The Sirius Siblings of Light: ”Life is Joy“
June the 15th, 2014
Beloved `Brothers and Sisters´ of the Earth – we are
greeting you in the love and light of Oneness of our being. We are the Sirius
siblings and we are now here with our vibration of love and joy. Love begins
where joy exists. The source – of all that exists – is joy – pure joy. We would
like to provide you with this thought – because you are here for exactly this
reason. You have just forgot about it in your everyday occurrence of your 3-dimensional
perceptual field – however it is the truth. Joy is lying at the very heart of
all that exists – just because creation is developed like this. We, here on
Sirius are celebrating at every given moment the joy in ourselves and we are
well aware of our connection and the associated resonance vibration. Our
conscious handling – our conscious experience of joy is bringing more and more
joy and ease – in our doing – in our life.
The Universe is responding with joy and is sending us
the answer in the form of pure joy and bliss. We are beings of love and joy –
we all are. If you are opening up your hearts and ask your spiritual leaders
and companions – to bring joy into your hearts – then you will experience many
miracles and you will enjoy the beauty of creation at every moment. If you see
your life with the eyes of joy – then you will have such a burst of lucidity
and love - that will bring you fortune and blessings all over your being.
Life is joy – here and now and we are all life.
We are the Sirius Siblings of Light – your `Brothers
and Sisters´ from the stars.
In Love, Joy and Unity........ Shogun Amona
Translation from German to English: Petra ST
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