2016 - A
Metatronic Overview
AA Metatron via
James Tyberonn
Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by
Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We are asked in this gathering to discuss the
year ahead, year four of the new earth, 2016 in linear chronology.
We wish to insert
here, that what we offer in this channel are probabilities & potentials
based on streams of probable realities within the formatted influence of
astronomical gravities and mass thought fields of humanity. Let us be clear no
one, no Angelic group, channel or individual may fully accurately foretell the
future. And to be clear, that is not our intent. Indeed, by definition of laws
in place for the duality realm of 3d, the future is ever fluid, the 3d realm is
governed by free will and the resulting manifestation of reality is not fixed
in any absolute terms on any individual level.
But there are
certain events that are in place, that indeed you have created, and are only
separated from their 3d realization by space and time. And this is important
for you to understand. The belief structures upon which humanity in mass (and
individuals) base their lives so program your existence that often you
outwardly deny what you inwardly know.
So we wish to
insert the caveat, a point we have made many times, that what you experience,
is your creation. Yet there are certain
occurrences in time, non-time & nature that are relatively fixed within the
laws & physics of the physical ream and in the field of duality. The
Ascension of humanity is one of these.
Planetary Astro-Influence in 2016
To be clear, we
list the below in an interpretation of coding. As such the trending fields as
shown below is from our stance, neither objective nor subjective relative to
your current categories & systems of astrological analysis. Rather what we
offer is based on resonance, not truly specific to or limited by geometric
angles, for we sense aspectual influences as opposed to physical placement in
linear time and space.
Planetary Influence & 2016 Astrological Linear Time Line
• Waning Uranus/Pluto Square January - April 2016
• Uranus Conjunct Eris June 2016 Forward
• Saturn Square Neptune June & September 2016
• Jupiter Conjunct North Node July 30 2016
• Jupiter Opposite Chiron August 2016
• Jupiter Enters Libra September 10 2016
• Jupiter Sextile Saturn November & December 2016
• Jupiter Square Pluto November & December 2016
• Jupiter Opposite Uranus December 2016
• Saturn Trine Uranus December 2016
• Saturn Square Chiron December 2016
Now we offer not
horoscopes, nor predictions, rather vibrational tones combined with coded
inserts, and the latter is grasp by some but not as yet by the majority of
astrologists in your current time. And as such our focus on this aspect will be
brief and will not override the message we offer, for all astrological and
astronomical gravities represent fields of energy, yet these are indicators, not
the rule, for human will and individual fortitude is stronger than any
astrological patterning.
So with that in
mind, we tell you that the influence pattern of Jupiter is enormous in 2016,
and in over view & summation defines a prolific year of great shift and
powerful realization. Neptune, Saturn and Uranus play key roles in 2016,
influencing a year of deep consideration, contemplation and reclamation, with
potent gravitational waves influencing practical requisite change. And we tell
you Masters, these frequencial energies also uniquely combine to allow you to
deal with any unresolved issues, and these must be faced both individually and
in mass. Jupiter representing power, Saturn representing life purpose, Neptune
& Uranus combining in representation of psychic and intuitive forces.
The waves of
Neptune & Saturn particularly in September of 2016 offer an opportunity for
extraordinary clarity in understanding life purpose. In this essence, in the
Mercury retro of September, beginning with the Solar Eclipse, a complete
transitional reformation can evolve, with release of the old and upshift into a
greater version of self. Neptune to
Chiron in Pisces square Saturn in June and enter into the equinoxial eclipse
phase in potent September. Accordingly the months of June & especially
September are very powerful timings for old paradigm dissolving & inner
realization. From the solar eclipse of 1 September up thru the energy of the
September equinox, there are opportunities for complete reconstruction, of
releasing old patterns and establishing a better self, a better life.
In the last
trimester of 2016, Jupiter makes for very powerful opportunities in the
balancing vibration of Libra, and the sextiles of Saturn & Pluto. In this
timing, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn are carrying coded energies,
especially poignant from September thru December, aligned with the new energies
of the planet and offering crystalline shift further into your lives. This offers opportune timing, in September
and in November to step away from attitudinal obstacles and non-serving
relationships, enabling greater sovereignty, self-reliance and acceptance of
higher truth, in release of destructive habits, and disinformation. These are
times for pilgrimage, and spirit based gatherings.
As always the
eclipses, solstices and equinoxes offer coded energies for renewal and
contemplation. And these times are needed, for 2016 continues full speed ahead
at a rapid pace into the resolution of unresolved energy.
Eclipse Dates For
• 8 March Total Solar eclipse at 18 degrees
• 23 March Lunar eclipse at 3 degrees
• 1 September Solar eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo
• 16 September Lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Pisces/Virgo
Equinoxes &
Solstices of 2016
• Equinox - March 20
• Solstice - June 20
• Equinox September 22
• Solstice - December 21
Masters, we tell
you again, and please take note, you are in a period of crucible astrology, and
this patterning brings by purpose, by design, all unresolved energies to the
surface in order for humanity, individually and in mass, to confront and
resolve unsettled issues. You are in a historic phase of both intense clearing,
further heightened by change, certain are fixed, in leading to 2038, and this
of course requires great effort in resolving all unresolved conflicts and
issues, in order to usher in the coming Golden Age.
It is however, in
2016 thru 2020 an erratic oscillation, and the level of intensity, the
frequencial bar will be raised, purposely upshifted with each eclipse, solstice
and equinox. Yet these offer opportunities for recalibration, crysto upshift
and re-charging. Such periods are essential for coding, and we urge you to use
the timing opportunities we list, for rebooting and re-energizing, and not allow
the intensities to overwhelm your energy field and fall into apathy or
disillusion. These are powerful times, and you Earth-Keepers, Gridwerkers &
Light workers, are valiantly pioneering and courageously anchoring the shift,
navigating the oft tumultuous currents of the New Earth.
Fixed Change
Masters, you are
in the midst of fixed change. Your earth is upshifting, and what is occurring
in nature and in human activity, albeit seemingly tumultuous in your current
linear time, has purpose. What is occurring in the reminder of 2015, and 2016
and beyond to key years of 2038 and 2075, humanity have chosen, and scripted in
highest good. And that is something we are compelled to remind you to
understand. For the fear that continues to take root, can become a disruptive
force. It is an unnecessary disruption, which the wise among you, the seekers
among you should in this time of transition, choose to wisely release. Do not
allow fear to overcome you, for the enlightened among you must stand tall and
project the well-being and light of that which is on track.
The Raining &
We are aware of
the great flooding that has recently taken place within England, the United
States and many regions across the planet.
And as heartbreaking as these events have been, these are a natural
phenomenon, and they have purpose which we will discuss, for these are
important for you to understand in the quickening energy of the New Earth.
And you must
realize, that as your climate changes in what is termed as global warming, such
occurrences will continue in 2016 and beyond. The ice caps will continue to
melt, the seas will continue to warm & rise, air & ocean currents will
shift, the balance of tectonics will readjust and quakes will occur, tsunami's
will follow, rain patterns will change, floods, droughts, wildfires, tornadoes
and super storms will persist.
The Overview
Masters, these
are happening regionally in lieu of a global catastrophe. These are occurring
because humanity chose to Ascend. In 1987 measurement, the Harmonic Convergence
brought about a shift, a change of what would otherwise have occurred in 1998.
So we emphasize,
that it is in fact humanities 1987
'Light Quotient Measurement' and choice to Ascend which determined that there will NOT be a
great global cataclysm, a massive destruction on a worldwide arena., followed
by a massive extinction, reboot, a new start. In 2012 the planet ascended, it
birthed an ongoing up-shift that will in fact allow for the ascension of
humanity in some 15-20 generations.
This is
imperative that you know, for this knowledge is in your sub-conscious, and is a
source of great accomplishment, of joy. For the earth is cleansing, is
up-shifting, and the requisite cleansing/reformatting will be in smaller
localized settings, will occur gradually, and both the earth & humanity
will indeed now graduate to the next level.
Make no mistake,
Dear Ones, the changes to allow the clearing & reformatting will and must
continue, and if the masses were to be duly educated and open to the stance and
vision of higher good, such appropriate changes could be made much more easily,
and sooner rather than later.
So in this
discussion of 2016, we wish to remind you of your relationship with the living
earth, and how it is much more closely in harmony with you than many of you realize.
There is much you are aware of in nature, but much you have forgotten. It is
time to reconsider and adjust your understanding. For although your science is
much more advanced than in past centuries, there is still great
Your scientists
can accurately predict the time of sunrise and sunset, the timings of
equinoxes, solstices and eclipses years ahead in your future. Your
meteorologists are able to offer glimpses in the weeks ahead of trending
weather patterns. In this sense these are
not 'prophesies' nor channeled predictions. Rather an understanding of the
science of movement within nature and natural laws.
But what mankind
largely does understand, in terms of certain natural phenomena as weather, is
that your moods and emotions can affect and to certain degrees influence the
'weather' just as much as the weather can affect your moods.
As an example, we
will site your hurricanes, typhoons and superstorms. As we have emphasized
repeatedly, these are one of the very important frequency upshift mechanisms
taking place on your planet. Yet these 'hurricanes, superstorms and such remain
greatly misunderstood, and greatly feared. Again the fear. These are truly
intended to charge the oceans with magnificent energies. They are not intended to
be drawn to the lands.
require water, and dissolve on land. But it is as if, the entire world becomes
focused on where it will land, what destruction it will cause, and the experts
predict where it will come to shore. Masses, literally millions of humans watch
the storm, focus on the fear of it landing in their area, and that attentive
focal fear does indeed oft pull the storm to the predicted area, by force of
human emotional attraction. And these energetic forces of nature, while not
conscious energies, are indeed temporal 'aware' energies, and are influenced by
the humans who connect to their concentrated energy nucleus in highly charged
The true purpose
of these storms is to increase the energy of the waters and to allow it to
electrically expand. If these remain at sea, then the enormous electrical
energy is simply transmuted in a relatively safe environ, and transmuted,
conducted as current waves to a very great proportion of the planet. As such it
is conducted to the land and peoples, not by wind and waves, but by its
terrestrial energy current so that it may reach that many more beings.
There is a
perfection to it, you see? There is what is called the perfect storm in some
ways, but the perfect storm is that which the perfect blend of electromagnetic
currents contained & provided in the delivery of requisite upshift. As
these 'storms' then move through the fields of humanity, they are of benefit,
for the frequencial ascension of the planet, and as such to the entirety of
mankind. For indeed there are ongoing changes on the planet that enable the
ascension of humanity. The solar radiation and the 'storms' are part of the
Currents &
Purposed Movement
Indeed, the
storms and floods, quakes and tremors, tsunamis and tornadoes are a part of
nature. A part of the earth, and they have an absolute purpose in balancing the
earth. Were these not to occur on a regional level, then the imbalances which
they electromagnetically resolve, would not be resolved, and a larger event, of
even greater cataclysm would be moved into higher likelihood. So in 2016 and
beyond, these will continue. But the intense fear reactions are better
Now, the
difficulty with many who are well intended, is that they are not in-tuned, not
of a high enough light quotient to accept the true paradigm of the upshift nor
the nature of the living planet. And so
such people, while they wish to assist, truly know not how. They believe that
to prevent the storm or quake, or to move it elsewhere is appropriate; the fear
reigns, better there than here, you see? Not all that wish to assist truly
understand the greater good, the higher purpose of those events you term super
hurricanes, volcanics, earthquakes and tsunamis.
So most simply
react in fear to these events, and wish to be free of the anxiety. But to
dissolve fear is not the same as confronting the greater reality by
understanding the fear. Therefore the masses of humankind become charged in
fear, and actually reinforce, amplify & re-create it. To dissolve or to
dissipate natural events of re-balance and of change is not truly of benefit in
the upshift, not to the earth and not to humanity.
The difficulty
with those that wish to assist, and 'save the planet', is that they believe
they are more academic in their understanding and know better. Yet they
inadvertently omit the divine, they omit the integrity of that termed conscious
allied spirit within nature.
They do not
understand or see the perfection in what takes place because there is great
difficulty for those of fear-closed minds or narrow vision to comprehend that
all is in perfection, that all is in good order. So then they do not add grease
to the squeaky wheel, rather, they try to block the cogs which then become
still and stuck. And so turning with the wheels of transition becomes that much
more difficult, you see? Fear & ignorance is the great culprit of closed
Wise Stewardship
Many are those
who wish to 'save the planet' in your terms. But masters, the planet does not
need salvation. Humanity cannot destroy the earth, nor the Omni earth. Do not
misunderstand, part of your ascension is the wise stewardship of natural
resources and the living kingdoms of the earth. But in many ways, the earth is
far more conscious, far more advanced than is humanity at this time.
So what is the
nature of man's relationship to the living planet? It would be best if the relationships were to
be synchronistic and be aware that a truly harmonic dialogue can take place now
between the earth and humankind. Those of you who have spent lifetimes as the
Earth-Keepers, the indigenous, the Druid, the Atla-Ra are to take the lead in
such communication. Indeed many of you such as the channel are here now
specifically to hold the energy of these dialogues, and they are occurring.
In 2016 and
beyond it is imperative that you be aware that there is a divine plan in place,
and nothing that occurs on the planet, be it natural phenomenon or human
interaction is by random happenstance. As much as humanity wish to take on the
guilt of 'global warming', we tell you that the earth at this time of shift,
would still be undergoing this process even if you were a non-industrailized
campestral society.
Of course you
must take steps to stop polluting the air, stop cutting down the forests, and
stop damaging your water & resources ... but the shifting of the earth is
not due to mankind's misactions. Rather the shift is due to mankind's decision
to ascend.
It is an absolute fact that the increased
potency of your hurricanes is due to the warming of the waters. And as much as
you humans want to assume the responsibility of Global Warming, it is not due
primarily to your industrialization. As we have said, Global Warming' would
occur now even if you were a campestral society.
And we say again,
do not misunderstand, environmental pollution from industrial waste and
emissions, must be brought under control for the health of humanity and the
living kingdoms of your planet. But the primary cause of global warming is the
increase in spin of the inner molten core of the earth.
The accelerated
core spin, increases the mass & temperature of the molten iron-nickel of
the core. The heat generated warms the mantle. The higher spin affects the
torque ratio between the inner and outer core in the planets centre interior.
These rotate in opposite directions and different speeds.
Torque &
It is the very
mechanism of this torque & ratio of torque change that is increasing the
flash of your time sequence on your planet. It also augments the volume &
mass of the inner core that subsequently increases the ionic discharge you term
the Schumann Resonance.
These changes are
profound in effect, and are involved in the evolution of your planet and
transformation of the planetary matrix. The adjustments are ongoing and require
At present the
'tuning' is not complete, and so there is currently an imbalance within the
center of the planet, within the very core, as to how the core spins both
clockwise and counterclockwise and so then there must be a balancing upon the
earth as well. Otherwise, without such balance the earth cannot truly move into
its higher octaves in requisite preparation for receival of higher dimensions
that lead to 2038.
So ironically,
the greater truth unrecognized by the masses of humanity is that without such
balancing of the electromagnetics, there would be even more earth changes.
There would be first an earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado to balance,
you see? Then another earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado creating a
pattern of its own, which would not be of assistance, not to the earth and not
to humanity. In this way, then, there is an anticipatory energy of how
electromagnetics move about the planet, circulating about the new crystalline grid
system and then permeating the earth and then balancing within as well.
It is not done to
prevent earth changes, but to bring balance where balance is appropriate. The
imbalance, left unadjusted, we assure you, would lead to cataclysm on the
global macro scale. Better then that the micro events occur to bring the
balance and in so doing prevent the macro you see.
Crucible Energy
& Obstacle Release
2016 will
continue in the crucible astrological energies, meaning that 2016 in linear
flow continues to carry a vibrational wave phase of clearing, of removing
obstacles. A time in which unresolved energies will continue to surface in
order to be confronted. Of course this occurs in macro and in micro, in mass planetary events and individually.
Each of you will face on some level any residues of unresolved conflicts. These
should be faced, and not feared.
2016 Patterns of
astrology in its correct application is one of gravitational and
electromagnetic waves that influence the human body physical and the etheric
bodies of the mental and emotional matrix. It is real, it is not folklore. We
are not speaking about horoscopes, rather about very real waves of energy,
which are teeming with frequencies, light and color that affect you by induction
and federate patterns. These patterns are vibrations that absolutely will
influence, you whether or not you accept that they do. However no influence is
greater than the power of will. But by being aware of the influential vibratory
patterns you can more effectively work with and not against the patterns.
Accordingly opportunities can be understood and thus seized, and pitfalls can
be wisely avoided. Do you understand?
In the New Earth
of 2016, the Crystalline Grid has taken predominance over the magnetic grid,
and this in kind influences both gravities of planets & stars as well as
the interpretation of Light. And a force of influence that plays into this
energetic collage is that of Divine Thought.
There are
patterns of influence from the collective Divine Aspect of Humanity and that
termed Universal Mind that are injecting specific codes through the Crystalline
Grid into the Earthplane at apertures formed in phases of eclipses, solstices
and equinoxes.
The 2016 Pattern
of Seeming Chaos
Accordingly in
2016, you are in a unique timing in which planetary influences have combined
with cosmic forces that are not normally associated to astrological gravities
to create a unique and succinctly intense purging in the paradigm of the New
Earth. That termed the shadow, the darkside is in a temporal free-flow for a
peculiar period of frequencial time to bring to the surface repression and
frustrations, whether justified or not, to be confronted, viewed and dealt with
in the crucible of human experience and manifest reality.
That which was
hidden or repressed is being percolated to the top. Past transgressions and
unresolved conflicts that may have been hidden will surface in this time for
facing and responsibly clearing.
It is a time of
misunderstanding, of overreaction and illusion. It is an energy underscored by
extremes in expression of repression, a backlash of frustrations that may be
revealed in a squeeze of untoward, even inappropriate venting in releasing that
which was in 'shadow'.
Divine Purpose
Let us take a moment to once again tell you
that nothing that is happening around you in the present is without purpose.
Although opposites (and as such dark energies) exist in duality, good and evil
in your terms are purposed illusions. From the higher stance above polarity
opposites do not exist, and everything is part of and leads to the greatest
Earth is a
testing ground, and although the experiences you have in duality are very real
to you, such essential lessons are designed for your development of co
creatorship. You are learning, growing, being taught, and you are teaching
yourselves to optimally manage energy, to become conscious co-creators with
'All That Is', Creator God in your terms. And one of the "stages of
development" or learning processes in the University of Duality includes
dealing with opposites as realities, with good and evil. And because these
opposites exist in duality, it is requisite that you choose 'good' in the path
of love.
The struggle
between light and dark, good and evil is within you all. Some of you exude
light; others of the family of humanity do not as yet. Learning to find unity
is part of your curriculum. This represents a unification, and integral whole
that you cannot as yet truly grasp in the field of duality because in
3d-duality you largely perceive only portions of reality, not the whole.
Opposites are real in polarity, and accordingly you must learn to deal with
them. You must release fear in this process.
Do not
misunderstand, darkness must be confronted and light ever prevail... and
although above duality good and evil do not actually exist, they are indeed
actualities of 3d, as conditions of existence in your system of reality. In
rather simplistic terms, concepts of good and evil will in time serve to teach
you the sacredness of existence and the responsibilities of consciousness, and
provide guidelines along your path.
The Economy
Masters, in this
time of shift, in the coming year of 2016, another area of fear, is the
economic system. Some in your economic media see the roller coaster of
economics continuing to surge & fall into areas of great fear and concern.
Certain of these have alternative motives for driving fear, either for
political motives, or to sell certain 'stable' commodities, or precious metals
such as gold and silver. Some among the 'naysayers' align to the fear based
predictions of a total economic collapse. Again the fear.
And on the higher
plane, we tell you that economic collapse, the FEAR of collapse that the
naysayers and fear-mongers may proclaim, does not serve the planet.... Does not
align to the path you are on in the New Planet Earth of 2016 and beyond. For
fear is not the way of conscious creation into higher light.
Dear Ones, while
the economic system must and will change, a total collapse into global chaos
would not serve the New Earth. There will be systematic highs and lows, which
in the long term view are rather standard; but a global economic collapse is
not the probable outcome.
The so called
'one percent' of money power brokers, while greed & power based, will in
fact, take measures to prevent, to not allow a systemic collapse. They will
prevent it for their own purposes, certainly not from any altruistic principle
or stance.
But be assured,
in time a more equitable system will emerge in the new energy, a new system
will form, will evolve, when the populace demand it, when you co create
it. The change into the new system will
in time take place, but will take many decades. It will be a gradual process.
However, and please take note, on an individual basis those that strongly align
to deep fear of economic disaster, may in fact manifest it into their personal
experience, for you attract to self that which you fear.
So we will tell
you that the Ascension is a new beginning. And in 2016, the Earth continues
further into the new format that will allow for humanities ability to rise
lucidly, further ascend consciously into higher dimensions. The New Earth now
carriers a matrix through the Crystalline Grid that is absolutely enabling
humanity to be more aware of their true nature within multidimensionality.
But to emphasize,
the fear should be released. Fear leads to apathy. We tell you all is on path,
the sky is upshifting ... not falling ! Quite the contrary, the heavens are
We assure you
that a new sun has dawned, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the
light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent. In
this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project
light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental
light you project is exponentially amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in
the New Energy of 2016. So your roles take on a new importance, a greater
benevolence, as your creation powers increase in that termed the Aquarian
The earth
movements, the cleansing, the seeming chaos and intensities are not without
purpose, but those of you of Light will also be able to utilize the shifting
energies on the planet for co creating the world of love, of Humanities
Ascension. And remember that Ascension occurs one heart at a time...what you do
individually and how each of you reacts adds to the collective.
I am Metatron
with Tyberonn of Crytsalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. You
are truly beloved.
And So it
is...And it is So
The above channel
is copyrighted © All Rights Reserved www.Earth-Keeper.com
The above channel is copyrighted © All Rights Reserved www.Earth-Keeper.com
The 3d copyrights of this Archangel Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. The complete channel is available gratis in video version on the earth-Keeper U-Tube Channel and will be available very soon in book format. The above channel may not be published, printed, sold, or posted on Facebook, Internet or U-Tube. Thank you, for any queries contact Earth-Keeper Admin. via or website .
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