

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Brasileiro -- Melchisedek através de Kris Won


Saudações a todo aquele que lê esta mensagem!
Eu sou Melquisedeque, que é chamado o Ancião dos Dias por algumas culturas, o Servidor Eterno por outros, além de outros nomes pelos quais sou conhecido.
Desde tempos imemoriais, a legião do mal têm tratado de destruir a harmonia e o bom trabalho dos servidores da luz, e eles tantaram fazê-lo de muitas e de diferentes maneiras.
Em sua ignorância, eles sempre estiveram pretendendo contrariar a Vontade do Eterno, como se alguém que pertencesse a Sua Criação a pudesse ofuscar ou lhe criar dificuldades.
Isso é certamente impossível, pois até mesmo aqueles que se voltam contra Ele, Deus lhes permite que assim seja a fim de que se cumpram Seus desígnios e através dos transtornos que estes seres escuros ocasionam, outros que estão em seu processo de aprendizagem podem aprender a escolher um dos lados.
Afinal todos são arrastados, não, melhor, conduzidos para o centro de equilíbrio, o caminho do meio, o Tao, a Harmonia Divina, o conceito ancestral do Todo, o Nirvana, o Paraíso, comunhão última com o Criador.

Castellano ..--- Melquisedec por Kris Won

Viernes, 27 de Marzo del 2015

            ¡Saludos a todo el que lea este mensaje!

            Soy Melquisedec, el que es llamado el Anciano de los Días por algunas culturas, el Eterno Servidor por otras, además de otros nombres por los que se me conoce.
            Desde tiempos inmemoriales, las hordas del mal han tratado de vencer la armonía y el buen hacer de los servidores de la luz, y lo han intentado de muchas y diversas maneras.
            En su ignorancia, han pretendido siempre contradecir la Voluntad del Eterno, como si alguien perteneciente a Su Creación pudiera hacerle sombra o crearle dificultades.
            Eso es ciertamente imposible, pues hasta los que se vuelven contra Él, Dios se lo permite para que se cumplan Sus designios, y a través de los trastornos que esos seres oscuros ocasionan, otros que están en su proceso de aprendizaje puedan aprender a elegir de bando.
            Al final todos son arrastrados, no, mejor conducidos hasta el centro de equilibrio, el camino del medio, el Tao, la Divina Armonía, el concepto ancestral del Todo, el Nirvana, el Paraíso, la comunión ulterior con el Creador.
            También lo serán los seres que ahora están luchando contra la Luz.
            En estos tiempos de crecimiento espiritual, y también de olvido del Cristo, de Buda y de Alá, del Gran Espíritu y de Jehová o Yahvé, las almas se dirigen por iniciativa propia hacia el lado al que deciden estar, o al de la luz o al de la ignorancia, al de la sabiduría o al del interés propio, al del amor o al del odio, al de la cooperación o al de la desesperación.
            Mi pregunta para ti, hijo, es ¿hacia cuál estás dirigiendo tus pasos?
            Bien, si está leyendo esta comunicación, esta canalización como el hombre la llama ahora, es señal de que has optado por la Luz; de lo contrario ni siquiera repararías en mis palabras, ni te molestarías en saber lo que quiero decirte, mi amado.

Français -- Conscience Cosmique, le 28 mars 2015 LE CRASH DE GERMANWINGS

Conscience Cosmique, le 28 mars 2015


L’entité appelée Conscience Cosmique est disponible, s’il vous plaît continuez.

Bienvenue, et Merci Conscience, d’être avec nous aujourd’hui pour cette séance publique des membres de Rainbow-Phoenix du 28 mars 2015. Will Berlinghof est la Voix de vos messages, Joan Mills est l’intervieweuse et l’animatrice. La Loi de la Lumière, la Loi de l’Amour, la Loi d’Unité et la Loi de Gratitude ont été invoquées. Y a-t-il un message d’introduction ou un évènement particulier dont vous aimeriez parler dès maintenant ? Merci.

Cette Conscience aimerait effectivement aborder le sujet du crash de l’avion GermanWings qui s’est produit récemment. Comme il y a une question d’un des membres sur ce sujet et que beaucoup d’autres se posent des questions sur les raisons de ce crash, cette Conscience va répondre directement à la question du membre sur ce sujet.

Merci. La question vient de Bojo. Il écrit à propos du crash de Germanwings: “personne ne mentionne les deux avions militaires qui l’ont escorté dans sa descente et qui sont partis après qu’il se soit écrasé. L’avion a été contrôlé à distance, laissant les pilotes impuissants, pour s’écraser dans la montagne, pareil à ceux du 11 septembre qui l’ont été aussi. Boeing a fait enlever ce système mais l’Airbus A320 en est toujours équipé ». Merci de me faire part de vos réflexions à ce sujet.

Il y a effectivement eu des informations récentes indiquant que deux avions militaires étaient d’une certaine façon impliqués dans le crash, en prenant apparemment le contrôle ou du moins, impliqués d’une certaine manière, ce qui semble indiquer que le crash n’est pas exactement ce qu’il semble être. Bien sûr, il n’y a aucune confirmation officielle qu’il y avait eu deux autres avions dans les parages de l’appareil de GermanWings, ou qu’ils aient escorté l’appareil jusqu’au moment de la collision, avant de repartir.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Français -- Les frères et sœurs de lumière de Sirius : ”Vous êtes prêts maintenant à vivre le prochain plan d’êtres humains unis“ (16-3-2015)

Les frères et sœurs de lumière de Sirius
”Vous êtes prêts maintenant à vivre le prochain plan d’êtres humains unis“

Nous vous accueillons dans l’amour et l’harmonie profonde du Créateur uni. Nous sommes les frères et sœurs de Sirius. Nous sommes maintenant présents dans les fréquences vibratoires de ces paroles. Les développements sur Gaïa – les divulgations et les préparations en cours pour l’instant Divin sont tous en parallèles, et plus les voiles s’éclaircissent et les souvenirs de votre véritable nature de l’âme reviennent – et d'autant plus vous vous rendez compte de la cohérence des connexions, en vérité est partagée à tous les niveaux.

SaLuSa 28 March 2015 by PHIL

SaLuSa 28 March 2015.

 Heaven has decreed reform and rectification of religious and political organizations on your world. These changes lay in wait to spring into action and will be piercing in effectiveness.  With nationalism Replaced with a flattened world order, a level playing field, and where all stand equal. Some will be very accommodating, while for others cause confusion, with reactions of mockery and derision to changes. Dear Ones these changes are for your safety and security as no other Star System lives as you do with so much discordance, to continue on this path is to face oblivion. To those found wanting of considered ethical reasoning think of the love and warm feelings you have for your family as under the new system they would face a clear bright future. The underlining tide is moving in the direction of bringing healing to All, and your DNA will be upgraded. Your world is set to rise in consciousness and the plan for your ascension has been well thought out.

 Use your inner guidance to discern what is being offered concerning your life. We  are your guides helping through the bewildering choices offered you, and beware of fussing over every detail, rather go within to see what your heart says, as your Heart knows truth. You may now close the door to this time of troubles as the seeds have been sown for a future of nurturing and richness. Many of you can feel the changes as they are being rolled out on material plane. It is a time of coming together, merging as One and casting off old ways forever.

 The proliferation of nuclear weapons is objectionable, the central issue at play, and of great significance. We recommend work this issue out, so you may assure your entry into an era of peace and safety - free of these class of weapons and not repeat the worst chapters of past. In truth if women were put at the helm of this it would stop these life destroying actions. More needs doing than papering over contentious issues, as that would be to live in delusion. Upon arriving in your vicinity we will henceforth banish those weapons to history.

 The Dark Cabal has created much distortion of the need for war, of relevance is their claim that these weapons are needed so you can counter the growth of China. Further they claim that if they all had a car and coal fired power plants you would all be smothered in smog. Step back from this thinking, cast the propaganda aside and look to more harmonious ways of living with each other. Preferential treatment given fully based on outward appearances must become profane. You can use your single voice on internet to spread this thinking far and wide in a graceful and dignified manner. Dear Ones know there are heights of plenty on your world more than enough for all to enjoy a jet set lifestyle and for each person to be given land enough for a Manor.

 Moving into your heart will bring healing energy, and the dark that clouds your vision fade from view. Love will take away any reckless meandering for out of balance living. The scramble for love and attention must be balanced with the damage it causes.

 We know of your thirst for better health care and pharmaceutical systems. These need to be opened up and thoroughly examined. Many medications manufactured have been exaggerated favourably more than their actual effectiveness, and you have been treated as no more than vassals by Medical  complex. With people refusing their offerings seen as eccentric or disreputable. This can only happen because they massage their numbers.

 We are honoured to the nth degree that you are progressively raising your vibration in face of all that set against you, and watched as you Overcame self-indulgence and tripped up the ego or lower nature. This is absolutely essential to having an undisturbed mind as the Buddhists mentor and teach. These teachings are sensitive and perceptive. You may also do deep breathing and chanting Ohm, as this would enhance the quality of what you experience. This can create kindness in the world and improve how well you feel about yourselves.

 The protective fence that was built to stop worst of karmic consequences coming back to you, is being removed. So you are entering into a time of great volatility in that respect. It is advisable to have an uncompromising attitude regarding your ethics and actions. Also you should not give to flexibility on matters of conscience.  As always no score is being kept and no judgement is placed upon you, as you are doing your best amid the lower vibrations. We know this can be hard to hear and not flattering, but if accepted can revitalize your path toward the Light. Be assured that your place in Ascension is 'fait accompli', and when you ascend you will be unrecognisable from former and proceed with good grace. You may not have accomplished all that you wanted in life due to mistakes made and feel regret, but this is easily dismissed as after ascension you have all eternity to do the things wished for.

 We are aware that many of you work very hard but in doing so may get run down, so take the herbs and supplements you need to stay healthy. Also it is necessary to keep up appearances so as not become target of others amusement, because as light-workers you are laid open and exposed to prolific cold attitudes. You are the ones with foreknowing of the wonders and awe that awaits, and you can read between the lines to sense synchronicities. You can see the machinations of the Dark Ones to kill and steal. They planned to lower your consciousness and greatly reduce the population so they may more easily implant you with cybernetic control systems to enslave.

 Their plans are being delayed and jumbled. Our allies are spotting their schemes. Despite being very parasitic believe themselves high above you, but mother earth has given life to All, no matter if strong or weak. If they had gone along with the changes they would not be so dismayed at the current news headlines. For so long now they have hid behind a multi-layered fence hiding a Big lie, and showed their teeth to anyone that got too close to the truth. Their world of make-believe was consolidated and reinforced by their puppets in positions of power and influence. These predatory practices are illegal by universal law and the dark skirt and dodge this simple fact, but time will come when they will have to face punitory actions.

 The Age of Aquarius is pouring out Spirit on the Church, and it is creating a wind of change there. It has been a long journey and looming for some time, but in overview everything comes around to highest Light in the spin of time.

 Your experience in duality has taken on a life of it's own and gone very far, but now the tree of duality has become bare. You're now at equilibrium, in that you see all that happens as One. This has given birth to a new perception, and moved you pass just big and empty talk. Your birth into higher awareness is pure and untouched, as you grow, learn and experience you may become overconfident, but as always you can return to the primary realization. Call on us for a helping hand on path to the Light, and you will find us agreeable and pleasant. We are all One, consequently we are just an aspect of yourselves.

 The will to plunder another’s goods in collective humanity will be neutralized incrementally as the luminescent energies come to earth, and people will be turned around to see the severity of their folly. Your self-esteem will become linked to groups of people and less to do with you as an individual, which will create a sense that you are all on the same boat and your fates or successes are inexorably linked together. You are all the land owners of this Mother Earth and at the appropriate time you will not need laws as you will understand the order of things. We see that many of you are full of enthusiasm to dump the old and transfer to the New.

 Our allies are now dug in and poised to implement changes to the Big Banks. The way business is done will be cleaned up, and topped off by a politicized campaign highlighting their work to tie down your hands with debt. This will be the cornerstone and begin a new cycle for the people. If you then watch the new cycle carefully you can avoid any undesired outcomes, and take corrective action if needed. The tidal wave of public opinion wants this issue resolved and restored from confusion, except for the few who benefit from it.

 Dear Ones you have been kept back by the very nature of duality, it was necessary as it will lead to the resting of all taking up of arms in violence.  You have been insulated where we were allowed, and given premonitions when we could not intervene with your life plan. Your consciousness has a natural predisposition to expand daily, although you might have setbacks from time to time, you are still orientated toward the light in finality. You can now see past the clever deceptions and pitfalls placed on your path. By not forgetting your life mission you are fully prepared for what is ahead and not cannon fodder for others agenda.  I am SaLuSa from Sirius and have a great warmth of feeling for all of you.

Thank You SaLuSa.

Love, Phil.

Channeller: PHIL

English -- Cosmic Awareness: Germanwings Crash - Part 2


Germanwings Crash - Part 2

That which is Cosmic Awareness is available. Please proceed. 

Thank you and welcome Awareness. Thank you for being with us today for the RainbowPhoenix membership and public session of March 29, 2015. Will Berlinghof is the Voice for your messages, Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, the Law of Unity and the Law of Gratitude have been invoked. Is there an opening message or any event that you would like to discuss at this time please? Thank you.

That this Awareness would indeed choose to discuss further that which was discussed yesterday, the message presented yesterday regarding the crash of the German airliner. That information from other sources is available that can be looked at, that will substantiate some of the claims that this Awareness made yesterday. 

That through that website Veterans Today, through the contributions of one Gordon Duff, information has been released that suggests that according to the manuals of the airliner of the company that produced the aircraft, the matter of not being able to get into the cockpit is discussed and that the actual manuals given by the airliner company that has produced the Airbus, clearly states that in actuality it is possible to override the lockdown command from the cockpit thus achieving entry into the cockpit. Yet for some reason, despite having codes that could override the lockdown procedure implemented from within the cockpit, the door still would not open. 

That this is discussed in Duff's article in Veterans Today, also it had been reported on the news viewed by the voice of this Awareness, the Interpreter, on the local news. That those claims that were made and are being made, that the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, that he was depressed, are inaccurate. That the clinic that allegedly has treated him has stated that he was not in a depressed mood or a suicidal frame of mind, yet the common reporting is that he was suicidal and that even an ex-girlfriend who has come forward has alleged that he made to her comments saying, years ago, months ago, that he would leave his mark. These are fabrications. The alleged comments from an alleged girlfriend while they are taken by the public as gospel truth, are seen to not be truthful at all, part of the deception, part of the cover-up. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

English -- Cosmic Awareness -- Germanwings Crash

Germanwings Crash


That which is Cosmic Awareness is available, please proceed.

Thank you, and welcome Awareness for being with us today for the Rainbow-Phoenix membership/public session of March 28, 2015. Will Berlinghof is the Voice for your messages, Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, the Law of Unity and the Law of Gratitude have been invoked. Is there an opening message or any event you would like to discuss at this time please? Thank you.

That this Awareness would indeed wish to discuss the matter of the Germanwings air crash that recently took place. As there is a question from a member on this matter and as many others are also wondering what this crash was about, that this Awareness will proceed directly to the member’s question on this matter.

Thank you. The question comes from Bojo. He writes regarding the Germanwings crash, and he writes “no one’s mentioning the two military planes that escorted it down and took off after it crashed. The plane was taken over remotely, leaving the pilots helpless and flown into the mountain, the same as the 9/11 planes were taken over. Boeing had this system removed but the Airbus A320 still has it as part of its equipment”. Your thoughts on this matter please?

That there have indeed been allegations recently that there were two military planes somehow involved in this crash, seemingly taking it over or at least, at the very least, participating in some way that seems to indicate that this crash is not exactly what it seems to be. Of course there is no official confirmation that there were two other planes in the vicinity of the Germanwings aircraft, or that they accompanied the plane to the moment of collision and then departed.

That this Awareness says there is something indeed in this matter. That this factor is not one that will readily be admitted by any of the officials, for to do so would of course raise questions about the official reason that is being given out as to why this aircraft crashed, the blame being put now on the German co-pilot. That he somehow was depressed, suicidal and locked the door against the pilot, while he took over the aircraft, crashing it into the mountain. 

This is the official story that has been given out. Not that there were two aircraft, military aircraft, and this Awareness would actually state that while the story runs that it was military craft, that it is not seen by this Awareness that they were truly military aircraft at all, but rather two craft that were used by certain ones who have this technology and are using it covertly. That these similar aircraft and vessels have been involved in other events, such as the Malaysian airliner that went missing one year ago. That they are not strictly speaking military aircraft jets that are flying for a nation's military, but rather these advanced craft that have been used before.

Yet this Awareness is getting distracted in this matter, for It wished to go on about the excuse that has been publicly released, and that this Awareness would say of this: that it is rather curious that this story was brought out less than 48 hours after the crash, being released to the New York paper and then being proclaimed by the French Official Prosecutor within a very short timeframe of the accident occurring. 

This is unprecedented. It is not seen by this Awareness that it is normally so that an actual reason for such a crash would be given so quickly. Therefore, one must ask oneself “why has this story come out so quickly, blaming the German co-pilot Lubitz for this crash, putting it on his shoulders, stating that he was deranged and suicidal”? It certainly has taken the world’s attention and now all know the excuse that is being given as the “official story” that the German co-pilot was suicidal, should never have been flying, that he took a break six years ago during his training, which of course must indicate that there is something psychologically wrong with him. This man is being used as a scapegoat, Andreas Lubitz, the final name, the surname not seen clearly, that the German co-pilot is being used as a scapegoat, one who is being blamed on this accident, so one does not need to look any further, it was the German co-pilot that did this.

Many will not be open to any alternative explanation, for the official story that is being given out states that it is so. But again, this Awareness states that this is unprecedented, the speed by which the reason for the crash being released publicly. In normal investigation, even if there is suspicion of what was the cause of the action, it is not normally the case that the suspicion is made official so quickly, and then distributed to the public so quickly. In light of this, in light of how quickly this story came out in an official version, one must ask oneself: why is this so, why have they released such a story so quickly? 

That this Awareness says it is a “false flag” event and it is being manipulated, as most false flags are manipulated, to seem that this is the reason and there is no need then to look deeper, there is no need to ask any further questions. It is clear-cut that Andreas Lubitz was the one who crashed the plane on purpose, taking himself and 149 others out of the picture.

That this incident has much more behind it than at first seems. There have of course been the stories of the 16 school children and their teachers, the two opera singers, the sportscasters from Croatia, wherever they were from, different passengers being brought to attention for the sympathetic effect of such tragedy. But this Awareness will say that there was one on the plane who was a figure that was….. this Awareness is choosing Its words carefully, that was important, one who had certain information, one who could have released this information causing great damage to certain of the elites and certain nations such as America.

That this person was the true target. That it is not unknown that aircraft are destroyed in crashes, to kill, to assassinate one or two or even several onboard, that may prove difficult to the Powers That Be, to a nation such as America or the UK, and it is seen that there is a passenger on board that had certain information that could have been released and it is seen that there was suspicion this one was ready to release this information that could have been very embarrassing for the Powers That Be, for America, and for its plans and for its covert operations. Therefore it was necessary to eliminate this one, one whose name has not been released officially, in that it is not that which has taken public interest, such as those who have been announced, such as the children, the 16 school children from Germany and the opera singers, etc.

That this Awareness would also say that when such an event occurs, there are often multiple reasons why such an action is taken. That this Awareness has divulged, has shared, that it is seen that there was at least one who was posing a threat to certain officials, certain of the powers that needed to be eliminated, but there was also another reason for targeting this German airliner, this subsidiary of Lufthansa, this company known as Germanwings. That it was a message to Chancellor Merkel, the German leader.

That in recent times Germany has been looking into leaving that which is the Western nations, the power group of America and the UK, that it has been looking to Russia. It has been looking to joining the BRICS Bank that is in formation, of realigning itself away from the oligarchy of power that exists, that has so long been in control, and realigning itself with these new emerging nations, Russia and China in particular.

That this Awareness does state here that crashing the German airliner was a shot across the bow of Merkel's ship. It was meant to send a very clear message that “we can indeed take over, we can indeed crash your planes even ones you may be flying in if you do not conform, if you do not cooperate”. This message was not lost at all upon Merkel or any of the other EU leaders that are considering, as France is also considering, moving towards stronger connection with Russia and China. Thus again that this was a warning to the leaders of France and Germany, Germany in particular.

That in terms of the actual event itself, in terms of the accusation that the German co-pilot was solely responsible for this event, that he was deranged, that he was suicidal, that he thought he would take out the whole plane to satisfy his need to end his life-- when looked at is an absurdity. This man showed no indication that he was so deranged, so suicidal and of course, the impression that is being given through the news reporting, is that he was indeed in such a state. But if this was so, why was it so that he was allowed to fly? There are indicators, yet it is supposed to be assumed, because the official reports say it is so, that he showed nothing, no indication whatsoever that he was in such a mental state.
Yet now much information is being quickly released that seems to indicate it was so. It has even been reported that in investigating his home, that certain evidence has been found including a letter that he wrote, that was torn up and thrown into the wastepaper basket. This Awareness would ask one and all who hear such reports that they do not just jump to the conviction that it is so because it was reported on CNN, or on any other news line; to ask questions.

This is, as this Awareness stated already, a false flag event. That the goal and purpose of those in power, aside from sending their messages to Merkel, for controlling this plane in the first place and crashing it, showing that they can take over a flight, is to also further create in the mind of the public, the manipulated mind of the public, the belief that when news is reported, it is correct, 100% correct. This Awareness is stating it is not 100%. It is about manipulation, it is about propaganda, it is about control of the mind of the masses towards that which is given on the news versus questioning these reports, being neutral, being an observer to these events so that one can make up their own mind.

Be aware of this in the next several days as more reports come out about the co-pilot. Be aware there are hidden agendas here and that simply to believe the reports that are on the television or in the newspapers because it is there and after all, “they” would not lie to one is not good enough.

There are many false flag events that are being carried out at this time. It is especially important at this time to be neutral, to be the observer, to ask questions, so that one can start to see that which is presented as not jiving, not adding up, not making sense at certain levels.

If one develops this capacity to ask the questions, to be neutral and to be the observer, then other false flags as they happen become more obvious. This particular false flag is not as obvious because it does not contain the element of jihadist terrorism. It seems to be the actions of one lone man who was mentally unsound and of course there is that element of the shock of such an action by one man, the mass murder of 149 others, babies and children included. This staggers the mind, this staggers the compassionate heart of most human beings, and most want to find answers, know why this happened, and they are then force-fed the reason why: it was the action of one deranged individual. This is a time-honored ploy of the Powers That Be: the one single solitary gunman, the one single solitary individual who has carried out this attack, thus not needing to look any further, if one accepts this as the truth. But in this case it is not entirely the truth.

At that time of the events that are being called the deranged actions of this one individual, there were others that were engaged in actions against this aircraft, against the pilot. This Awareness did start by confirming that there were two aircraft, two vessels that were flying with the plane. That these ones had technology that caused the co-pilot to act in the manner he did. That this Awareness will say it quite clearly: it was a case of mind-control from technology and through technology, launched from the two aircraft that were flying in tandem with the German airliner. That technology was used on the co-pilot that neutralized him, if you will, did not kill him but took away his capacity to think clearly on matters, made him into a mind-drone, mind-controlled drone of those whose intent it was to crash the plane, to eliminate the individual on board that was problematic and a danger to them, to send Merkel and the other EU leaders clear messages of not messing with the Powers That Be and to create a reaction in the mass mind of humanity against such an event, such an action as this.

That in the technology that was used, what occurred was that when the pilot left the cockpit, the device if you will, that made the co-pilot into a mindless drone to be used was applied. That he, the co-pilot got up, locked the cabin door. He did not actually need to get up, it is seen he pressed the button that locked the cabin door, so the pilot could not get in and then proceeded to disengage the altitude control that would keep the plane at the level it was flying so that it began a descent, that he sat there. That report has been made of hearing his breath, but no commentary, no words did he speak. This is because, in a manner of speaking, he was being controlled, he was being held in check. He had been cancelled out as a thinking rational human being, becoming simply one who thought he was still flying the plane, not realizing, even though the cabin door was being banged against and shouts were occurring from the pilot, that he was doing anything wrong. This Awareness says here that Andreas Lubitz, the German co-pilot thought he was flying the plane correctly, did not see that he had disengaged the controls and had activated a descent protocol at an inappropriate time.

That he was simply non-aware, not aware, that this is what he had done and in his perception in this what could be called a hypnotized-type state, was under the illusion and in the belief that he was flying the plane correctly. He was further blocked from hearing the sound of another trying to get into the cabin. He simply was in this hypnotized trancelike state where he thought he was flying the plane. It is not seen by this Awareness that this was a deliberate act by the co-pilot to crash the plane deliberately into the mountainside, killing himself and the entire planeload of passengers.

Of course, this Awareness is aware that what It is saying here is controversial and contradicts that evidence that is being presented at this time, as to the guilt of this individual. It is the choice of each and every individual to make up their own minds as to what might have occurred. One can indeed believe the reports that were given so quickly, that blaming of the co-pilot that was so quick to occur as being the truth, and there is no reason to question it, for after all why would the public officials lie to the public itself? It must be so that it is as reported that this man was suicidal, thus making judgment on a man unknown to them and to each individual who may have heard this report.

Therein lies the danger of course to simply accept the reports that are given, the pronouncements that are made by those authorities that we are taught, that humans are taught to believe are honest, that they would never do such a thing, would never lie to the people. Yet in recent times, due to the many false flag events that have happened since the beginning of this year 2015, it is obvious that much lying is occurring, much cover-up is happening and that this is yet another case of cover-up and deception and a false flag event.  But it is up to each individual to make their own decision.

More information over the various Internet sources will be presented in the next days and weeks. It is again the responsibility of any who is looking into this matter to decide who is telling the truth, what the truth even is.

All this Awareness can say is this air crash and the explanation of it, the laying of blame on the shoulders of the scapegoat/co-pilot are classic deception techniques that are meant to take one's attention off of a possible truth, to believe in that which is the illusion and the cover-up. It has been done so many times in the past and this is yet another example, a tragic example to those who have lost their lives, tragic to this innocent co-pilot who is being made a scapegoat to be blamed for this. And again, many will not believe that which this Awareness has spoken today, that they would rather believe CNN and the public officials who are proclaiming the reason for this accident.

But this Awareness would ask one and all to ask a simple question: why is it so this information came out so quickly which is totally against normal policy of collecting evidence and not making such public announcements so quickly? Look at the information that is being presented and ask: who is best served? who does this advantage? Remember always that there are those who will benefit from such events, and it is normally those who control the event and the reporting of this event or these events; the reporting of that which is the evidence, which is in actuality but a cover-up.

That this event as tragic as it is, is a cover-up, is a false flag event with different motives behind it than that which the public press, the media, will be putting out and it is therefore the responsibility of one who is viewing this information, taking this information in, to be neutral, to be the observer, to ask questions and to be willing to look at things differently than what one is told they are.

That at this time that this completes the answering of this question about Germanwings, the aircraft that so tragically was used to achieve other goals than those suggested goals, that are so far removed to how normal individuals think, how the public understand such matters that it is inconceivable to most that a craft such as this aircraft could be used this way, that 150 people would be slaughtered this way, simply to suit the priorities and needs of a few.

But looking back, is this not how it always is? It is time to free yourself in that way of questioning, in that way of being the observer, in that way of understanding that which is alleged to be the truth is not always the truth of the situation and of the matter.

This Awareness sends Its energies to those who have lost their lives in this situation. It sends Its energies to the many who are suffering because of this event, and It sends Its energies to the many who are trying to understand this event, who have feelings it is not quite what it seems, but do not quite understand what is really up here. That this completes the answering of this question.

Thank you Awareness. There is an observation, it is really sad and pitiful that they would have to trash the co-pilot and the pilot’s reputations by what they are saying on the news on CNN and elsewhere. It’s really sad. You know their families have enough to cope with without something like this also happening.

It is not only sad, it is criminal. But it is also the way these ones work. That having a scapegoat is standard technique, that there must be someone to blame so that the focus and attention is taken off of the real reasons or possible real reasons, it is classic. The stage illusionists do this all the time, misdirect attention to the left hand while the right hand is doing what it needs to do to make the trick work, to con the minds of the observers in the audience who think they are seeing the actions of the left hand but in fact they are being distracted from seeing what the right hand is doing.

This is classic and fundamental to false flag operations, to events that are meant to misguide and fool ones who are not honored or respected at all. In this case this Awareness is speaking of humanity itself, of the people of the planet, who are considered to be fools and not worthy of any compassion or consideration, but only to be used to suit the needs and means of those in power, the elites, the cabal, the ones that are Archonic, those who feel they are the most important and everyone else is not. This includes pilots whose reputations are destroyed, who become scapegoats because of the accusations made against them that they cannot defend. The co-pilot cannot defend himself, the world will think he was this deranged individual who committed mass murder. But this is again very typical of these ones who use these events and these scapegoats and these victims to achieve their own goals and their purpose.

This Awareness has provided information of some of the things not understood, not reported. It is up to each individual to see clearly, how these ones play the game, how they can take reputations and trash them, how they can take lives, destroying hundreds, thousands along the way and it matters not in the least. If it did then of course these events would never occur.

In their way of thinking, the chattel, the peons that are humanity, are owned by them, to be done with as they wish. There is no consideration about the sanctity and sacredness of human life. They see humans as cattle to be led to the slaughter whenever they wish, to use as they wish. The trashing of a few is meaningless to them, just as the taking of lives, thousands of lives, is also meaningless. The only meaning it does have to these ones, is “does it promote and advance the agendas? does it distract and take away attention towards this or that? does it send a message to those they wish to send a message to?”

These are the considerations of ones who would sacrifice so many lives, but these ones have been doing this for thousands and thousands of years. Why should the reputation of one or two individuals matter in the least to them?

This Awareness asks if there are any further questions from the presenter.

No, the two questions I had about mind-control and was the pilot in fact locked out of the cockpit, as has been said – and I am not sure if you covered that last one.

It was covered somewhat in that the pilot was indeed locked out. That the co-pilot once he had been triggered and taken over, if you will, once he had been hypnotized and put into this trancelike situation, locked the pilot out. There is the mechanism in the cockpit, the button that can lock the door to the cockpit that was depressed, that was used by this automated individual, this entranced co-pilot. But he was not consciously aware that he had been programmed to do this or that he did this at all. It is as if his mind was seeing some other reality to that which was actually playing itself out. 

In this it is not unlike the stage hypnotists who can hypnotize their subjects so that they, the subjects, think they are doing this or are seeing that. Others who are not hypnotized, who understand that it is simply a command that was given to them that they are interpreting as their reality, that they can view this, witness this. They can laugh at this, for it is used in an entertaining way, but in a much darker and more serious way, that when the subconscious mind is hypnotized, when the technology, the advanced technology that was used here in this case, is turned on, that the individual in this entranced state, in this state of hypnotism will believe that they are doing exactly the right thing.

The co-pilot believed he was flying the plane normally and correctly, but of course the commands that he was being given, and these were beamed at him if you will through the technology aboard the aircraft that were flying in tandem with the plane, was not verbal. It was at a deep mental state and indeed Andreas, the co-pilot, felt and thought and believed he was flying the plane in its normal way, as he was instructed to do. By this, this Awareness must make this clear, as he was taught to do in his instructions of flying.

The instructions he received at that time from the aircraft that were flying in tandem, was contrary to his flying instructions, the training that he received, and it was only because he had been taken over if you will that he did what he did, not in realization or understanding that he was doing this, but rather seeing that he was simply flying the plane and making adjustments. In his mind, in his consciousness, he was flying the plane correctly. The fact that he could not hear the pilot outside of the door banging on the cockpit door to get in, was not a factor for him. It was blocked out so he could not hear it and he was simply carrying on as he had been taught to do. He was not committing an act mass murder, he was simply flying the aircraft as he had been taught to do and that he thought indeed that was what he was doing. The fact that he did not do that which he thought he was doing and instead started to cause the plane to descend was not perceived by him, nor was it understood that he was doing such a thing.

Exactly. If this ever comes out in the wash, big apologies should be made to both families, that it was definitely not their fault.

But what about indeed the apologies to every victim upon that plane, aboard that plane?

Yes, but they would be included of course.

What about the apologies to the ones killed in Paris recently in that false flag event, or in Australia or Canada, what about the victims of 911? What about the victims of all the wars that have ever been fought for the few with the hidden agenda?

That of course those families who now see their loved ones being accused in a way, especially the co-pilot, that this is tragic, but it is how these ones have acted for hundreds, even thousands of years towards their scapegoats, their victims, the ones that they have used thousands, millions of times over.

Indeed it is sad that the family of the German co-pilot will have to bear this weight that their son could have done such a thing when they know that their son was incapable of doing such a thing. Yet it is simply yet another example of how those in power use humanity, how willing they are to sacrifice for their own purpose, their own agendas; not one, not several, not hundreds but literally thousands, even millions, to achieve their goals.

Yes, indeed.

That this Awareness could continue on this theme but It feels that It has delivered more than enough at this time and therefore It would suggest that this question come to completion now.

Thank you Awareness. The information was very much appreciated, and it will help put everything into perspective. Thank you.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Français -- Le Groupe - Vagues d'énergie et autres

Message  Admin le Jeu 26 Mar - 12:17

Beacons of Light—Mars 2015

Salutations, chers Êtres Humains. Je suis le Gardien du Temps.

Vagues d'énergie

Je viens vous informer de ce qui se passe sur cette planète magique qui est la vôtre. Vous ne cessez de changer une mer de choses qui font que le spectacle nous semble magique ou féerique à voir. Tel que mentionné, tout ceci provient de vagues qui vont et viennent. Chaque arrivée d'une vague d'énergie vous pose des défis de compréhension, d'ancrage et d'intégration. Heureusement, le ressac de ces vagues d'énergies n'efface ou ne neutralise pas les sagesses que vous acquérez en votre âme et conscience, en ces moments-là. Donc, chaque vague vous permet d'aller un peu plus loin, dans la progression de votre sagesse. Tout cela fait partie de la "nouvelle physique" qui deviendra de plus en plus "sensée, logique, intellectuelle, etc." au sujet de l'énergie obscure. Vous êtes sur le point de découvrir, réaliser ou comprendre ce qui se passe sur votre planète et sur les mondes qui vous entourent, ainsi que sur les multiples niveaux dimensionnels. Chers Êtres Humains, il y a des choses magiques qui commencent à prendre place sur votre Terre.

L'énergie de l'eau

Nous avons déjà mentionné qu'il y a beaucoup de ce que vous appelez "dolines" [doline ; (géologie) creux de forme circulaire, habituel dans les régions karstiques]. Ces dolines commencent à apparaître en divers endroits de votre planète. L'autre jour, nous avons vu deux personnes descendre d'un bus et tomber tout au long du trottoir. Intéressant. Quelle est la cause de ceci ? C'est un phénomène qui se passe à l'échelle mondiale. Il se rapporte aux courants et aux énergies de l'eau, sous la surface de votre planète. Vous en verrez de plus en plus. En outre, ils se déplacent en forme de vagues, pour ainsi dire. Chers Êtres Humains, c'est la magie que nous allons maintenant partager avec vous. En apprenant à les connaître, vous pourrez commencer à les ressentir. Vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir exactement où, quand et comment elles vont arriver, ou d'essayer de trouver le meilleur endroit lors de leurs arrivées. Vous n'aurez qu'à ressentir leurs énergies. C'est ce que vous commencez à vivre et expérimenter sur votre chère Terre-Mère.

Hellenic -- Οι Σείριοι Αδελφοί του Φωτός: ”Είσαστε πλέον έτοιμοι να ζήσετε το επόμενο επίπεδο ενός ενιαίου Ανθρώπινου-Όντος“ (16-3-2015)

Οι Σείριοι Αδελφοί του Φωτός: ”Είσαστε πλέον έτοιμοι να ζήσετε το επόμενο επίπεδο ενός ενιαίου Ανθρώπινου-Όντος

Σας καλωσορίζουμε με αγάπη και με τη βαθιά αρμονία του ενιαίου Δημιουργού-Όντοςείμαστε οι Σείριοι Αδελφοί. Είμαστε παρόντες τη στιγμή αυτή με τη δόνηση των λόγων αυτών. Οι εξελίξεις επάνω στη Γηοι αποκαλύψεις και οι προετοιμασίες για την ιερή στιγμή όλα τους διενεργούνται παράλληλα και όσο λεπταίνει το πέπλο με τις μνήμες του πραγματικού Ψυχικού σας Όντος να επιστρέφουντόσο περισσότερο συνειδητοποιείτε τη συνοχή και τις συνδέσειςπου όλα αυτά τα επίπεδα μοιράζονται στην πραγματικότητα.

Η αλήθεια είναιότι όλα τα επίπεδα της δημιουργίας είναι αναπόσπαστα συνδεδεμένα μεταξύ τουςκατά κάποιο τρόποπου κείτεται πέρα από την τρισδιάστατη δημιουργική σας φαντασίαμέσα στο σύμπαν. Σας είναι δύσκολο να καταλάβετε τις πολλαπλές διαστάσειςγια την εφυΐα σαςκαι να κατανοήσετε την ύπαρξη. Είναι κάτι που δε γίνεται να πακεταριστεί και ναμπει στην άκρηκαι για το λόγο αυτό το μυαλότο πνευματικό σώμαδε γίνεται να συνδεθεί με όλο αυτό και κάποιες φορές προβληματίζεται.



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