Germanwings Crash - Part 2
That which is Cosmic Awareness is available. Please proceed.
Thank you and welcome Awareness. Thank you for being with us today for the RainbowPhoenix
membership and public session of March 29, 2015. Will Berlinghof is the Voice for
your messages, Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of
Love, the Law of Unity and the Law of Gratitude have been invoked. Is there an opening
message or any event that you would like to discuss at this time please? Thank you.
That this Awareness would indeed choose to discuss further that which was discussed
yesterday, the message presented yesterday regarding the crash of the German airliner.
That information from other sources is available that can be looked at, that will
substantiate some of the claims that this Awareness made yesterday.
That through that website Veterans Today, through the contributions of one Gordon Duff,
information has been released that suggests that according to the manuals of the airliner
of the company that produced the aircraft, the matter of not being able to get into the
cockpit is discussed and that the actual manuals given by the airliner company that has
produced the Airbus, clearly states that in actuality it is possible to override the lockdown
command from the cockpit thus achieving entry into the cockpit. Yet for some reason,
despite having codes that could override the lockdown procedure implemented from within
the cockpit, the door still would not open.
That this is discussed in Duff's article in Veterans Today, also it had been reported on the news
viewed by the voice of this Awareness, the Interpreter, on the local news. That those claims
that were made and are being made, that the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, that he was depressed,
are inaccurate. That the clinic that allegedly has treated him has stated that he was not in a
depressed mood or a suicidal frame of mind, yet the common reporting is that he was suicidal
and that even an ex-girlfriend who has come forward has alleged that he made to her
comments saying, years ago, months ago, that he would leave his mark. These are
fabrications. The alleged comments from an alleged girlfriend while they are taken by the
public as gospel truth, are seen to not be truthful at all, part of the deception, part of the
Therefore this Awareness, by presenting this information at this time is again suggesting that
things are not what they seem. That there is an agenda by certain ones to present an
erroneous picture of the co-pilot in the cockpit, who allegedly was intentional in his efforts to
crash the plane. That these cover-up pieces of truth, which are not truth at all, but presented
as such, have an ulterior motive, are presented to shift one's attention away from other
Another piece of information that was in Veterans Today is the information that most modern
airliners, particularly the Airbus line and other modern planes, are now able to be flown by
exterior ones, this similar to the drones that are now being used, that an airliner can even be
landed from afar if there is urgency, if there is need.
This measure has long been available on these aircraft so that these aircraft can never be used
as weapons against nuclear plants, for example, or against the Pentagon, the White House,
hospitals, other important targets.
This ability to take over of plane, superseding the pilots of that plane and flying it, even
landing it in a safe location-- why did this not occur if it was noted and known that the co-pilot
as about to crash the airliner? One might ask then or suggest then, that the pilot being
locked out of the cabin could not get in to make a call to the authorities to ask for the plane to
be remotely flown.
But there is another factor, that again is not being reported: that on modern airliners there
are those phones known as sat phones or satellite phones, that can be used to place calls
directly through satellites to those ones that need to be informed. Therefore it is not simply a
matter of radio contact of the pilots to the towers on the ground, but that these satellite
phones are available in modern aircraft, to be used in the event that communications perhaps
go down in the cabin. But these satellite phones were not used or if they were used it has not
been reported.
This Awareness sees that there was an attempt from the pilot locked out of
the cabin to use the satellite phone to ask for intervention, to ask for the plane being taken
over and flown remotely.
This of course would not have been picked up on the cabin flight recorder, but it is seen that
efforts were made to use the satellite phone but they were unsuccessful. This device could
not do what it was supposed to do, make such a call directly through the satellite system.
Again this Awareness states that there were two aircraft flying in tandem with the airliner.
When this Awareness says aircraft, It does not mean two military jet airplanes or even other
airliners but rather advanced flying craft, that which would be normally called UFOs or
extraterrestrial vessels.
That it has long been asserted that there are those agencies of the United States government
and other governments of the world that have such craft and that many of the reported UFO
sightings are not extraterrestrial craft but rather the craft of the ones who have this
technology, who are secretive and hidden and are engaging in flights that are not meant to be
known about.
These craft can fly silently, for part of that which seemed to be a mystery in regard to claims
that two other aircraft were seen to be flying with the plane, or are alleged to have been
playing beside the plane on either side, that it was not reported by people on the ground that
they heard three aircraft. This is of course advanced technology that could allow these craft,
these advanced craft to fly silently. Also it is maintained by this Awareness that these ones
were the ones that overrode certain failsafes that were aboard the plane, such as an
overriding code that could open the door, such as the sat telephones that did not work.
That if you will it is seen that these two aircraft, these secretive aircraft, these
extraterrestrially based aircraft were used here to dampen down the communications field to
divert and prevent failsafes from working. Further to this, as already stipulated, it is seen that
again through advanced technology the ones in the craft were able to mind control the
copilot, to put him in a hypnotic trance-like condition wherein this one thought he was flying
the plane correctly, not realizing, because he was in an induced state, that in actuality he had
engaged the protocol that would cause the plane to descend straight into a mountain.
That it was planned this way. Thus this attack was preconceived. That it was a plan that was
not ad hoc at all but one that had intent and purpose, the purpose of bringing down this
plane, the purpose of killing 150 people, the purpose of killing a certain one who was on the
plane, the purpose of sending warning messages to Hollande, the president of France and to
Merkel the Chancellor of Germany, for these two and others have recently been changing
their economic alliances. That they have both recently announced their intent and design to
cooperate with the Chinese banking system and also an interest in the BRICS world bank that
Russia, India, Brazil, China and South Africa are forming.
That those ones in power from that which this Awareness would call the old regime are
intensely unhappy about this shift in the power structure, the economic power structure. That
ones like Germany and France are openly declaring their intent and, as already stated by this
Awareness, that part of the reason for shooting down, bringing down this plane, for it was not
shot down in a literal sense, but the bringing down of the Germanwings aircraft was indeed to
deliver a message to ones such as Merkel and Hollande that they better be careful, for if they
do that which the Powers That Be of the old regime do not like there will be retaliation. That
they can bring down planes, they can crash trains, they can create dangerous situations, not
only for the innocent victims that will be offered up but for the leaders themselves.
Both leaders, for example, make many flights to various parts of the world and for them to be
hown in such a dramatic matter that their planes too could be brought down is that warning
this Awareness is speaking of to these leaders on a most personal level.
Thus it is already seen that there are ulterior and hidden reasons why this plane was brought
down, a plane that seems to have been inconsequential, in a manner of speaking, just
another of the thousands of flights that are flying every day. Yet there is more to it of course
than what is being presented.
That this Awareness spoke of the quickness of the response, the quickness of putting out the
reason for the crash, the reason being again that the copilot had deliberately crashed the
plane so he could kill himself and make a statement. That while this is that which is being put
out for the public to consume, it is shown that this is not necessarily the truth of the matter.
That there are the hidden agendas of the power Elites that are seeing their power slipping
away, that are seeing their traditional allies jumping ship, that distresses them immensely and
that this is all part of the way of response by them to send out their messages. But it is also
with the intent of mass manipulation of the human mind, of the human collective
It is to be remembered that the intention of the powers are that the masses are kept asleep,
that they are controlled and manipulated and kept at high levels of anxiety and fear. A
byproduct of the crashing of the Germanwings airliner is that it has put into the human
psyche yet another thing to be afraid of, this being of flying, this being of rogue pilots that
may crash their planes. While this is not seen as the most direct reason for crashing this
airliner, it is seen that this is thought by these Powers That Be as a benefit to their agenda and
to their plan of the mass control and manipulation of human consciousness, of the mass
mind, the collective mind of humanity, keeping them at high levels of fear. Everywhere they
turn, everywhere they look there is something else to be fearful about, to be concerned over.
That the presentation of the news achieves this goal as well. That therefore here is yet
another thing to be concerned about, to be frightened over and it is seen that bookings on
the Germanwings aircraft, using that air company will drop just as they dropped with
alaysian Air. This is also part of the agenda against ones who are not toeing the line, who
are not doing what the Powers That Be want them to do.
That ultimately this event, as already alleged by this Awareness, is a false flag event with the
purpose and intent of creating fearful situations, of being used as a warning against certain
leaders, to eliminate one aboard the plane who had information she was willing and ready to
These ones never do anything by half measures or randomly, there is intent and design
behind their attacks. That this is so in the crashing of the German airliner, that this is so in the
event of Paris where those who were alleged to be terrorists invaded the magazine. That this
too was a false flag event as were so many.
It must be remembered that this is a critical and crucial time for the Powers That Be. It has
been spoken by this Awareness that 2015 is their last window of opportunity to affect the
planet, to affect the collective consciousness of humanity without too much exposure, too
much uncovering of the intents and purpose of the plans themselves and the ones who are
carrying out these plans, initiating these plans.
By 2016 it is seen that many, many more will become aware that perhaps things are not as
they seem. But these ones who are stuck in their own patterns of behavior will continue their
actions, it is just that such actions will become more and more transparent. At this time, this
time of the year 2015, that they still are acting with impunity with the belief that they will not
be discovered. Yet even this rope is becoming unraveled, the strands of their intent starting to
fray and come apart.
Thus it is when there is an event such as the deliberate crashing of the Germanwings aircraft
that there are many who wonder about this, who question this, even though the presentation
of the truth over the airwaves seems to overwhelmingly suggest this was the actions of a lone
individual who was not in full control.
Therefore it is also a situation for an individual to look at this matter and to ask questions in
regard to the event. That if this if this was indeed a false flag event, then there would be
evidence that seems to suggest it was not what it seemed to be. Such evidence is coming
forward, evidence such as the manuals of the aircraft stating outright in their manuals
produced years ago that the door could be overridden. There are those who are saying that
the copilot, even though there are the allegations that he was mentally unbalanced, that
there are those who are saying that he was not, that he was not depressed, that he was being
treated medically for certain a certain condition but that he was not depressed.
There is other evidence that is also available to those who seek, those who are open to more
than that which is the controlled line of deception being presented over the airwaves, over
the media, in the press, through the mouths of ones who are in positions of authority. But
what is required is that the individual take a responsibility here, the responsibility of looking
deeper, the responsibility of not simply believing, even though it is very alluring and very
compulsive to believe what is being presented on the news and in the papers, that one still
holds a position of neutrality, the position of the observer asking questions so that one can
look at this matter, not in the light that it is being presented, not in the deception that is
taking place but rather with a fresh mind willing to look at alternative explanations and
understandings, even if they are extreme, even if they push one to the very limit of credibility
in terms of what could have happened versus what is alleged to have happened.
The matter of advanced aircraft used by a covert agency that serves the power Elite is for
many simply too much to believe. The fact that there are hidden agendas against individuals
and that there is even a willingness to sacrifice hundreds and even thousands of lives to
achieve the goals of the ones who have the power, who have the agenda, seems ridiculous to
the majority of people and they are not willing to entertain such extreme conspiracy theories.
But simply because they are extreme does not mean that they are not correct, does not mean
there is not truth behind the allegations of ones who are presenting information contrary to
the public presentation of that which is alleged to be the truth by the officials and the
Therefore, as already stated by this Awareness, this horrendous and tragic event, this heinous
crime against innocent ones is an event that can also unfortunately or fortunately be used as
an opportunity to look deeper, to ask questions, to reserve judgment on this matter until
more is brought forward, more is presented.
This does not mean that this type of information will ever be presented over CNN or any of
the other controlled media and it does indeed require a degree of responsibility and
willingness for the ones who are asking questions to research the matter more, to be open to
evidence that is being presented from alternative sources, to be open to suggestions that are
being made by ones who are being demonized as conspiracy nutters. It is a personal
responsibility but it is one that has grander and greater application as well, for as more
become aware of that which is the truth of the situation and not the alleged truth that is
being presented, as more and more share this with others awareness, collective awareness
does start to grow.
This year of 2015 is still a timeframe when the Powers That Be have some degree of
protection still of the truth of the matter being revealed, that it is not so that means they can
work with impunity, that they feel they are still protected as they always have been to carry
out their devious plans, their manipulations of human consciousness, the collective human
But this is coming to conclusion. That simply because they think they are safe in their
deceptions and their lies does not mean that the rope is not starting to unravel, that the
strands are not being pulled apart. It is happening but at this stage it does require that the
individual examine the situation for themselves, draw their own conclusions, be open to
alternative possibilities in such false flag events.
That this Awareness will at this time leave it at that, but it is again an opportunity to dissect
the event and that which is event to be behind the event with information that is available
that can broaden the mind, that can help one look through the deception and to reach a new
level of awareness as to the intent and purpose of ones who are trying to manipulate events
to serve their own purpose.
That this Awareness is complete this additional opening message that again relates to the
events of the crashing of the Germanwings aircraft, the scapegoating of the copilot and the
intentions of certain ones who are using this event as well as other false flag events to serve
their agenda and their purpose.
That this Awareness is available to a question or questions that the Energizer might have if
you do indeed have any questions for this Awareness.
Actually it was an excellent presentation, Awareness and I think you've covered more this time
than you have done before and any questions I had would be redundant but I do appreciate
the opportunity to ask a question or two, thank you.
That this Awareness will be available in the days, weeks, months ahead to answer any other
questions from any who have interest in this matter or to cover other false flag events, but for
now this Awareness is complete with this second opening message about the Germanwings
aircraft disaster, the deception that is being perpetrated upon humanity yet again.
True, very true.
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