoughts On Preparing For Ascension by Steve E. Lightworker

Messages of Light 20121218  Steve E. Lightworker: Final Thoughts on Preparing for Ascension

Please be aware that this document is intended for awakening individuals who are already familiar with the general concepts of spirituality and ascension, most commonly described through various channeled communications.  The concepts in this message are simply re-introduced in a way that will hopefully help Lightworkers remember and consider some important points around this ascension period, to get the most out of their efforts and experience.  This message contains suggestios that are hoped to help many, but it is also understood that each soul has the right of free will, and that not all of the following information will be agreeable by all who read it.  Therefore, it is important to remind the reader that if a topic or suggestion does not resonate or feel like “truth”, to please skip over the section, or move on from the text altogether.  The suggestions  offered within this message are based on a culmination of experiences by the author since his awakening in the 1990s, and in no way can be claimed as “absolute”.  They are simply offered as guideposts to help during these final days leading up to the ascension date of December 21, 2012.

Beloved ones,

It is certainly an exciting time for those who realize that we are in the final week leading to the ascension energies! As time continues passing faster and faster, many of you may have been feeling the effects of the increased energies, and you have probably read your fair share of ascension materials. For those of you who follow various news sources relating to ascension, you probably became aware that December 12th was the start of the last full moon cycle, and will be the last major energy window until the 21st of December, when we experience the great Galactic Alignment, allowing the Divine energies of the Creator to flow through and wash the planet with the highest vibrations we have had in over 26,000 years.

What will you feel on December 21st?  Will you be aware that anything is any different from the past day? Week? Month?  For many, December 21st will be an ordinary day.  However, for the Lightworkers who are aware of these incoming energies and auspicious galactic alignments, there is great potential for incredible personal change, especially for those choosing to have an ascension experience!

How can we prepare for an ascension experience, with just days to go?  For starters, do not worry about how much time is left. Rather, consider spending time focusing on your heart, and what is desired for your personal life experience at this time.  These thoughts are, in part, your spiritual preparation, and it is indeed lightwork. For when you raise your consciousness, you help to raise the consciousness of the world around you.  The reality you see through your eyes from day-to-day is simply a mirror effect, reflecting your inner-beliefs back at you.  So if you believe in Love and ascension, you will likely be experiencing a life that contains moments where Love and ascension are being reflected back into your life!

Believing in something does not have to be time consuming, as the concept of “belief” is simply a strong decision made from the heart at any moment.  So ask yourself: What do you believe ascension is?  Is your mind’s definition what you want to see? Going back to the mirror example, many who are familiar with the Law of Attraction will understand and accept that what we put out into our world, we will get back.  If we love others, we will be loved back.  If we give of our time, people will choose to give their time to help you. This works for money and love, but also for fear and anger.  So if you know yourself to be holding any fears or angers, resentments or jealous feelings, this is most definitely a time to sit quietly with yourself and to think about the reasons behind them. If you are able to forgive each of these negative feelings that come to mind, you are not only forgiving the reflections being shown to you in the outside world, but you are then forgiving yourself, as everything on the outside exists within you, as well.  We may even have moments when we come to realize that many of us are having similar life experiences as we reflect experiences off of each other. What makes us seem different/separate from each other is that we choose to express these inner behaviors, perceptions, and beliefs in different ways. When it is understood that we all are One, and a part of God Itself, then we can truly see how forgiving another person is also forgiving oneself.  That forgiving yourself makes it very easy to then forgive anything that you felt has happened to you.

Many of you are already working out these feelings by sitting quietly in contemplation, or watching a candle, or even staring out a window looking at the clouds.  Others may choose to go for walks or to paint while getting lost in deeper thoughts.  Finally, there are those who choose to deliberately sit still, who choose to meditate while making the conscious effort to keep the mind free and clear of all mind-chatter.  Actually, these are all examples of meditation, and everyone will have their own style and preference for getting in touch with their heart and beliefs.  These forms of meditation are the most important tools you have in these final days leading to the ascension period of December 21st, 2012.

Why is meditation so important?  When you sit with yourself in solitude, you are making the conscious decision to go within yourself.  When you do this, your mind begins to shut off from the outside world, and your consciousness begins to focus inwardly.  Taking it a step further, when one is thinking inwardly and focusing on their heart, the thoughts that come to mind can soon be felt as thoughts coming from one’s own heart.  And as mentioned, our beliefs reside in the heart.  That is why we grow to have faith in our personal matters even if we see physical evidence pointing to the contrary!  Belief is one of the most powerful forms of expression we have, which is why it is very important to find where you currently stand with the ascension concept.  Again, what is ascension to you? What do you feel about it? Are you afraid of it, or do you accept it with all of your heart? Do you imagine it to happen a certain way?  Thinking about ascension while in a heart-centered mode of contemplation or meditation will help you uncover your feelings on such matters.  And as you come to realize what you accept or reject, you will firmly establish your belief system and help to bring it into your reality!  As is generally accepted, we are all co-creators of the Creator, and our imaginations and beliefs are the keys to manifesting our thoughts and desires through the universal Law of Attraction.

While you take time to think about what ascension means to you, it is possible that additional feelings may suddenly crop up, some of which are fear-based.  What about my family? Where will my children be? Who will feed the dog?  These are all questions that are important, but they are not of benefit to be weighing on your mind at this point.  In most cases, a majority of people will be waking up on December 22nd, realizing the world is still continuing as usual.  There may be a significant number of lightworkers who have chosen other types of ascension for themselves, but for those who are of such a specific mindset, it is likely that preparations will have already been made.  It is really up to your own understanding of ascension and its potentials for personal transformation that will help you feel how much you need to prepare in advance. For the most part, however, it is suggested that you simply remain responsible, and prepare in whatever way you “feel” is right at this time.  For some that may mean do absolutely nothing, and for others, they have arranged for extra help from friends or family.  Everyone is on their own spiritual path, whether it is an older grandmother, or a very young toddler. No matter what happens during the ascension process, everything will reach a conclusion the way it was designed before each soul agreed to come into this third dimensional existence.  Having faith in this now will help you get back to focusing on what “you” want during this ascension period.

While sitting with yourself and contemplating ascension, it is also possible that many will look back and think, “I haven’t prepared for this! How am I going to ascend when I’ve been so busy with a family, my job, and bills to pay?” Or, “Am I ready for ascension? What happens if I am not worthy enough to ascend?”  Please be careful about watching your emotions during these final days. If you energize the idea of ascension with one of fear or lack of ability, you will simply continue attracting experiences that give you more fear or lack of ability. Remember that what you put out, you get back. This applies to emotions, as well.  Particularly at this time, it is important to try to center oneself and to not get caught in any negative patterns of thoughts or emotions relating to ascension.

With respect to the question, “Will I make it? Can this really happen?” In this case, please give the following some consideration:  While we have clocks on this planet, they are not much use outside of the planet.  Time is simply a man-made tool to organize movements through space, on Earth.  If you were to imagine you could beam yourself to another planet, it would be very likely that time doesn’t exist in the way humans keep track of it. Why is this?  Various sources explain that outside of Earth, all events happens in the one moment of “Now”.  For many, this is a difficult paradox to accept, since we live in a sequential pattern of minutes and hours.  But if this concept is taken a step further, it is easy to see that in this one moment, we are everything that we ever have been, and everything that we will ever be.  For purposes of this discussion, this would mean that we are ascended already! It is just that we have not moved around in space enough yet to have reached the point of being in that ascended space we would call “the future”.  You might wonder, well, how is it that I cannot see everything from the “past” and the “future” if it is all in the “Now”?  The answer proposes that we live within an electromagnetic veil, which protects us from experiencing our pasts and futures.  Why? Being able to see all of our pasts and futures means that we would already know why we were having the experiences on Earth right now.  And if life got too tough, for instance, wouldn’t it seem easy to simply understand why this is, and choose to leave the body or Earth for a better life?  So being under the veil helps us maintain the illusion of being separate, so that we may live one life at a time, focused on the issues that make up our learning experiences.

Now what does this have to do with ascension?  Since we established that much of humanity has already ascended into various “future” scenarios, then it would make sense to say that much of humanity is currently “tuned in” to a timeline of existence that has yet to experience ascension.  One could certainly use the imagination to decide what that future event would look like, but when focus is brought back into the present moment, it is understood that we used the imagination to “see” the future event–that it did not actually occur yet.

This is incredibly important to consider, as the exact thing that is most needed at this time is imagination!  Indeed, at this time, it is understood as being most helpful to the Seeker when the imagination is used to attract events.  By imagining what you wish for ascension to be, you will effectively be able to “tune into” the ascension timeline that you desire.  It is no more difficult than that.  In other words, setting your intentions, and visualizing those intentions each day, will help bring your desired experiences into your life, until those “future” moments eventually become your “present” moments!

So how does one go about attracting their ideal ascension experience?  For this, we draw upon a few techniques.

Make a decree.  Write down on a piece of paper, “I AM _______________ “.  Whenever you state “I AM”, you are sending powerful creator energies into the universe, asking for the universe to bring back what “you are”.  In my personal example, I have stated the following: “I AM ascending into 5th dimension ethereal while transmogrifying with Gaia”.  In this case, the term “transmogrify” means that the physical body will continue with Gaia, without having to go through a physical death process in order to ascend.  Many on the planet would prefer to continue with Gaia, thus, many will transmogrify with her.  I stated it, however, because while it may happen by default for most, I am decreeing it, so that I ask for it specifically.  Being specific with the universe and reading this statement multiple times per day helps to bring the experience that is in alignment with the decree.  Think about how many times you’ve gone to order a food item off of a menu, but have changed your mind a number of times before making a final selection.  This is a common behavior, which is why it is understandable that writing it on paper and repeating it is one of the more powerful ways to manifest something, and reduces the chances of changing our minds after so much energy has been invested.  Decrees are useful tools for staying focused, and you can make your decree as small or large as you like.  Whatever it is you desire in your ascension process, you may decree as a part of yourself!

As you focus on this decree, the universe will begin responding in kind, and you will soon begin changing your energies such that you are connecting with new timelines that offer you the scenario you have decreed.  Think of this like changing the frequencies of a radio, where you can switch from one song to another.  In human terms, we are the radio, and we are tuning to different reality timelines.

Finally, when you have written your decree, look at it, and take a deep breath. Clear your mind, and read the decree 3 times.  Why 3? Because it is a metaphysical number of completion, a sacred number.  On your last reading, exclaim, “So be it, so it is, it is done”, and loudly clap your hands one time (or three, it’s up to you).  This last part “seals” the intention. It is simply a statement where you fortify your intentions with a physical action to show the universe that not only are you set in your intentions within the heart, but you are now outwardly choosing to manifest them into your existing reality.  An alternative to clapping the hands is lighting a candle that is run under cold tap water (to clear any prior energetic ties) prior to reading the decree, and having the unlit candle sit next to the decree when you announce your intention 3 times.  This will “charge” the candle with your energetic intentions, and as it burns it will serve as a physical symbol that you chose to bring your decree into your existing reality.  If using a candle, consider lighting a smaller tea light or votive candle after reading the decree that you can burn until its natural end. You may snuff and light the candle as you wish, as well.

Finally, take time each day to BELIEVE.  Imagine yourself already ascended. See that timeline of potential already in alignment with you. Read your decree and energize the statement even further with your affirmations. Reciting a statement adds energy, and creates a “thought form”, which builds in energy the more it is given attention.  While thinking positively, try not to slip and worry about what will happen or what won’t.  Each human on this planet is here for their own unique experiences that have been largely decided ahead of their incarnation.  These experiences are as unique as snowflakes, and each ascension experience will also be as unique.  Do not be concerned about doing something right or wrong, as you will have done your part to state your intentions and to sit with yourself to focus on attracting the experiences you desire.  Anything that happens outside of your intentions are most likely part of your greater life path, and it would be of tremendous benefit to continue accepting and expressing gratitude for whatever occurs, especially with respect to the ascension process. In other words, expect great things to happen, but expect to also be ok if very little happens.  Each of us are on paths that may or may not benefit from certain experiences, and due to being behind the Veil of Forgetting, it can sometimes be very difficult to understand why we are dealt certain cards in life, whether they be judged as positive or negative.

Try to keep it simple and follow the advice to intend and visualize what you desire. Ascension is about raising your loving vibrations enough to match that of the higher 4th and/or 5th dimensions. The best way to raise one’s vibration is through the act of love (and loving oneself) and meditation/contemplation.

“Ok, so what if I wake up and nothing changed?”

There is so much information out there on ascension, so it is difficult to know what is actually going to happen until it does. Even if you wake up on December 22nd and life seems the same, please take heart in that there will still be chances to ascend. The ascension energies will continue with high intensity until the 23rd of December.  This period is the same period in which many are calling the “3 days of darkness”.  These three days do not “literally” mean darkness, although this reality can occur for those who are energizing and expecting it as part of their ascension timeline.  The 3 days of darkness is said to represent the ascension window in which each of us chooses to change our vibrations and move into a new state of living. It is said to be a very magical period full of flux and potential.

After this period, the ascension energies will slowly diminish until September 21, 2013. So even if many of us “miss” the first round, there might be those who come into our lives afterwards to help us accomplish what we may have been missing, in order to ascend the way it was originally intended.  Once the knowledge is passed, all it takes is remembering how to change one’s focus and frequency. Once you learn how to shift, it will be similar to changing the radio station, and you can instantly tune into another timeline. These moments of personal ascension can happen at any moment when you are more fully prepared and have gained the additional understanding that you may not have yet acquired.  So please realize that ascension doesn’t have to all happen exactly on December 21st, as many as gearing up to believe!  And since we are already ascended in other timelines of existence, all it takes is to learn how to tune into that timeline, which can be done at any point of one’s life.  It is just that December 21st is a high point for supportive energies to help humanity make the choice and to switch.

With that said, take these final days to find some time to go within and to really connect with your heart. Find out when the ascension energies will be entering your timezone and make it a point to meditate at that time to welcome in this special period of time known as the “Precession of the Equinoxes” and the “Galactic Alignment”, which happens once every 26,000 years.  To think that you are here for that is quite amazing in itself!

One final note, should you decide to meditate or go within for introspection, consider saying the following affirmation 3 times in a row during each session:

“I am the light, the light i am. (Say this 3 times in a row)
I am love, love I am. (Say this 3 times in a row)
So be it, so it is, it is done.”

Try to feel joy and gratitude within your heart while stating these affirmations, and not only will you be helping yourself to raise your own vibrations, but you will be helping those around you, Gaia, and you may even begin noticing a rush of love and new experiences coming back to support the “new you”.

Steve E.

Lightworker :-)


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hilarion 9.-16. Dezember 2012 - german

Hilarions Wochenbotschaft

9. - 16. Dezember 2012

Ihr Lieben,

Das Energieniveau steigt und die meisten von euch erfahren viele Downloads dieser unglaublichen Unterstützung aus den höheren Ebenen und Dimensionen. Euer individuelles Licht dehnt sich in immer größeren Kreisen den je aus, und dieses Licht ist ein Katalysator für das Erwachen der Menschen in eurer Nähe. Es ist kein Zufall, dass ihr an diesem Ort auf dem Planeten seid, denn euer Licht und das Licht, das durch euch einfließt wird gebraucht, um es hier zu verankern und in alle Richtungen auszustrahlen, damit es mit dem Licht der anderen Kanäle zusammenfließt und ein Netzwerk des Lichts um den Globus bildet.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Croatian - PORTAL 2012: DAN KONTAKTA


Postavio Cobra

Nedjelja, 9. prosinca, 2012

Vrijeme je za akciju! Vrijeme je da uzmemo sudbinu svijeta u svoje ruke! Stoga ćemo se sastati u velikim i malim skupinama, kao pojedinaci i parovi, točno u vrijeme solsticija, na kraju Mayanskog ciklusa od 5125 godina, 21. prosinca. Na taj dan, snažan snop energije iz Galaktičkog Središnjeg Sunca doći će na Zemlju i izazvati dugoročne promjene. Mase će se okupiti na taj dan i prizvati na prisutnost i intervenciju naše pozitivne izvanzemaljske braće i sestara, koji će nam pomoći u procesu oslobađenja našeg planeta od tiranije mračnih sila, tako da ćemo prvi put u našoj povijesti imati priliku stvoriti vlastitu sudbinu kao slobodni građani Zemlje.

Naš veliki napor na taj dan bit će okidač koji će pomoći aktivaciji Plana, i nalasku puta do ostvarenja. Naša aktivacija toga dana je objava pobjede Svjetlosti. Proširite to! Podijelite to u cijelom svijetu! Objavite na svojim web stranicama i blogovima. Ako poznate nekoga iz alternativnih medija, možete im poslati vijest. Možete stvoriti Facebook grupu za svoju lokalnu grupu ljudi. Možete napraviti video o tome i objaviti ga na Youtube.

Kritična masa da ova aktivacija ima željeni učinak je oko 118.000 ljudi diljem svijeta s koncentracijom na naš cilj. Ako uzmemo u obzir da ljudska vještina koncentracije nije savršena, trebat će nam 144.000 ljudi kao kritična masa.

Čitati o tome je jedna stvar, a sudjelovati je potpuno drugo. Želio bih potaknuti što je moguće više ljudi da sudjeluju, iako to može biti u ranim jutarnjim satima u vašem dijelu svijeta.

Svi ćemo raditi ovu aktivaciju u isto vrijeme, vrijeme zimskog solsticija, koji pada na 21. prosinca 2012 u 11:11 po Griniču. (Bivša Juga - 12:11).


1. Opustite vaš um i tijelo promatrajući svoj dah nekoliko minuta. Povežite se s našom glavnom grupom za aktivaciju na Giza platou u Egiptu, i sa mnogim drugim grupama širom svijeta, tako da stvorimo Jedno biće u akciji.

2. Postoje mnogi brodovi pozitivnih ET civilizacija koje okružuju Zemlju, i doslovno pokrivaju nebo u svim mjestima i visinama. Ti brodovi nisu vidljivi golim okom, jer su oni zaogrnuti kako ih Kabala ne bi otkrila. Odaberite brod koji je izravno iznad vašeg mjesta i energetski se povežite s bićima unutar tog broda na vama pogodan način.

3. Zamislite zraku briljantne bijele svjetlosti koja se spušta s broda izravno kroz vaše tijelo do središta Zemlje. Sada pozovite brod da se spusti, da lebdi neposredno iznad vas i da stupi u kontakt s vama na bilo koji prikladan način. Zamolite bića u tom brodu da pomognu čovječanstvu u procesu oslobađanja. Donesite bezuvjetnu odluku za Razotkrivanje i Prvi kontakt i priopćite im to. Ako 144.000 od nas učiniti to, velike stvari su moguće!

4. Možda ćete dobiti snažnu povratnu energiju, ali budite spremni na to da se bilo koji oblik fizičkog kontakta može dogoditi, također. Ostanite neko vrijeme u Jednosti s ljudima iz tog broda.

Ako želite kontakt s odabranim brodom na jednoj naprednijoj razini, možete koristiti CE-5 protokole razvijene od strane dr. Stevena Greera. Za upute, možete se pridružiti CE-5 grupi ovdje:



a) datum ove aktivacije (21. prosinca) vjerojatno NIJE datum "Događaja"
b) datum ove aktivacije (21. prosinca) NIJE datum kada će se zbiti službeni Prvi kontakt / masovno slijetanje
c) datum ove aktivacije (21. prosinca) apsolutno NIJE datum kada će se zbiti bilo koji od negativnih scenarija (zamjena polova, katastrofalne Zemaljske promjene, dva sunca, ili bilo koji drugi Kabalin lažni događaji, itd.)

Dodatne informacije o vremenu završetka prije 21. prosinca:

12. prosinca, devet dana prije kraja ciklusa, otvorit će se drugi portal. Portal 12:12:12 je konačni portal sinteze i integracije svih naših života na Zemlji i nužna priprema za našu glavnu aktivaciju 21. prosinca. Na taj dan izvojevat će se važna pobjeda snaga Svjetlosti. Sve pojedinosti o toj pobjedi i dalje su tajna, kao i do sada. 

12. prosinca je jako dobar dan da se pridružite masovnim grupnim meditacijama, jer to će vas bolje pripremiti za 21. prosinca.

12. prosinca, asteroid 4179 Toutatis će proći sasvim blizu Zemlje. Prolazak ovog asteroida će pokrenuti energiju sinteze i neće proizvesti nikakve kataklizmičke događaje:

Vremensko razdoblje između 17. prosinca i 21. prosinca je konačni završetak epohe. 

17. prosinca je posljednji veliki vrhunac vremenskog vala, kao što možete vidjeti na ovom grafikonu:

Svake godine 18. prosinca naše fizičko Sunce je u konjukciji s Galaktičkim Centralnim Suncem. Ta konjukcija šalje snažan snop energije iz središnjeg Sunca i to obično traje nekoliko dana. Ove godine, to će biti samo uvod u glavne energetske zrake 21. prosinca.

Zanimljivo, vremenski okvir između 17. prosinca i 21. također je razdoblje intenzivnih eksperimenata s česticama u CERN-u:

Ovo je posljednji očajnički pokušaj Kabale da spriječi otvaranje portala 21. prosinca. Nepotrebno je reći, njihov pokušaj neće biti uspješan, u stvari ti eksperimenti u CERN-u će dati dodatni poticaj otvaranju portala!

Ako pogledate astrološki graf za 21. prosinca, vidjet ćete yod konfiguraciju - Saturn na 9 stupnjeva Škorpiona, Venera na 7 stupnjeva Strijelca, Pluton na 9 stupnjeva Jarca, Jupiteru na 9 stupnjeva Blizanaca. Ono što je značajno za ovu yod konfiguraciju je da je Venera u konjunkciji s Antaresom, u opoziciji s Jupiterom, i u konjunkciji Aldebaranom. Antares-Aldebaran os je nit unutar Galaktičke mreže svjetlosti koja označava konačni završetak ratova, kraj dualnosti i konačnu pobjedu Svjetlosti u ovoj galaksiji. Zajedno s Venerom i Jupiterom, to je vrlo dobar znak za našu planetu 21. prosinca.

Nove informacije o Danu Kontakta:



Αναρτήθηκε από τον Cobra, στις 13:28 μ.μ.
Το πρωτότυπο υπάρχει και στη διεύθυνση
Κυριακή 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Είναι καιρός να αναλάβουμε δράση! Είναι καιρός να πάρουμε το πεπρωμένο του κόσμου μας στα χέρια μας! Ως εκ τούτου θα συναντηθούμε σε ομάδες, μεγάλες και μικρές, ως άτομα και ως ζευγάρια, κατά την ακριβή στιγμή του ηλιοστασίου, στο τέλος του κύκλου των 5125 χρόνων των Μάγιας, στις 21 Δεκεμβρίου. Την ημέρα εκείνη, μια ισχυρή ριπή ενέργειας από τον Γαλαξιακό Κεντρικό Ήλιο θα φτάσει στη Γη και θα προκαλέσει αλλαγές μακροχρόνιας διάρκειας. Οι μάζες θα συγκεντρωθούν εκείνη την ημέρα και θα επικαλεστούν την παρουσία και παρέμβαση των θετικών εξωγήινων αδελφών μας, που θα μας βοηθήσουν στη διαδικασία της απελευθέρωσης του πλανήτη μας από την τυραννία των σκοτεινών δυνάμεων, έτσι ώστε για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία μας, θα έχουμε την ευκαιρία να δημιουργήσουμε τη δική μας μοίρα, ως ελεύθεροι πολίτες της Γης.

Η μαζική προσπάθειά μας αυτή την ημέρα θα είναι το έναυσμα, που θα βοηθήσει να ενεργοποιηθεί το Σχέδιο, έτσι ώστε να μπορέσει να φτάσει στην απόδοση των καρπών του. Η ενεργοποίησή μας εκείνη την ημέρα θα είναι η εξαγγελία της Νίκης του Φωτός. Αυτό διαδώστε το! Κοινοποιήστε το σε όλον τον κόσμο! Παρακαλώ αναρτήστε το στις ιστοσελίδες και τα ιστολόγιά σας. Εάν γνωρίζετε μια εναλλακτική πηγή ενημέρωσης, μπορείτε να το στείλετε σε αυτούς. Μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε μια ομάδα στο Facebook για να κάνει αυτό η τοπική σας ομάδα ανθρώπων στο δικό σας μέρος του κόσμου. Μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε ένα βίντεο σχετικά με αυτό και να το δημοσιεύσετε στο Youtube.

Η κρίσιμη μάζα για να έχει αυτή η ενεργοποίηση το επιθυμητό αποτέλεσμα είναι περίπου 118.000 άτομα σε όλο τον κόσμο να το κάνουν ενεργά και με προσήλωση. Αν λάβουμε υπόψη, ότι οι ανθρώπινες δεξιότητες συγκέντρωσης δεν είναι τέλειες, χρειαζόμαστε 144.000 ανθρώπους ως κρίσιμη μάζα. 

Όμως το να διαβάζεις γι' αυτό είναι ένα πράγμα και το να συμμετέχεις ενεργά είναι εντελώς άλλο. Θα ήθελα να ενθαρρύνω όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερους ανθρώπους να συμμετάσχουν ενεργά, μολονότι μπορεί να είναι στις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες στο δικό σας μέρος του κόσμου.

Όλοι θα διενεργούμε αυτή την ενεργοποίηση την ίδια ώρα, τη στιγμή του χειμερινού ηλιοστασίου, το οποίο έρχεται στις 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2012, στις 11:11 π.μ., ώρα Γκρίνουιτς. Οι ακριβής ώρες για τις διάφορες ζώνες ώρας είναι οι εξής:

1:11 π.μ. HAST (Χαβάη)
2:11 π.μ. AKST (Αλάσκα)
3:11 π.μ. PST (Λος Άντζελες)
4:11 π.μ. MST (Ντένβερ)
5:11 π.μ. CST (Χιούστον)
6:11 π.μ. EST (Νέα Υόρκη)
09.11 π.μ. BRST (Ρίο ντε Τζανέιρο)
11:11 πμ GMT (Λονδίνο)
12:11 μ.μ. ώρα Κεντρικής Ευρώπης (Παρίσι)
13:11 μ.μ. SAST (Νότια Αφρική)
13:11 μ.μ. EET (Βουλγαρία)
13:11 μ.μ. EET (Κάιρο)
15:11 μ.μ. MSK (Μόσχα)
16:41 μ.μ. IST (Ινδία)
19:11 μμ CST (Πεκίνο)
20:11 μ.μ. JST (Τόκιο)
22:11 μ.μ. EDT (Σίδνεϊ)

Εάν η θέση σας δεν είναι καταχωρημένη, μπορείτε να βρείτε τον παγκόσμιο χάρτη με τις ζώνες ώρας εδώ:

Ή δείτε το χάρτη εδώ:


1. Χαλαρώστε το μυαλό και το σώμα σας, παρακολουθώντας την αναπνοή σας για λίγα λεπτά. Συνδεθείτε με την κύρια ομάδα μας ενεργοποίησης στο οροπέδιο της Γκίζας, στην Αίγυπτο, και με πολλές άλλες ομάδες σε όλον τον κόσμο, έτσι ώστε να δημιουργήσουμε Ένα Ον σε δράση.

2. Υπάρχουν πολλά σκάφη θετικών εξωγήινων πολιτισμών γύρω από τη Γη, που κυριολεκτικά καλύπτουν τον ουρανό σε όλες τις θέσεις και όλα τα υψόμετρα. Τα σκάφη αυτά δεν είναι ορατά με γυμνό μάτι, επειδή εφαρμόζουν τεχνική απόκρυψης, ώστε η συμμορία να μη τα εντοπίζει. Επιλέξτε ένα σκάφος που βρίσκεται ακριβώς πάνω από τη θέση σας και συνδεθείτε ενεργειακά με τα όντα στο εσωτερικό αυτού του σκάφους, με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο θεωρείτε λειτουργικό για εσάς.

3. Οραματιστείτε μια στήλη λαμπρού λευκού Φωτός να κατεβαίνει από το σκάφος κατευθείαν μέσα από το σώμα σας προς το κέντρο της Γης. Τώρα καλέστε αυτό το σκάφος να κατεβεί, να σταθεί αιωρούμενο ακριβώς πάνω από εσάς και να έρθει σε επαφή μαζί σας με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο είναι κατάλληλος. Ζητήστε από τα όντα σε αυτό το σκάφος να βοηθήσουν την ανθρωπότητα στη διαδικασία απελευθέρωσης. Πάρτε μια άνευ όρων απόφαση για την Αποκάλυψη και την πρώτη επαφή και επικοινωνήστε την προς αυτά. Αν 144.000 από μας το κάνουν αυτό, σπουδαία πράγματα είναι δυνατά!

4. Μπορεί να δεχθείτε μια ισχυρή ενεργειακή απάντηση, αλλά να είστε προετοιμασμένοι, γιατί οποιαδήποτε μορφή φυσικής επαφής είναι επίσης δυνατόν να συμβεί. Μείνετε σε Ενότητα με τα όντα από εκείνο το σκάφος για κάποιο χρονικό διάστημα.

Αν θέλετε να ανεβάσετε την επαφή με το σκάφος της επιλογής σας σε ένα πιο προχωρημένο επίπεδο, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τα πρωτόκολλα CE-5, που αναπτύχθηκαν από τον Δρ Στήβεν Γκρηρ (Steven Greer). Για να λάβετε οδηγίες, μπορείτε να συμμετάσχετε σε μια ομάδα CE-5 εδώ:

Ή εδώ:


α) Η ημερομηνία αυτής της ενεργοποίησης (21 Δεκεμβρίου) είναι πιθανό να ΜΗΝ είναι η ημερομηνία, κατά την οποία το Συμβάν θα πραγματοποιηθεί.
β) Η ημερομηνία αυτής της ενεργοποίησης (21 Δεκεμβρίου) ΔΕΝ είναι η ημερομηνία κατά την οποία θα λάβουν χώρα η επίσημη Πρώτη Επαφή και οι Μαζικές Προσγειώσεις. 
γ) Η ημερομηνία αυτής της ενεργοποίησης (21 Δεκεμβρίου) απολύτως ΔΕΝ είναι η ημερομηνία, κατά την οποία κάποιο από τα αρνητικά σενάρια (πολική μετατόπιση, καταστροφικές αλλαγές της Γης, δύο ήλιοι, ένα μεγάλο γεγονός στημένο από τη συμμορία κλπ) θα υλοποιηθεί.

Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το χρόνο ολοκλήρωσης πριν από την 21η Δεκεμβρίου:

Στις 12 Δεκεμβρίου, εννέα ημέρες πριν από το τέλος του κύκλου, μια άλλη πύλη θα ανοίξει. Η πύλη του 12:12:12 είναι η τελική πύλη της σύνθεσης και της συνένωσης όλων των ζωών μας στη Γη και μια αναγκαία προετοιμασία για την κύρια ενεργοποίησή μας στις 21 Δεκεμβρίου. Την ημέρα εκείνη, θα επιτευχθεί μια σημαντική νίκη των δυνάμεων του Φωτός. Όλες οι λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με αυτή τη νίκη παραμένουν προς το παρόν απόρρητες. Η 12η Δεκεμβρίου είναι μια πολύ καλή ημέρα για να ενταχθείτε σε κάποια από τις ομάδες μαζικού διαλογισμού σε όλον τον πλανήτη, καθώς αυτό θα σας προετοιμάσει περισσότερο για τις 21 Δεκεμβρίου.

Στις 12 Δεκεμβρίου, ο αστεροειδής 4179 Toutatis θα περάσει πολύ κοντά στη Γη. Το πέρασμα αυτού του αστεροειδή θα δώσει το έναυσμα στην ενέργεια της σύνθεσης και δεν θα παραγάγει κανένα κατακλυσμικό γεγονός:

Η χρονική περίοδος μεταξύ 17 Δεκεμβρίου και 21 Δεκεμβρίου είναι η περίοδος της τελικής ολοκλήρωσης. Η 17η Δεκεμβρίου είναι η τελευταία μεγάλη κορύφωση της κυματογραμμής του χρόνου, όπως μπορείτε να δείτε σε αυτό το γράφημα:

Η 18η Δεκεμβρίου είναι κάθε χρόνο η ημερομηνία, στην οποία ο φυσικός Ήλιος μας έρχεται σε σύνοδο με τον Γαλαξιακό Κεντρικό Ήλιο. Αυτή η σύνοδος στέλνει μια ισχυρή αστραπή ενέργειας από τον κεντρικό ήλιο κάθε χρόνο και συνήθως διαρκεί μερικές ημέρες. Εφέτος, θα είναι απλώς ένα προοίμιο για την κύρια αστραπή ενέργειας, στις 21.

Είναι ενδιαφέρον, ότι το χρονικό διάστημα μεταξύ της 17ης και 21ης Δεκεμβρίου είναι επίσης η περίοδος των εντατικών πειραμάτων των σωματιδίων στο CERN:

Πρόκειται για την τελευταία απεγνωσμένη προσπάθεια της συμμορίας να εμποδίσει το άνοιγμα της Πύλης στις 21 Δεκεμβρίου. Περιττό να πούμε, ότι η προσπάθειά τους ΔΕΝ θα είναι επιτυχής και στην πραγματικότητα αυτά τα πειράματα θα δώσουν μια επιπλέον ώθηση στο άνοιγμα της Πύλης!

Εάν κοιτάξετε στον αστρολογικό χάρτη για τις 21 Δεκεμβρίου θα δείτε μια μορφή yod να δείχνει από τον Κρόνο στις 9 μοίρες του Σκορπιού, την Αφροδίτη στις 7 μοίρες του Τοξότη και τον Πλούτωνα στις 9 μοίρες του Αιγόκερω, προς τον Δία στις 9 μοίρες των Διδύμων. Εκείνο που είναι σημαντικό με αυτή τη μορφή yod είναι, ότι η Αφροδίτη είναι σε σύνοδο με τον Αντάρη, αντιτιθέμενη στη σύνοδο του Δία με τον Αλντεμπαράν. Ο άξονας Άρη Αλντεμπαράν είναι ένα νήμα στο εσωτερικό του δικτύου Φωτός του Γαλαξία, που σηματοδοτεί την τελική ολοκλήρωση των γαλαξιακών πολέμων, το τέλος της δυαδικότητας και την τελική νίκη του Φωτός σε αυτόν τον Γαλαξία. Μαζί με την Αφροδίτη και τον Δία, αποτελεί ένα πολύ καλό σημάδι για τον πλανήτη μας στις 21 Δεκεμβρίου.

Ενημερώσεις για την Ημέρα της επικοινωνίας:

Μετάφραση: Nikos



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