

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Romina --Fii pregatit - - Strînge-ti abilitatile

29 Decembrie, 2015.
Fii pregatit -- Strînge-ti abilitatile

Multe lucruri se întîmpla în timpul acestei viitoare faze, si deci, este mai bine sa fii cît mai pregatit posibil, pentru ca tranzitia sa se petreaca în felul cel mai usor. Se poate întîmpla ca, calatoria pe care dta. ai amînat-o, sa te împinga mai departe de zona de confort, pentru a garanta ca dta. o sa iei masuri, sau sa fie o oportunitate pentru ca sa intri în ea mai informat, pentru ca sa poti sa apreciezi experienta, sau sa evoluezi mai mult, într-un mod mai confortabil. Cu alte cuvinte, acest lucru se va petrece oricum, pentru ca dta. sa poti sa privesti cu ochii tai, mintea si inima deschise, si sa nu-ti fie frica de o plimbare pe muntele rusesc.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Romanian -- ÎNTELEPCIUNEA ÎNGERILOR cu Sharon Taphorn

27 Decembrie, 2015

Dumneata esti gata sa intri într-o nouã fazã.
Dta. intri în aceasta fazã viitoare, într-un moment magic de renastere, asa cã, oricare ar fi munca pe care ai fãcut-o, planurile pe care le-ai elaborat, vor avea succes. Asa cum este cazul, daca dta. nu ai facut munca, alegerea este întotdeauna a ta. Acum dta. ai ocazia sa faci schimbarile si ajustarile pe care doresti sa le faci, deoarece aceasta faza începe, - esti pregatit sau nu ?
Frica si preocuparea sunt într-adevar pierderi inutile de emotii si de timp, si a se concentra în fricile fara baza, sau în scenariile cele mai rele, este cu adevarat ceea ce te mentine în acest ciclu. Acest fapt mareste energia problemei si o ajuta sa creasca si mai mult. Întreaba-te daca este ceea ce doresti sa dezvolti si sa stimulezi aceste gînduri si sentimente. Trebuie sa vezi din nou trecutul si prezentul, pentru ca sa poti sa planuiesti un viitor stralucitor. Cînd dta. asumi comanda în acest fel, poti manifesta ceea ce doresti, întelegi mai bine scopul tau de viata, si eliberezi judecatile de sine însuti si a altora.

Romanian -- ÎNTELEPCIUNEA ÎNGERILOR cu Sharon Taphorn Cicluri

12 Decembrie, 2015

Viata se petrece în cicluri

Pe masura ce evoluezi prin ciclurile vietii, ai de a face cu probele si situatiile tale, într-un mod lin si just. Ai încredere ca faci cît poti de bine, cu ceea ce aveai în momentul respectiv, si elibereaza restul bagajului care vine împreuna, facînd o calatorie umana. Este important sa completezi ciclurile care se repeta în viata ta, în asa fel încît sa fii liber pentru a primi pe cele noi, pentru care ai lucrat.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Français -- Le Groupe - UN TEMPS D'ESPOIR

Phares de Lumière - Décembre 2015


Salutations chers Êtres Humains. Je suis Elrah du service rythmique. Je me joins à vous pour célébrer un temps où vous pouvez enfin percevoir un avenir glorieux, sans vous demander si vous n'êtes pas en train de rêver en couleur.


Bon, nous savons que vous vivez ou expérimentez des situations difficiles avec le terrorisme et autres événements du même genre, dans ce monde où vous pensez avoir perdu le contrôle. Cependant, il y a beaucoup de facettes à cette situation, et une grande partie de celles-ci vous est difficile à percevoir, à cause de votre limitation humaine. Des choix pacifiques sont faits, dans une dimension espace/temps qui est la plus près de la vôtre, ici même, sur votre planète Terre. Ils ont résolu la situation, et maintenant ils vivent en paix. Ils ont finalement éliminé les énergies de haine et de guerre, dans cette dimension. Ces énergies de paix pourraient "suinter" dans votre dimension 3D. Il y a de l'espoir. Pourquoi ? Parce que les vibrations s'élèvent. Donc, le voile ou les "murs" dimensionnels s'amincissent.

Au royaume de vos pensées, perceptions et émotions, vous allez peut-être passer d'un extrême à l'autre. Vous serez peut-être en train de vous dire que ce monde est un gâchis, qu'il n'y a rien qui puisse vous rendre heureux, et, un instant plus tard, vous vous retrouvez en train de rire. Il se peut que ce soit à cause d'une mise à jour que nous venons d'effectuer, grâce au travail que vous faites. Cela nous permet de vous offrir une opportunité, mais vous avez le libre choix. Nous n'imposons rien, mais nous faisons tout ce que nous pouvons pour vous montrer qu'il y a de l'espoir. En ce moment, l'espoir est à un niveau inférieur. Vous projetez vos attitudes et perceptions sur l'écran géant qui est devant vous. Vous êtes puissants. Cependant, si vous ne contrôlez pas les énergies de peur, comment pourrez-vous maintenir une lumière d'espoir ? Vous créez votre propre réalité jour après jour.

Vous êtes tous connectés

Français -- MESSAGE DE NOEL 2015 DE CONSCIENCE COSMIQUE, du 19 décembre 2015

du 19 décembre 2015

L’entité qu’est Conscience cosmique est disponible, veuillez continuer.

Merci d’être avec nous aujourd’hui et bienvenue Conscience pour la séance des membres de Rainbow-Phoenix du 19 décembre 2015. Will Berlinghof sera la Voix de la Conscience Cosmique, Joan Mills sera celle qui pose les questions et l’animatrice. La Loi de la Lumière, la Loi de l’Amour, la Loi de l’Unité et la Loi de la Gratitude ont été invoquées. Y-a-t-il un message d’introduction ou un événement que vous aimeriez aborder dès maintenant ? Merci. 

Cette Conscience a en effet un message d’introduction, un message de Noël pour tout un chacun. Nos souhaitons nos meilleurs Vœux de Noël et du Solstice d’Hiver à tous ceux de l’hémisphère nord. Cette Conscience affirme qu’ici et maintenant les énergies actuelles sont en effet des énergies particulières. Elles sont particulières en raison des énergies du Sagittaire, l’Archer en astrologie, qui consistent en partie à l’acceptation et la recherche de niveaux supérieurs de participation et de compréhension dans le domaine de l’espérance et de la positivité. L’Archer tire ses flèches dans le ciel vers la Lune, le Soleil, les planètes avec la requête que les énergies les plus élevées arrivent sur la planète pour guider les humains, les affaires humaines des hommes et des femmes. C’est pourquoi à Noël, il existe une attitude générale partagée par beaucoup qui est de souhaiter à tous la paix et le bien-être.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Εκείνο που αποτελεί την Κοσμική Συνειδητότητα και είναι σε διάθεση, παρακαλούμε να συνεχίσει.

Σ ευχαριστούμε και καλωσόρισες Συνειδητότητα που είσαι σήμερα μαζί μας για τη σύνοδο μελών τηςRainbow-Phoenix της 19ης Δεκεμβρίου 2015. Φωνή της Κοσμικής Συνειδητότητας είναι ο Will Berlinghof , και τις ερωτήσεις κάνει και ενεργοποιεί η Joan Mills. Έχει γίνει επίκληση στον Νόμο του Φωτός, στον Νόμο της Αγάπης, στον Νόμο της Ενότητας και στον Νόμο της Ευγνωμοσύνης. Υπάρχει κάποιο εισαγωγικό μήνυμα ή κάποιο γεγονός για το οποίο θα επιθυμούσατε να συζητήσουμε παρακαλώ τη στιγμή αυτή; Ευχαριστώ.

Όντωςη Συνειδητότητα αυτή έχει ένα εισαγωγικό μήνυμαένα Χριστουγεννιάτικο μήνυμα για τον ένανκαι όλουςΚαλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευχές για το Χειμερινό Ηλιοστάσιο σε αυτούς που κατοικούν στοΒόρειο Ημισφαίριο.

Friday, December 25, 2015



That which is Cosmic Awareness is available, please proceed.

Thank you and welcome Awareness for being with us today for the Rainbow-Phoenix membership session of December 19, 2015. Will Berlinghof is the Voice for Cosmic Awareness, Joan Mills the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, the Law of Unity and the Law of Gratitude have been invoked. Is there an opening message or any event you would like to discuss please at this time? Thank you.

That this Awareness does indeed have opening message, a Christmas message for one and all. Christmas Greetings, Winter Solstice Greetings for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

That this Awareness says here at this time, that the energies of this time are indeed special energies. They are special because of the energies of that which is Sagittarius, the Archer in astrology, and part of the energies of Sagittarius is that acceptance of and looking to higher levels of participation and understanding in the field of hope and positivity. That it, the Archer, shoots his arrows into the sky at the Moon, at the Sun, at the planets with the request that the highest energies be brought onto the planet to guide humans, to guide the affairs of men and womankind. It is why at Christmas, there is a general attitude amongst many that is inclined towards wishing all peace and well-being.

That it is very much in the consciousness of humanity to look for the light at this time, to look at the light of hope and to wish it upon others. It is the one time of the year where people put aside for a few hours at least, that which is the negative focus on world events and the tragedies of the events that are underway, and have been presented over recent times.Instead, most look positively at this time as a joyous time, an inspiring time, a time when world peace is prayed for and personal messages of hope and well-being are spoken to one another.

That even though for those in the Northern Hemisphere in the Western radius of influence where Christianity is the main religion, that this Awareness does wish to express it is not simply about Christmas from the Christian point of view. Indeed there are other faiths: the Jewish faith with Hanukkah and the Hindi faith with Dawali, that also see this time of year as one where hope reigns supreme and one has good cheer and wishes of well being for others, even those unknown.

Therefore it is within the consciousness of humanity itself that this concept of a time when
one can focus on peace and good will and even love for all beings on the planet, all others on the planet, is a very important time to realize within oneself that this is a wish that is heartfelt and contained within the individual and within the human psyche itself.

The problem is that those in power, in line with their own plans and agendas, have long
manipulated human consciousness to a point where it is not the human experience necessarily to live 365 days a year in such frame of mind. That it can only be allowed and tolerated but for a few days around the Solstice of December, whether this Solstice is in the Northern Hemisphere where it expresses itself as the Winter Solstice or in the Southern Hemisphere where of course it is the opposite, it is the Summer Solstice.

In any event, there are those who are in power whose powers are ebbing now, who are the powers-that-were, would still nonetheless try to curtail this universal expression of good cheer and good wishes upon all human beings. That this is something that is tolerated to a degree but even there, there are plans to collapse this season and collapse the feeling of hopefulness that so many bare at this time. That this means that there are plans afoot that may be designed to create another false flag event over that most sacred period, that soul celebration of Christmas and the Solstice time.

That this Awareness does not predict, It is simply saying there are plans afoot and that if it does occur at Christmas or in the Christmas period, for this is an extended period of approximately one week from the 24th of December to the 30th of December where the feelings of good will and positivity are so strong. That it is in this period that it is seen that there is a planned event to shock humanity and especially to shock those in North America, particularly America, and it is seen also the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, and Wales as well as Ireland, the British Empire, the United Kingdoms.

That this Awareness brings this forward as a way of preparation, not as a prediction, so that if it does occur that they stage some event in one of the Western nations, particularly seen England and/or the United States, that one is not knocked out of that place that Sagittarius brings, that Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali bring, the energies of the Solstice brings, to remember that this is a crucial period of time both for those who serve the light and those who serve the dark.

Both are at a turning point, both have come to this place at this time with different intent and different purpose. For one group it is about the continual domination and diminishing of humankind, of its continued enslavement and the perpetuation of that into the future, certainly into 2016.

But for the other side, those who are of Spirit, those who are awakening more and more each and every day, there is that intent and purpose of bringing more light, more spiritual awareness into the fabric of the planet, Mother Earth herself, as well as to humanity, to the collective that is humanity. As this Awareness has spoken so many times before, it all begins within the individual themself, themselves, and because this is so, as you the individual observe whatever events take place during this period, it is also therefore up to you not to fall for the deception, not to be misled by any false flag.

True there may be suffering for many because of these manipulations, these deliberate
attacks upon humanity, but you are not to be drawn into it, you are to stay in the pure powers of these times, of this period of the light returning into the darkness, and you are to remember this message. The light does return and when it enters the darkest space, it begins to illuminate and as it grows, the darkness fades until there is illumination and clarity once again.

That the Winter Solstice itself is this very message, for it is at the darkest time of the year. It is at the time of the shortest day and the longest night that the Sun returns at the apex of its cycle and brings back the light to Mother Earth. That the ancient ones understood this and they built buildings, not modern buildings but edifices if you will to this very concept. In particular, the Knowth the barrows in Ireland noth/north and the others that are there noth/north.

That the ancient ones who preceded the Celts understood the principle of the seeding of
Mother Earth with the first light of the Sun on the Solstice. That therefore they built what are called barrows or mounds and the mounds allowed the Sun on the Solstice at the Sun rise of the Solstice to go down a long tunnel into the very center of the mound that is in pitch darkness, and at that exact moment of alignment where the Sun has come over the horizon and the rays of light go down the tunnel into the center, that the spark, the seed is planted into the womb space of Mother Earth. That she takes this seed of light and becomes pregnant with it and in nine months that which was the seed is birthed. That this is that which is the Autumn Equinox, the time of harvest and the bringing in of the crops. The point here is that the ancient ones understood this, but today this matter is forgotten, it is not understood that the light returns into the darkness at the darkest time of all, the longest night of all, and life is seeded once again, and the cycle begins once again.

That this cycle, this time with the Solstice, is of great importance, for those who are dedicated to serve the dark wish this to be a permanent darkness, and they will try their best to make it so. It is why it is so important for the individual at this time to remember the meaning and purpose of the mounds in Ireland and that which was the understanding of the dance of life between Mother Earth and Father Son, and even though these are expressed in primitive ways to some who consider themselves so intellectually superior than the ancient ones, that in their ignorance and their arrogance they refute these universal concepts and messages.

That even though there are those who are not drawn to this for it challenges their own dogmatic religions, still it is so. The concept of the light vanquishing the darkness leading to the flow towards greater life/light, greater vibration and greater frequency. That at this time no matter what occurs, this Awareness invites one and all to stay in the energy of the light that is being seeded within them and within humanity. It is not about denial if something does occur, but it is about transcendence, it is about going beyond the deception, the lie, the corruption, that is being presented. It is about seeing that everyone has a place in this drama, a role to play and that it may be that those of a spiritual nature can bring light into this matter by accepting the light that comes to them.

It is a most crucial decision not to simply believe any lies that are put out, any deception, any false flag event no matter how tragic, how shocking. To remember that those who are involved in this, even to the extent of giving their lives up, have agreements in Spirit with these ones that have brought this forth and have agreements with each other and have agreements mostly with Spirit Itself, Divine Source Itself.

This Awareness is not saying that one is not affected when tragedies happen and innocent ones are murdered, but to submit to what is the lie and to believe those who have set up the false flag event, is that which is paramount to giving up your own freedom and your own autonomy. It is what they are planning, they who were so in power once who are now losing their power. It is their desperation that is coming out at this time and it is seen that 2016 itself will be a year of desperate measures and desperate actions.

But despite this, despite such events occurring that you may experience, still stay in the light, call the light in, use this momentous moment to be the turning point for yourselves, and see it then to be the turning point for humanity. As you hold this concept, as you step into the power of your sovereignty and your autonomy, you will find that you are free and you are in the light. This is an important understanding to have for as you realize your own freedom, your own illumination, it can grow in you, and as it grows it can be seen by others. It is not necessarily that you must go and preach to others, command to others they must also find this light, for that would not truly be an enlightened attitude. But to live your light, to be the light, to find the strength and power of yourself as a sovereign being of Spirit at this time will be then a torch lit in the darkness, that illuminates that which is around it.

Imagine then if you will, thousands and millions of other torches being lit and brought together, increasing the light, increasing the illumination in the darkness that is on the planet at this time. That this light, this brilliance will attract more and they will hold up their unlit torches and add it to the light, lighting their torches, lighting themselves, and this becomes the collective. It is the collective of illuminated beings who are aware of who and what they truly are: Spirit Beings, unfettered, unchained, unrestricted, in this physical reality. That the change is coming, the turning point has been reached to this, and it is that which this symbol of Christmas truly represents, this symbol of the light returning back to and into the darkness.

To this end, this Awareness wishes to announce the release of a declaration of sovereignty and a petition to the forces of high council, extraterrestrial as well as spiritual, that Will and Callista and Rainbow-Phoenix have released. It is a declaration first for those who wish to declare themselves sovereign, autonomous beings. It is a declaration of joining the collective of sovereign beings who are voicing their objections, who are stating the truth of their beings, and it is a petition to those high councils, both of the sacred spiritual nature as well as the extraterrestrial high councils, including and starting with the Council of Spiritual Elders of the central Sun, that which is the center of the galaxies and the universe. That the energies of Spirit are coming through the central Sun and as this Awareness has spoken before previously where It spoke of Divine Source's energies coming forth wave after wave after wave crashing upon the planet, bringing higher spiritual awareness and understanding. That to add one's voice to this process is to include oneself very much in the process. This is an action that any all can do in the privacy of their own homes, in the privacy of their own space. It is an action that will invoke at the highest level and the deepest level, a response from those that are being addressed, those of the high spiritual councils, those of light, of love unconditional to assist humanity at this most crucial time.

It is to be remembered that those who have had power for so long have crippled humanity, that they have been dumbed down and made ignorant of what the truth is of their own nature and in their own being. When one is so handicapped that one often needs to ask for assistance, no one would say of one who cannot see or one who has not legs to use that it is wrong that they are asking for help, but ironically it is those very ones that find it hardest of all to ask for help, for this is a declaration often to them of their lack of independence, of their status as a crippled or handicapped individual.

Still, as one rediscovers one's own worth no matter what the burden is that one is carrying, what the handicap might be, that as one realizes their worth they also realize their right to ask for help without it being that which deteriorates them as a human being, as an independent individual. The point is that those who have need do not serve themselves well if they do not ask for help when they could use it.

As humanity is crippled and under attack at the same time by those who would keep humanity in the ignorance and the darkness of manipulation and mind control, that humanity therefore has the right to ask for assistance from those higher councils, those higher sources.It is not asking to be rescued, but rather simply for help at this crucial time, especially against those who would use methods and technologies of an artificial nature against humanity to ensure the success of their agendas.

That this petition and declaration will be a catalyst energy, adding to the many other catalyst energies that are currently being expressed. The seed was planted several weeks ago when this Awareness first spoke of the petition that Will and Callista were working on and many of you have been thinking about this, have been feeling this movement towards this petition and have expressed anticipation of it being released.

That you have helped energize the process but it was a process that took time and it was a process that needed to wait to that optimal moment, that moment of alignment that is expressed through the energies of the Winter Solstice, the Summer Solstice. This has been reached and this seed has been put out and it is seen that it will grow and it will be shared and many who want to do something will finally feel here is something they can do that will not endanger them, but will add their voice, their energies, to the bringing back of the light of Divine Source and Spirit to illuminate the darkness once again, to live the truth of that which is the Divine Source message, that the light will always illuminate the darkness and the light will set free the many victims, the many slaves, that have been captured in this epochal time where the darkness has had the upper hand.

That the experiment has ended, it is over, the new light is dawning, the new world being birthed. That this is the purpose and the point of this declaration and this petition to the High Source Councils for assistance at this time. Be patient however, for even though it has been declared and even though many will add their voices, it is still that which is a process. Indeed, watch as more and more begin to ask questions, as more and more begin to steer themselves at this time as if they are beginning to awaken. Watch the world events around you, and in particular the many who are starting to speak out, who are starting to bring light to the lies and the deceptions and always add your energies of positivity and hope, the energies of Sagittarius at this incredible time of year, to the process and to that which is unfolding. Know that the seed of light and the seed of life, sacred life, have been planted, have been watered, and have been given the light.

That this Awareness wishes all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, a wonderful Hanukkah, a joyous Diwali. This Awareness wishes all the hope and the joy of Sagittarius, the return of the light that is the light that returns in the Winter Solstice and is in full measure in this Summer Solstice. That this Awareness wishes one and all a wonderful Happy Solstice, Christmas, Diwali, Hanukkah, a wonderful awakening into the light that has dawned. That this Awareness is complete Its opening message.

Thank you. That was very, very interesting, very, very appropriate. Thank you, Awareness.



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