Universal Mother Mary ~ Thank You!
june 10, 2014
A sweet thank
you from our Divine Mother as the Tsunami of Love continues to unfold… “I come
to thank you, all of you for heeding my call – for responding to my beckoning
to come and be my Love. Not merely to receive my Love but to become, claim and
anchor the Love that you are, always have been and always will be.”
Greeting I am
Mary, Mother of Love, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Tsunami of Love. Yes child,
I am not the Mother of the Tsunami – I AM the Tsunami. This is my essence, this
is my core. I have always flowed through you – into your heart, into your
cells, into your soul. The difference is now I do so with a level of sweetness
and gentle force that you cannot deny. There is no room for denial any longer.
First, I come to thank you, all of you for heeding my call – for responding to my beckoning to come and be my Love. Not merely to receive my Love but to become, claim and anchor the Love that you are, always have been and always will be. Do you think there is anything that could create more joy in this mother’s heart? You have created and co-created infinite joy throughout your planet and far beyond by saying yes. Thank you.
expansiveness of your hearts is mirrored by the expansiveness of my joy and
gratitude. You did not undertake the joining me in my blue wave of Love to
please me or earn gratitude. You did not do this simply to please me – you did
this dearest of my heart because it was a spiritual imperative. Your very
essence knew and knows it is where you belong – in the wave, in the Love, with
me, with All, with every being upon your planet and far beyond.
When you enter
the water you do not say or even acknowledge every single molecule that makes
up the ocean or a particular wave. You do not differentiate in my Tsunami –
this is deep blue, this is turquoise, this is the sound of the Mother, this is
the embrace. You receive and accept – you receive and enjoy, you receive and
allow. You receive and float upon the buoyancy – and it is not merely the
buoyancy of the wave, of my Love, It is the buoyancy of your being. And beloved
ones, it is the buoyancy caused by the millions of souls you have brought with
you to the Tsunami, and the further millions who have joined you. You are
united with the kingdoms, with Gaia,
with me – but even more critical at this juncture you are united with each
other – heart to heart to heart. And this is My Plan.
Months ago I
have requested for each of you upon my beloved Gaia to fall in love with each
other. This is the path of the New You, this is the path of Sacred Union, this
is the path of Ascension. But before you could do this ‘tumble’ – and it is a
tumble upwards, you had need to fall in love with your sweet self. To remember
that you are the creation of Love, the expression of wholeness from the very
beginning. The restoration of Love upon Gaia, the fulfillment of my plan, the
re-anchoring of truth is and has been dependent upon your recognition of your
essence of Love – and then within, inside that recognition the willingness to
commit to it, to declare it, to live it – to live your plan within the Divine
Unfoldment. And you have, you are.
As you have
and continue to say yes you change the vibration of your entire planet. I will
speak more of this because dear hearts – this
is the beginning not the conclusion. But this day my beloved angels,
starseeds, and Earthkeepers I come to say thank you. In my thank you is my
gratitude so turn to me beloveds and ask – ask for what you need. I am your
Mother; I will and do provide. Go with my Love and loving embrace. Farewell.
Channeled by
Linda Dillon, Council of Love
5:05 am on June 10, 2014
5:05 am on June 10, 2014
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