Archangel Gabriel on UPLIFTMENT
January 22, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as
upliftment. This quality within an individual allows them to experience a
wide range of emotional experiences and still have the ability to create some
of the most inspiring creations. They believe that the best response to
any situation in life is to be patient, grateful, gracious, and most of all,
positive. These individuals believe that an uplifting attitude is
beneficial to them and is inspiring to those around them. They believe
that all good things belong to them and that even situations that are not ideal
will work out for their benefit in the end. One must always look for the good
in others because they know that pointing out the good in others uplifts their
spirit and makes them feel valued. Their family, coworkers and community
members know that they can count on this person to have a positive point of view
in every situation. Their attitude towards all situations in their life is
infectious and causes
others around them to become positive towards them with an outpouring of love.
Their uplifting attitude ignites others to emulate them and reciprocate their
attitude by being pleasant toward them. Such uplifting spirit is strong because
they choose to remain positive, regardless of the circumstances they may face.
Uplifting emotion is a creative force which uplifts an
individual and takes them on a journey of discovery and delight into new
possibilities. It is the doorway to new perspectives, the doorway to change. It creates
a powerful and positive momentum by maintaining a moment to moment
awareness and a focus on feeling good. When an individual carries an uplifting
attitude each day and practices unconditional self love, it uplifts their
emotions to a higher level of positive optimism and utmost freedom. When they
interact with others, they make it a point to genuinely compliment them. They
recognize others for their good heart and kind spirit making every effort to
focus only on the positive attributes of others instead of their shortcomings. The
giving of one’s loving efforts to help others makes one feel powerful and
uplifted. These individuals count their blessings and spend more of their day
thinking with gratitude about the things in life they truly love. People who
are grateful for what they have are more alert, enthusiastic, determined,
attentive, and energetic than people who do not count their blessings. By
maintaining this quality of love called upliftment within them, everything that
happens is viewed as an opportunity to provide and experience contentment,
understanding, perspective, and guidance to the people around them.
It is up to each person to be responsible to live
their best life. One becomes very careful what they think about and very
selective as to where and what they give their time and attention
to. It is important that one’s thinking involves their heart. When one is
in harmony with spirit, nothing can hinder them, as they always do what makes
their heart sing. When they give someone a hug or a smile, it uplifts the
atmosphere, their soul is expanded and they discover that they love every
moment of their life. By creating this important shift in one’s personal
consciousness and taking a moment often to be still, to be quiet, and to
just be uplifts their emotions and does wonders. Indulging oneself by basking
in the sun, going for a walk in nature, absorbing the wonder and amazement of
the beauty of the world around them creates a spiritual upliftment within
them. By changing one’s attitude, everything else in one’s life improves. One’s
attitude is the key to creating behaviours in life which are highly effective
and lead to the greatest happiness. Genuine happiness is a state of mind, and
is always a personal choice that an individual makes. They have the courage to
follow their own heart and intuition. Their genuinely good character
always radiates from within them and uplifts and inspires throughout their
Everyone values the gift of unexpected assistance and those who supply it. When one
makes a positive impact in someone else’s life, they also make a positive
impact in their own life. All are uplifted and empowered to a higher level of
feeling. By sharing the rich experiences of one’s life and the wisdom that
comes from one’s unique point of view, by being vulnerable and willing to
share one’s failures as well as one’s successes, others will relate to their
example and be inspired and uplifted. Others will understand that they are
not the only ones with challenges. Being happy with whom one is now, and
letting their positive attitude inspire their journey into tomorrow helps
encourage and touch those around them. Everything that happens in life is
neither good nor bad. It just depends on one’s personal perspective. And
no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should. As
an individual stays positive and appreciates the pleasant outcomes and learns from
their every experience, they can uplift themselves in a greater, more expansive
What people must realize is the tremendous amount of
influence they can wield on those that surround them. What an uplifting
person does best is make everyone they interact with feel empowered or
validated. They are pioneers of the new age. Their job is to heal the
world and elevate and uplift everybody. They pay attention to their
motives and look for ways to uplift and purify them to a state of love. They
find happiness just from doing something well or from finding ways to give
happiness to others. Everyone wants to feel valued and validated. Taking one’s
time to talk to someone about their interests, their goals and talents places
confidence where it was potentially lacking. People always do better and thrive
with compliments and positive direction. One’s emotional state and their
thoughts travel out from them like ripples on a pond. They radiate energy that affects
everything and everyone, their happy emotions radiate outward and affect
those around them in a positive and uplifting way and contribute greatly
to the future unfolding of the higher destiny of the planet.
May your hearts stay uplifted and inspired as I take
my leave.
Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah)
Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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