

Friday, March 25, 2016

Français -- Kryeon - LA MODÉLISATION QUANTIQUE - Janvier 2016

Channelling présenté à San Antonio, Colorado, USA, le 23 janvier 2016

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Ce texte est adapté au lectorat, car l'ambiance ou l'énergie d'une canalisation en direct est différente.

[Modélisation ; élaboration de modèle, représentation d'un phénomène à l'aide d'un système qui possède des propriétés analogues à ce phénomène]


Salutations, chers Êtres Humains, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

C'est le moment où mon partenaire se place en retrait. Nous répétons qu'il ne fait pas partie de la conscience du message que son corps physique va prononcer, mais qu'il est ici et que ce n'est pas une possession. Le channelling peut vous sembler mystérieux et étrange, car cet Être Humain utilise son intelligence, son éducation, sa voix, sa sagesse et sa maturité, pour transmettre le message d'une autre source. Mon partenaire dit que c'est un flux régulier de groupes de pensées intuitives. Il ouvre son esprit, afin que le message passe par sa glande pinéale et son Soi-supérieur.

Il y a de l'énergie et des choses invisibles qui sont autour de vous. Ce matin, nous avons parlé de l'entourage de Kryeon. Sachez qu'il est encore ici. Il n'est pas dénombrable, car c'est de l'énergie pure. Une grande partie de cette énergie que vous ressentez, provient de nombreuses formes. Vous avez tendance à mesurer l'énergie en termes de chiffres, afin de la quantifier et de la qualifier.

Vous voulez mesurer ses attributs vibratoires, et parfois vous ne pouvez pas. La raison pour laquelle vous ne le pouvez pas, est que votre science n'est pas encore rendue là. Ce n'est pas une critique envers votre science. Vous avez grandement évolué, mais il vous reste encore des choses à apprendre. Il y a des sons que vos oreilles ne peuvent pas entendre et des lumières que vos yeux ne peuvent pas voir [NDIT - Que dire des ultrasons et de la lumière infrarouge ?].

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nederlands -- Cosmic Awareness: Komende Valse Vlag Gebeurtenissen -- 20:03:2016

20 mrt 2016

Komende Valse Vlag Gebeurtenissen
Vandaag is het 20 maart 2016. Will Berlinghof is de Stem van Kosmische Bewustzijn, Callista is energiegeefster en vraagstelster. Welkom Bewustzijn, heb je een publieke boodschap voor deze tijd alsjeblieft? 

Dat dit Bewustzijn een openbare boodschap heeft voor deze cruciale en kritieke tijd. Die zal eerder op dit moment van de tijd beginnen dan in de tijd van vijf dagen geleden, op de datum van 15 maart, die ook bekend staat als de iden(bij de Romeinen de 15de dag van bepaalde maanden) van maart. Dat diverse weken geleden dit Bewustzijn voorstelde dat een gebeuren op 15 maart misschien kon plaats vinden, die grote betekenis zou hebben en deel zou zijn van wat een valse vlag gebeurtenis zou zijn die gepresenteerd zou worden door de krachten-die-er-zijn omdat ze worstelen om door te gaan met manipuleren en om gebeurtenissen te controleren op deze planeet. Dat in de tussentijd nadat dit was gedeeld door dit Bewustzijn, er gebeurtenissen van dergelijke aard plaatsvonden dat degenen die deze valse vlag zouden uitvoeren ontmaskerd worden met hun bedoelingen en als resultaat, ze niet zoals gepland verder gingen.

Dat het valse vlag gebeuren was bedoeld om een holografische aankomst in te houden van buitenaardse wezens die bedoeld werden om de essentie van de mensheid tot op de kern te schudden en waar een nieuwe werkelijkheid werd geïntroduceerd met het voorstel dat dezen hier waren om de mensheid te assisteren. Inclusief zou hierin de aankomst zijn van degene die zichzelf zou presenteren als de ware Messias, van het ware geloof en de getrouwen, die de Tweede Komst hebben verwacht. Dat dit plan niet gebeurde, niet alleen echter om de reden van blootlegging van deze plannen door dit Bewustzijn en andere bronnen, maar om een ander zeer belangrijk gebeuren wat dit Bewustzijn nu zal bespreken.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Czech -- Přicházejí události pod falešnou vlajkou 20. března 2016

Přicházejí události pod falešnou vlajkou  
20. března 2016

Dnes je 20. března 2016. Will Berlinghof je hlasem Kosmického vědomí,  Callista situaci energeticky podporuje a pokládá otázky.

Zdravíme, vědomí, máš v tuto dobu nějaký vzkaz pro veřejnost?

Ano, vědomí má v této kritické době pro veřejnost vzkaz. Před několika týdny vědomí sdělilo, že by v období kolem 15. března, v období březnových Id, mohlo dojít k události velkého významu a že by se mohlo jednat o vyrobenou událost silami-které-byly-u-moci, které se stále snaží manipulovat a kontrolovat události na této planetě. Poté, co se vědomí o tu informaci podělilo s veřejností, a tím byly ty plány odhaleny, k plánované události nedošlo.

Ta falešná událost se měla týkat holografického příchodu mimozemských bytostí, což mělo otřást samotnou podstatou lidstva a měla být uvedena nová realita, že se jedná o bytosti, které budou lidstvu pomáhat. Také mělo dojít k příchodu osoby, která si říká pravý mesiáš, spasitel pravé víry a spasitel věrných, kteří očekávají druhý příchod spasitele. Na ten plán nedošlo, ne pouze proto, že ty plány jak vědomí, ale i jiní odhalili, ale došlo k další velmi důležité události, o které teď vědomí poví.

Jak mnozí víte, existuje planeta Nibiru, která vstupuje do sluneční soustavy a existují lidé, kteří to zpozorovali a vyfotili. Tato planeta se blíží k planetě Zemi.  Na Nibiru žijí bytosti, historicky známí jako Anunnakové; jsou mixem několika ras, zejména rasy Orion a reptiliánů. Těsně před 15. březnem, před březnovými Idami, došlo k události, která věci výrazně změnila. Planeta Nibiru byla na své pouti zastavena, zatímco původním plánem Anunnaků a sil-které-jsou-u moci bylo přivést falešného spasitele, následovaného příchodem jeho domovské planety Nibiru, což by lidstvo přesvědčilo, aby následovalo pravého spasitele a pravé vybrané jedince. To vše teď bylo zastaveno - duchovní síly a benevolentní bytosti Nibiru zastavily.

English - Cosmic Awareness: Coming False Flag Events

Coming False Flag Events


Today is the 20th of March, 2016. Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness,  Callista is energizer and questioner. Welcome Awareness, do you have a public message at all for this time please?

That this Awareness does have a public message for this crucial and critical time.  It will start rather than in this moment of time to a time five days ago, to that date of March 15th, that which is also known as the Ides of March. That several weeks ago this Awareness did suggest that an event might occur on the 15th of March, that would have great significance and be part of that which would be a false flag event hosted by the powers-that-were as they struggle to continue to manipulate and control events on this planet. That in the meantime after that which was shared by this Awareness, events occurred of such a nature that those who were planning on carrying out this false flag event were exposed in their intent and, as a result, they did not proceed as planned.

That the false flag event was meant to involve a holographic arrival of extraterrestrial beings that were meant to shake the essence of humanity to the core as a new reality was introduced with the proposal that these ones were here to assist humanity. Included in this would be the arrival of one who would represent himself as the true Messiah, of the true faith and the faithful ones, who have been awaiting the Second Coming. That this plan did not occur, not only however for the reason of exposure of these plans through this Awareness and other sources, but for another very important event that this Awareness will now discuss.

That there is that which is known by many as planet Nibiru, that is entering into the solar system and that there are those who have observed this who have taken pictures, long distance pictures, of this planet that has entered into the far reaches of the solar system, and that has been progressing forward to planet Earth. That there are those contained in Nibiru that have historically been known as the Anunnaki, the Anunnaki are ones who are a combination of races but in particular the Orion race and the Reptilian race and that the Anunnaki are a combined race now. That these ones have been moving towards planet Earth steadily, but that an event occurred just before 15th of March, the Ides of March, that has altered things considerably. That event was that these ones and Nibiru itself has been stopped in its tracks, whereas their initial plans and the plans of the powers-that-were was to bring in the false Messiah which would be followed up by the arrival of the home planet Nibiru that would then convince humanity to become followers of the true Messiah and the true chosen people. That this has now been halted, that there are those forces of Spirit, those that some call the benevolent ones or the benevolents that have halted Nibiru in its tracks.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Brasileiro -- Canalização do Mestre El Morya (14-03-2016)

Canalização do Mestre El Morya (14-03-2016)

Queridos irmãos:
Desde a antiga Era dos Dinossauros muitas culturas e civilizações apareceram no nosso planeta, as quais atingiram seu auge, depois foram declinando até seu desaparecimento e outra Era substituiu a anterior.
Nunca, desde o aparecimento do Homem - que derivou do hominídeo mais primitivo em tempos passados - ocorreu uma transformação como a que está prestes a acontecer nos humanos, desde que ocorreu a primeira intervenção genética em seu DNA por cientistas galácticos, que os mutaram a partir de uma mente primitiva inicial até o seu desenvolvimento intelectual, convertendo-o, então, em primeiro Homem com capacidade de discernir entre o bem e o mal, capaz de construir ferramentas com as quais a trabalhar no campo e na caça, e capaz de domesticar várias espécies de animais daquela época, para colocá-los a seu serviço nos campos que aravam e cultivavam.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Romîna -- Arhanghelul Zadkiel prin Linda Robinson -- O chemare la Iubire 02-01-2016

Arhanghelul Zadkiel prin Linda Robinson
O chemare la Iubire
Salutari, iubitilor.
Acesta este Arhanghelul Zadkiel, împreuna cu sfînta Lady Amatista si Regatul Îngeresc de Lumina. Astazi emitim si cerem o chemare la Iubire.
Dumneavoastra si planeta dvs. continuati sa primiti multe valuri de energie puternica. Rezultatul impactului acestei energii va fi reflectat în forma în care conduceti gîndurile si actiunile dvs. Prin urmare, va cerem o chemare la Iubire.
Aceata chemare la Iubire, începe cu individul, si este replicata în masele omenirii si în Etere. Dvs. toti, sunteti conectati într-o mare retea de viata si vesnicie. Poate ca o vizualizati ca o retea mare de fir de matase, în care fiecare punct de intersectie, contine Sufletul si Spiritul individului. Este o retea vasta si se întinde dincolo de imaginatie. Contine un punct pentru fiecare Fiinta, incluind pe cei apartinînd tuturor dimensiunilor Universului, atît cele vizibile, cît cele invizibile. Firele de matase conecteaza punctele, si acestea se pot considera ca fire de Lumina sau energie.
Imaginati-va un zefir usor trecînd prin unul din punctele de intersectie. Acest zefir, este replicat prin retea, si fiecare punct de intersectie sau Fiinta, simte zefirul. Acest lucru poate avea loc constient sau subconstient, însa este reflectat în stiinta generala a fiecarei Fiinte.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Romîna -- El Morya via Kris Won

Luni, 14 Martie, 2016
Dragi frati:
De la vechea Era a Dinosaurilor multe culturi si civilizatii au aparut pe planeta noastra, au ajuns la apogeul lor, si dupa aceea au declinat pîna la disparitia lor, si o alta Era a înlocuit-o pe cea anterioara.
Nicodata, niciodata de la aparitia Omului care a derivat din hominide-ul cel mai primitiv în timpurile preterite, s-a întîmplat o transformare ca aceea care este pe punctul de a se petrece în fiinta omeneasca, de la prima interventie genetica a geneticienilor galactici asupra DNA-ului sau, care l-au transformat plecînd de la o minte primitiva initiala, pîna la dezvoltarea intelectuala, convertindu-l în primul Om cu capacitatea de a discerni între bine si rãu, de a construi unelte cu care sa lucreze cîmpul si sa vîneze, si sa domesticeasca diferite specii de animale din acea epoca, pentru a le pune în serviciul sau pe cîmpurile pe care le ara si cultiva.
În prezent, fiinta omeneasca se gaseste pe pnctul de a experimenta o schimbare similara în magnitudine la ceea ce se petrecuse atunci, numai ca în acea epoca, el nu era pregatit sa o faca singur, si a avut nevoie de ajutorul inginerilor geneticieni ai altor latitudini siderale; în timp ce acum , da este, si acest salt cuantic catre o noua generatie omeneasca, el o obtine prin el însusi, absolut prin merite proprii.

Castellano -- El Morya via Kris Won -- 14:03:2016

Lunes, 14 de Marzo del 2016

            Queridos hermanos:

            Desde la antigua Era de los Dinosaurios muchas culturas y civilizaciones han aparecido en nuestro planeta, han llegado a su auge y después han declinado hasta su desaparición, y otra Era ha reemplazado a la anterior.

            Nunca, nunca desde la aparición del Hombre que derivó del homínido más primitivo en tiempos pretéritos, ha ocurrido una transformación como la que está a punto de acontecer en el ser humano, desde la primera intervención genética sobre su ADN por científicos galácticos, que lo mutaron a partir desde una mente primitiva inicial, hasta su desarrollo intelectual, convirtiéndolo entonces en el primer Hombre con capacidad de discernir entre el bien y el mal, de construir útiles con los que trabajar el campo y cazar, y de domesticar a varias especies de animales de aquella época, para ponerlos a su servicio en los campos que araban y cultivaban.

            Ahora el ser humano está a punto de experimentar un cambio similar en magnitud al que ocurrió entonces, sólo que en aquella época él no estaba preparado para hacerlo solo, y necesitó la ayuda de ingenieros genéticos de otras latitudes siderales; mientras que ahora sí lo está, y este salto cuántico a una nueva generación humana lo está consiguiendo por sí mismo, absolutamente por méritos propios.

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Sirius Siblings of Light: ”Bethink Yourselves of – what You really want to achieve and realise” (26-02-2016)

The Sirius Siblings of Light:  
”Bethink Yourselves of – what You really want to achieve and realise”


Beloved Sisters and Brothers of Earth – welcome - we are the Sirius Siblings.
We are now present in the vibration of these words – in love – in peace and harmony. The process of the ascension and of the awakening of Gaia and the whole universe is in full swing. In the same way as the previous systems – that you trusted so far as a collective consciousness – are now unavoidable under pressure and experience a cleaning – your physical and emotional fields will be cleaned intensively. Those things – that were working up until recently in your time perception – is now detached and transformed through the high energies. There is no turning back – as much as some would wish.

Don't worry by these process of detachment and cleaning – My Dears – this is the way how the change and transformation comes into your life – that you – your souls – were so much longing for. Bethink yourselves of – what you really want to achieve and to realise. You are the highest authority in your reality – the creators – and you are very powerful. This memory of your creativity – of your Creator-Being is returning to your consciousness – with the effect to intensify the process even more.

Be aware – that every soul – that incarnates on earth now – anchors the pure consciousness of love and unity – and many are coming. This creates a permanent refreshing process of a collective global consciousness. By now any soul is bringing the pure memory of the unity and of the live in the reality and this is pure mercy – pure consciousness of the source – that is expanding more and more and lifting up the physical level.

When you concentrate on yourselves and relax and expand the recovery – you will find very easily access to your pure consciousness – and thus you help  each other – to get into this level of consciousness. Grant yourselves rest and relaxation – very consciously and full of awareness.

Observe yourselves attentive – what arise in your mind or if there is something – that catches your attention. You can do nothing wrong. Just surrender simply everything to the source – to your origin – and rely on the energy flow.

We send you love and support. We are the Sirius Siblings.

In Love, Joy and Unity........  Shogun Amona 

Translated by PetraSt




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