Two Suns and a Super Moon
in Taurus/Orion:
The 11/11/8 Star Gate and Sacred Union Creative Frequencies
Posted by Celia Fenn on 22
October 2015
So it has been a powerful time and the power
energies just keep coming. Usually this can be explained in relation to the
activities of the Sun and Solar Flares. But, in this case, there has been very
little actual correlation, and so it seems indeed that there must be another
explanation. There is! The powerful waves that we are feeling now are Galactic
and Cosmic in origin, and although they include Solar activity, there is so
much more going on. I wanted to share with you my understanding of some of these
powerful forces that are driving our Transformation and Ascension right now.
I have called this piece "Two Suns and the
Taurus/Orion Super Moon" because these are the Primary Galactic forces at
work right now. Firstly, you may remember in August I wrote a piece explaining
how the heliacal rising of Sirius at dawn in the sign of Leo created a time
when the Earth in fact had two suns, Solaris, as I call our Sun, and Sirius,
the powerful Blue Star. This alignment of the two Star systems, Solaris and
Sirius, continues in the Heavens as they journey through the Golden Rose Galaxy
(Milky Way) and interact with Planet Earth, the newly emerging Blue Star
This alignment becomes more and more intense until
it culminates around the 11th of November on the 11/11, which this year will be
an 11/11/8.
In holographic terms, this means that Sirius and
the Sun/Solaris create a Vesica Pisces, or a Star Gate, which allows powerful
Cosmic and Galactic Energies to be transmitted to the Earth which is in a
birthing/rebirthing process. In terms of Sacred Geometry and the Sacred Union
energies, the two Star Systems merge their energy fields creating a Portal for
the exchange of energies and the creation of something new.
The Ancients who were taught the wisdom of the
Sirian Star Nations knew this, and they encoded this wisdom in a set of
"Keys" which are, ironically, freely available today yet very
little understood by those who have access to them. Yet, as we emerge into
Higher Consciousness, we are reconnecting with the Ancient wisdom and beginning
to understand the power of these keys in our Ascension process.
The Two Suns and the Taurus/Orion Super Moon
In this period of late October and leading into
early November, we are still feeling the effects of the Lunar Eclipse and
Equinox transitions, but we are moving at speed towards the 11/11/8. Many
people are feeling a little flat as they integrate these powerful waves, but we
are still heading into another and even more powerful. It is all focussed on
that part of our Galactic "heaven" that contains Sirius and Orion.
So, in this week, October 21st and 22nd, we have
just completed the Orionid meteor showers, which are the remnants of Halleys
Comet paying a visit. It was spectacular and beautiful, but those of you who go
back a bit may remember that Halley's Comet played a big part in shifting
consciousness and raising awarenss back in the 1980s, just before Harmonic
Convergence on August 16th and 17th in 1987, which was the Earth's First Major
Shift on the journey of Global Ascension. Halleys Comet always drops around
when the Earth is ready for a big shift, and these metorites that are showering
down now are a Galactic reminder that we are in the Big Shift and that the
original impetus of Harmonic Convergence is still moving us forward.
The Orionid Meteor Shower originates in the
Constellation of Orion, near the star Betelgeuse. And, in this week two we will
be experiencing the last of the Super Moon Full Moons, which will be in the
Astrological house of Taurus, which is the closest neighbour of Orion. Another
blast of Galactic power from the Orion/Sirius area of the Galaxy. This blast
will be amplified by the magnetics of the Super Moon.
What is the importance of this? Well the Sun and
Sirius are already in alignment creating a Star Portal. But, the Orion system
is also a powerful Star Gate and Portal. It is well known that the three
Pyramids of Giza are aligned with the three stars of Orion’s Belt. This
reflects the Ancient Egyptian/ Sirian Star Nation teaching that the Orion system
was in fact a Cosmic Stargate that connected to other Galaxies in our local
So, are you starting to get a picture of the kind
of powerful Cosmic energies that are lining up right now! Can you feel the
openings in the Galactic Grids that are allowing us to connect with deep and
powerful energies that we have not felt for a very long time as Humans. We
needed to begin our Ascension at Harmonic Convergence in 1987 to reach this
point where our Light Body and our Physical Body were crystalline enough to be
able to receive these waves of Light and resonate or vibrate with them! This is
a Wow moment, even if it feels maybe physically uncomfortable! Homo Luminosa
receiving the Diamond Codes from the Great Central Sun or the Divine Cosmic
Heart! The Orion Star Gate will be amplified at the Full Moon, as the Two Suns,
Solaris and Sirius, continue their journey to the moment of Sacred Union when
their Star Gate also opens and allows for incoming energies from the Great
Central Sun.
So, as I understand it, the Orion gate allows us to
access the Osiris Consciousness, which is the Ascension into Immortality and
the ability to move between the veils. I am not suggesting that we all become
immortal at the Full Moon, but rather that an understanding of the possibilities
and processes of Ascension will become more profound as we receive these Codes
and Teachings from beyond our Solar System and connect with those who have
guided our Transformation from beyond the stars. This is a powerful moment for
the reception and transfer of energy and codes. "They" are
waiting to hear from us too, as we celebrate through Activation and Ceremony.
Our Star Nations and our Home Stars are waiting for our progress reports, even
as we await the transmission of new Light Codes to assist our process.
Sacred Union at the 11/11/8: Sirius, Solaris and
On the 11th of November, Solaris and Sirius will be
in perfect alignment for the creation of the Vescica Pisces, also known as the
"Eye of Horus", which is Creation Portal.
In Sacred Geometry when the two come together, they
create an energetic overlap in which creation processes are originated and it
is a very powerful moment. When Solaris and Sirius create this energetic
overlap, they birth new Light Codes for Planet Earth that assist in the
"rebirthing" or "ascension" process.
Sacred Union is one of the Key processes of the
Ascension energies, both in the Cosmic/ Galactic frame and also in our personal
lives. It is a Template that assists us to fully know ourselves and to
understand that what is "above" is also "below" down here
on Earth where we are receiving these powerful energies in our Bodies and Light
The 11/11 is traditionally a "portal"
where deep understandings of Cosmic Truth are gifted to Humanity. The 11/11/8
includes the number 8 which is associated with the 8 pointed Star of the Twin
Flame Sacred Union, which also tells us that what will be coming through this
portal of the 11/11/8 will be teachings and understandings of the Cosmic and
Galactic nature of Sacred Union, and of our Ascension and Transformation
Dear Friends there is a lot of powerful information
coming through, which is why I have created an Online Webinar Series for the
11/11/8. In this series we will be able to go into greater depth on this topic,
and also I will explain to you the Ascension Keys that I mentioned ealier. You
will have access to the all live Video Conferences as well as mp3 recordings
and notes.
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