

Monday, February 28, 2011

SVENSKA: St. Germain, 21 februari 2011

Frihetskämpar – Håll i hatten!

Inspirerat av Saint Germain genom Zilanthrah, 21 februari 2011.

Original: ”The Freedom Fighters – Hold on to Your Hats!”

Vi är Frihetens Söner. Vi hälsar er å Saint Germains vägnar. Vi är hans legioner av Frihetskämpar i de eteriska världarna. Vi hälsar er som står i de främsta leden, - ni som har kungjort er gudomliga rätt till frihet, suveränitet och fred!

Var beredda, för dammluckorna har öppnats. De krafter som har satt igång förändringarna går inte att stoppa. Vi är en enorm mängd fredsskapare, vilket även ni kommer att bli. Vi är vetenskapsmän, vi är lärare, vi är helgon som vandrade på jorden i det förflutna, - vi är jordens medborgare från det förgångna. Vi tillhör de eteriska världarna med en ren och strålande energi. Vi varierar lika mycket som ni, men vi strävade alltid efter frihet. Tillsammans är vi en kraft för fred och frihet som inte går att stoppa! Håll i hatten!

Det är dags för alla raser, för alla människor i världen att höras. Och det är detta som sker. Det kommer att hända mera. Ni kommer att höra av människor som idag är okända för er. Det kommer att bli ändå fler rop på frihet. Men det kommer att bli mer än rop. Det kommer handling – handling som inte går att stoppa, precis som Jordens handlingar inte går att stoppa. Det är inget tvivel om att det skenbara kaoset hos Jordens kropp fortsätter alltmedan hon skakar och ruskar på sig, när hon känner störtfloden av energier, förändringar som inte går att föreställa sig eller stoppa.

Det kommer händelser som bär med sig möjligheten till mer brutalitet och kanske offer, liksom det kommer händelser som förvånar er med sin fridfullhet. Ni bär vittnesbörd om ihärdigt arbete för fred, när olika människor kommer samman vilka faktiskt inte är annorlunda än ni. Deras avsikt är densamma och deras fokus är detsamma. Fredens energi har svept fram över jorden. Den går inte att stoppa! Håll i hatten!

Det är dags att bli hörd. Det är dags att ge uttryck för mänsklighetens längtan och djupaste önskningar, vilka filtrerats bort länge nog och nu kommit upp till ytan. Detta kan inte och skall inte stoppas. Det kommer inte att låta sig kuvas, det kommer inte att bli fråga om att gå tillbaka. Det är full fart framåt. Bravo!

De gamla krafterna förstår nu utom allt tvivel att folket inte längre är en skräckfylld civilisation av får! Och vad kan de gamla krafterna göra? De är hopsamlade och innestängda i en fålla och måste betala kalaset.

Vi saluterar när vi står som segrare tillsammans med alla som har proklamerat sin rättighet till frihet. Det går en rörelse för fred över jorden. Förtryckets klagan har tonat bort. Nu sluts cirkeln och ni rör er med full fart framåt på det tåg på frihetens spår som inte går att stoppa. Friheten får alltmer bränsle av den seger som sjuder i mänsklighetens kollektiva hjärta.

Våra Frihetskämpar i gångna tider kämpade för frihet; - ett folks frihet, frihet från hyckleri, från intolerans; frihet i smått och frihet i stort. Er frihet representerar en frihet av kosmiska proportioner. Friheten är av en hög vibration och kan därför inte stoppas. Inkommande energier ger näring åt frihetens flamma. Dessa energier går inte att stoppa – håll i hatten! Välkomna dem, omfamna dem, låt dem integreras med er.

Dessa ungdomar som har tagit på sig att kasta sig in i striden och bli frihetens röst har satt igång händelser som fortsätter och som inte går att hejda.

Vilken fantastisk tid detta är! Vilka segrar! Vilka verkligt modiga människor de är! Vilket underbart rike ni skapar på den här kära planeten! Var medvetna om att även hon har deklarerat sin frihet; med fulla rättigheter till frihet från det gamlas förtryck. Är det inte på tiden!

Detta överlåtes på er, kära modiga människor. Att stå upp för er rätt att vara fria är er gudagivna rättighet och den är er given! Nu är det slut på förtryck, slut på rasism, slut på stagnationen som ras och på att inte få det ni förtjänar.

Detta är möjligheternas tider. Vilken glädje detta ger mänsklighetens civilisation. Vilken glädje detta ger alla förnimmande varelser i ert universum. Det finns mycket att fira, mycket uppmuntran och stöd från alla som älskar er, kära jordemänniskor.

Vi hejar på er. Vi står vid er sida bärande på frihetens flagga, fredens fana. Frihetens energi lyser klart i sin strålglans. Det är dags, ni har förtjänat det.

Det här steget leder till nästa och till nästa och vart och ett kommer att vara mer fantastiskt än det föregående. Framåt, ni lysande! Håll fast vid sanningen i era hjärtan. Håll fast vid Ljuset. Vi håller sanningens ljus för er. Segern är er. En kungörelse ekar genom himlarna, - en med värdighet, med briljans, med sann frihet för själen, för hjärtat och för sinnet.

Ni kan förvänta er underbara förändringar som följer i er frihets spår. Allt nytt och underbart kommer att dyka upp. Ni kan se fram mot en energiförändring i era liv, vilken får er att känna er som om ni är redo att skjutas upp som en raket – in i en ny era av glädje, en era som ni själva skapar åt er. Håll i hatten och njut av resan, för de nya energierna kommer att bära er långt bortom det ni känner till.

Befrielse från era känslor, från era tankar, från ert fysiska är för handen. Er Andes befrielse är på gång. Din Ande, kära du, är redo att skjuta i höjden och expandera tillsammans med dig. Du behöver inte någon som håller dig under armarna. Du gör ett utmärkt arbete själv.

Se vad du kan göra, - vad du har gjort! Fortsätt, du sanne krigare, sann i din tro, sann i ditt fredsarbete. Bär ditt ljus stolt och i frid. Inom din frid finns en så hög energi att den låter dig acceptera sanningen om den du håller på att bli under din resa på denna storslagna planet, kallad Jorden.

Håll i hatten!

Översättare: Inga och Cagga Levander

More Swedish translations:

ENGLISH: St. Germain, February 21, 2011

The Freedom Fighters – Hold on to Your Hats!

St Germain through Zilanthrah
21st February, 3011

We are the Sons of Freedom. We greet you at the behest of St Germain. We are his legions of Freedom Fighters of the etheric realms. We salute you who are at the forefront, you who have proclaimed your divine right to liberation, to sovereignty and to peace!

Be prepared, for the flood gates have opened. The forces that have initiated the changes are unstoppable. We are multitude upon multitude of peacemakers, as you are becoming. We are scientists, we are teachers, we are saints of old who walked the earth, we are past citizens of Earth. And we are of the etheric realms, with an energy pure and radiant. We are as varied as you, but always we strived for freedom. Together, we are an unstoppable force for peace and for freedom! Hold on to your hats!

It is the time for all races, all peoples of the world to be heard. And this is what is happening. There will be more to come. You will be hearing from people unknown to you at this time. There will be yet more cries for freedom, however it will be more than cries; it will be action – unstoppable action, just as the actions of Earth are unstoppable. There is no doubt that the seeming turmoil of the body of Earth continues as she shakes and rattles, as she feels the deluge of unimaginable and unstoppable energy changes

There will be events that carry the possibility of more brutality and perhaps sacrifice, however there will be events that will surprise you with peacefulness. You are bearing witness to the tenacity of peace, a coming together of different peoples who are really no different than you. Their intention is the same and the focus is the same. The energy of peace has swept the earth. It is unstoppable! Hold on to your hats!

It is time to be heard. It is time for an expression of the longings and the deepest desires of humankind which have been percolating long enough and have come to the surface. It cannot and shall not be stopped. There will be no curtailling, there will be no going back. It is full steam ahead. Bravo!

The forces of old now understand without a doubt that the people are no longer a fearful civilization of sheep! And what can they do? They are rounded up and corralled and must pay the piper.

We salute as we stand victorious with all who have proclaimed their right to freedom. There is a tag team for peace throughout the world. The cries of oppression have faded. You have come full circle and are moving full speed ahead on the unstoppable train on the track of freedom. Freedom continues to be fuelled by the victory simmering in the collective heart of man.

Our Freedom Fighters in past times fought for freedom; freedom of a people, freedom from hypocrisy, from intolerance; freedoms small and freedoms great. Your freedom represents one of cosmic proportions. Freedom is of a high vibratory nature, therefore it cannot be stopped. Incoming energies feed the flame of freedom. These energies are unstoppable – hold on to your hats! Welcome them, embrace them, allow them to integrate.

These youngsters who have taken it upon themselves to jump into the fray and become the voice for freedom have begun the unstoppable events that continue.

What exciting times these are! What victories these are! What truly brave humans these are! What a glorious kingdom you are creating on this dear planet! Know that she too has declared freedom; freedom in her own right from the oppression of old. Is it not time!

This is passed to you, dear brave humans. To stand up for your right to be free is your god given right and it is given! The end of oppression is here. The end to racism, to stagnation as a species, to having not what you deserve is ended.

These are the times of empowerment. What joy this brings to the civilization of humanity. What joy this brings to all sentient beings in your universe. There is much celebration, much encouragement and support from all who love you, dear humans of Earth.

We are rooting for you. We are by your side, carrying the flag of freedom, the flag of peace. The energy of freedom blazes forth in radiance. It is time, you have earned it.

This step will lead to the next and the next and each one will be even more glorious than the last. Onward, brilliant ones! Hold true to your hearts. Hold true to the Light. We hold the light of truth for you. Victory is yours. A proclamation reverberates through the heavens, one of grandeur, of brilliance, of true liberation of the soul, of the heart and of the mind.

You can expect wonderful changes with your liberation. All things new and wondrous will occur. You can look forward to energetic changes in your lives that will make you feel like you are ready for blast off – into a new era of joy; one that you are creating for yourselves. Hold on to your hats and enjoy the ride, for the new energies will carry you far beyond what you know.

Liberation of your emotions, of your thoughts, of your physical is at hand. Liberation of your spirit is at hand. Your spirits, dear ones, are ready to soar and to expand along with you. You do not need anyone to hold you up. You are dong a splendid job on your own.

See what you can do, what you have done? Carry on, true warriors, true believers, true peace makers. Carry your light proudly and peaceably. Within your peace is carried such a high energy that allows you to accept the truth of who you are becoming within your journey on this grand planet called Earth.

Hold on to your hats!


Experiment for Contacting in Unison Extraterrestrial Beings

At the initiative of Steven Greer's group, on Saturday, March 5th, 2011 the ET contact procedure will be realized by many people who have contact with this group or know of this procedure.

Dr. Steven Greer is a highly spiritual and brave man who has been working for many years to reveal the truth about extraterrestrial civilizations and to educate people on how to contact them. He is also revealing the truth about the evil plans of the Shadow Organizations that plan to take total control over this planet. For more information on him please check his website or read his book “Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge”. One of the major activities Dr. Greer is coordinating the creation of a free energy device that will be clean, effective and available for the entire planet, which can change the life on Earth greatly in a very short time. The project dealing with this activity is called The Orion Project

This experiment is made with the intention to move to a higher level of interaction with our friends from the Universe and to be of as much help as possible to planet Earth in the process of transition towards a new era. This time you are welcome to gather yourself or a group during the 24 hr. period from Fri midnight March 4th through Sat midnight, March 5th, so at all times on the 5th of March - any time that is convenient for you wherever you are. You just link-up your CE-5 site - in heart, mind and soul - with all the rest of the sites and then interact in the many ways that are available to us and our Star Friends.

Please confirm your participation at This is also important so the rest of the participants and groups will be aware of your involvement and location. Also please send your experiences during this action to the same email address. These experiences will be shared with Steven Greer’s team.


• Perform the ET contact procedure anywhere you are, and any time you want, within the 24 hours interval (local time).
• Ideal (but not required) is to realize this procedure in a group of people, outdoors at night (so you can watch the sky), away from inhabited areas.
• Throughout the entire procedure, remain aware that there will be many people around the planet that are in unison with this initiative.
• During the technique, ask our ET friends to manifest in a way that is undoubtedly a sign of their presence on this planet and of the fact that we, as a civilization, can communicate with them.
• The special music that we can use (sounds of extraterrestrial origin that have been recorded in England and then synthesized) can be downloaded from

Technique for Contacting the Extraterrestrial Beings

  • Enter an elevated state of consciousness and deep mental peace (use any meditation techniques you know)
  • Become aware that the Universe is a projection of the Divine Mind and that all beings that exist in the Universe are united through the Divine Consciousness that created them (we are all children of the same God)
The expansion of consciousness in space, as follows:
  • beyond the limits of our planet, which is seen now from space
  • beyond our solar system, which is seen now from outside
  • beyond the limits of our galaxy, that we see now from outside
  • Another useful website for Cosmos visualization is:
  • Perceive the extraterrestrial beings that exit in these vast spaces, and their space ships.
  • Become aware that these ET beings are connected to a Supreme Intergalactic Council, composed of highly spiritual ET beings.
  • We aim to contact both the extraterrestrial beings perceived and the members of the Intergalactic Council. We introduce ourselves to them and manifest towards them all the love and friendship that we are capable of. We invite them to come where we were, in order to learn more about them, and to contribute to the creation of a spiritual civilization on planet Earth.
  • We ask the extraterrestrial beings to manifest to us in any way that is appropriate and safe for them and participants in our group.
  • We show them mentally where we are (as a "zoom in": the Milky Way galaxy, our solar system, planet Earth - the third planet from our Sun, the continent that we live on, our country and its position on the continent, our city's geographical position in the country, the area of the city where we are, street, house etc) - with as many visual details as possible.
  • As a means of identifying ourselves we can visualize a column of white light that goes up from the middle of our group. We can also use laser beams and / or certain sounds (the ones from the previous link)
  • We can do this zoom out / zoom in procedure several times.
  • We remain quietly in a state of receptivity, trying to perceive the presence and manifestation of the extraterrestrial beings.
  • It's best to allocate at least 2-3 hours for this procedure - the perfect time are nights without moon, when it's easier to look at the stars, but not only. The procedure can be done anywhere, even in a room. Ideally, however, is to be outdoors.
  • You can use radar detectors with battery, and also magnetometers, which may easily indicate the ethereal presence of ET, and can even manifest interactively.
  • If you take pictures - use a tripod and long exposure (30 seconds), without flash.
  • Do not use any light sources - like lights, flashlights, flash etc (they decrease the sensitivity of the eye for about 30 minutes)
  • To perceive easier the ethereal manifestations of ET, de-focus your vision.
  • Alternate periods when you look at the sky with periods of meditation, and various spiritual techniques (like prayers for Planet Earth, blessings or anything else that you feel inspired to do).
  • On departure thank the ET beings.

Materials needed (ideally) – obviously we can realize this procedure without them as well:

- Laser Beams
- Radar detectors and magnetometers
- Digital Cameras
- Folding Chairs
- CD player

For related materials (books, CD’s etc) please visit

For questions and feedback related to this experiment please contact Ileana Stefanescu at .



Sunday, February 27, 2011

ROMANIAN: Experiment de contact la unison al fiinţelor extraterestre

Experiment de contact la unison al fiinţelor extraterestre

La iniţiativa grupului lui Steven Greer, în data de sâmbătă, 5 martie 2011 se va realiza procedura de contact ET de către cât mai mulţi oameni care au contact cu acest grup sau cunosc această procedură. Acest contact se va petrece timp de 24 de ore, de la ora 0:00 până la ora 24:00.

Aceasta este un experiment de acest gen al grupului lui Steven Greer, realizat cu intenţia de a trece la un nivel superior al interacţiunii cu prietenii noştri din Univers, pentru a fi de cât mai mult ajutor planetei Pământ în acest proces de tranziţie către o nouă eră.

Sunteti bineveniti sa va alaturati acestei initiative in timpul zilei de Sambata 5 martie, la orice ora, pentru cat de mult timp doriti. Va fi de asemeni util sa ramneti constienti ca nu sunteti singuri, si ca sunt multe alte grupuri care vor realiza acest procedeu in acelasi timp.

Pentru a afla exact unde sunt aceste grupuri, va rugam sa confirmati participarea la Aceasta confirmare este importanta si pentru ca ceilalti participanti sa stie de locatia si actiunea dumneavoastra. De asemeni va rugam sa trimiteti relatari si experiente la aceeasi adresa de e-mail. Aceste relatari vor fi impartasite echipei lui Steven Greer.

Daca doriti sa va inscrieti pe lista de anunturi a CSETI, va rog sa trimiteti un email in limba engleza lui Kosta Makreas In felul acesta veti fi direct la current cu meditatiile si actiunile CSETI.

- Realizaţi procedura de contact oriunde vă aflaţi, şi pentru oricât timp doriţi, în intervalul de 24 de ore menţionat (ora locală)
- Ideal (dar nu obligatoriu) este să realizaţi această procedură în grupuri de măcar câţiva oameni, pe cât posibil departe de zonele locuite.
- Pe parcursul întregii tehnici rămâneţi conştienţi de faptul că vor fi mii de oameni pe întreaga planetă care sunt la unison cu această iniţiativă.
- În timpul realizării tehnicii, rugaţi-i pe prietenii noştri extratereştri să răspundă într-un mod care să fie un semn indubitabil al prezenţei lor pe această planetă şi al faptului că noi, că şi civilizaţie, putem comunica cu ei.
- Muzica specială ce poate fi folosită (sunt nişte sunete de provenienţă extraterestră ce au fost înregistrate în Anglia şi apoi sintetizate) – se poate descărca aici:

Tehnica de contactare a fiinţelor extraterestre benefice
- Intrarea într-o stare de conştiinţă cât mai elevată şi de linişte mentală cât mai profundă (orice tehnici de meditatie cunoaşteţi)
- Conştientizarea faptului că tot universul este o proiecţie a minţii divine şi că toate fiinţele care există în univers sunt unite prin conştiinţa divină care le-a creat (suntem cu toţii copii ai aceluiaşi Dumnezeu)
- Expansiunea conştiinţei în spaţiu:
- dincolo de limitele planetei noastre, pe care o vedem din spaţiu
- dincolo de limitele sistemului solar, pe care îl vedem din afară
- dincolo de limitele galaxiei noastre, pe care o vedem din afară
(aici poate fi de ajutor vizionarea în prealabil de imagini ale planetei, galaxiei etc văzute din afară) Ca ajutor puteti vizualiza in prealabil filmele de la link-urile urmatoare : si
Alt website util pentru vizualizarea cosmosului este .
- Percepem în aceste spaţii vaste prezenţa fiinţelor extraterestre benefice, elevate şi a navelor lor spaţiale.
- Conştientizăm că aceste finite sunt conectate la un Consiliu suprem intergalactic, compus din finite extraterestre extrem de elevate spiritual.
- Urmărim să contactăm atât fiinţele extraterestre percepute, cât şi membrii Consiliului intergalactic. Ne prezentăm şi le transmitem toată iubirea şi prietenia de care suntem capabili. Îi invităm să vină acolo unde noi ne aflăm, cu scopul de a cunoaşte mai mult despre existenţa lor, şi de a contribui şi în felul acesta la crearea unei civilizaţii spirituale pe planeta Pământ.
- Le rugăm pe fiinţele extraterestre să se manifeste pentru noi în orice mod care este potrivit şi care conferă siguranţă, atât lor cât şi participanţilor din grupul nostru.
- Le arătăm mental unde ne aflăm (că şi cum am face “zoom”: galaxia Calea Lactee, sistemul nostru solar, Pământul – a treia planetă de la Soarele nostru, continentul pe care suntem, ţara şi poziţia ei pe continent (gen: România, în partea de sud-est, pe ţărmul Mării Negre), oraşul şi poziţia lui geografică în ţară, zona din oraş, strada, casa etc – cu cât mai multe detalii vizuale).
Că mijloc de identificare a noastră putem mentaliza o coloană de lumină albă care se înaltă chiar din mijlocul grupului nostru. Putem de asemeni folosi lanterne cu raze laser sau/şi anumite sunete.
- Putem realiza de mai multe ori această procedură de zoom out/zoom în.
- Rămânem în linişte într-o stare de receptivitate, urmărind să percepem prezenţa şi manifestarea fiinţelor extraterestre.
- E bine să alocăm măcar 2-3 ore pentru această procedură – ideal în nopţile fără lună, când e mai uşor de privit stelele, dar nu numai. Procedura se poate face oriunde, chiar şi într-o cameră. Ideal totuşi este afară.
- Puteţi folosi detectoare de radar cu baterie, şi de asemeni detectoare de câmpuri magnetice, care pot semnala uşor prezenta eterică a ET, şi se pot manifesta chiar interactiv.
- Dacă faceţi poze – folosiţi trepied şi expunere lungă gen 30 sec, fără flash.
- La locul unde se face contactul nu se vor folosi nici un fel de surse de lumină – gen faruri, lanterne, flash-uri etc (acestea scad senzitivitatea ochiului pt aproape 30 de minute)
- Pentru a percepe mai uşor manifestările eterice realizăm defocalizarea privirii.
- În timpul tehnicii se pot alterna perioadele în care privim cerul cu perioade de meditaţie, sau diverse tehnici spirituale (gen rugăciuni pt planeta pământ, binecuvântări sau orice altceva ne simţim inspiraţi să facem).
- La plecare mulţumim fiinţelor extraterestre.

Materiale necesare (ideal) – evident se poate şi fără:
- Lanterne cu laser
- Detectoare de radar şi câmpuri magnetice
- Camere digitale
- Scaune pliante
- CD player
Pentru întrebări şi relatări, vă rugăm să o contactaţi pe Ileana Ştefănescu la
Pentru a afla detalii despre activitatea Dr. Steven Greer, vizitaţi

Medicul Steven M. Greer, este autorul lucrării „Adevărul ascuns. Informaţii interzise” (Adevărul dezvăluit despre extratereştrii benefici), lucrare publicată şi în limba română, de editura Daksha (2008). Steven Greer a fondat CSETI (Centrul pentru studierea inteligenţei extraterestre) în anul 1990, fiind şi în prezent director internaţional al acestei organizaţii. Cele mai cunoscute proiecte ale sale sunt Iniţiativa CE-5 (în cadrul căreia sunt iniţiate contacte între fiinţele umane şi fiinţele extraterestre benefice), Disclosure Project (care intenţionează să dezvăluie publicului larg date reale privind viaţa şi inteligenţa extraterestră, informaţii ţinute strict secrete de guvernul din umbră şi anumite servicii secrete) si Proiectul Orion ( )

Va rugam sa ii anuntati si pe colegii sau prietenii dumneavoastra despre aceasta actiune spirituala.

Translation: Sorin

Monday, February 21, 2011

Message from St. Germain, February 18, 2011

144,000 Rainbow Emissaries of Peace
Saint Germain speaks .......
through Fredericka at

Beloveds of the One Heart, I bring forth to each one of you understanding of the sacred alchemy of the collective heart of humanity. Within the star seeding of humanity in the original journey of creation prior to all civilisations on the Earth, an encodement was laid into the Earth. This sacred tablet, known as The Sacred Keys, was offered from All That Is to all within the Earth realm and to all that were to birth through the Earth realm. These sacred keys, held in geometries and letters of light, form a signature of alchemy for all beings on the Earth. Once this signature is ignited by the alchemy of the hearts of Earth beings, it holds the power of All That Is to realign all energies into a resonance of Oneness again.

Know that you are one of these keys, birthed again into the human body for the purpose of the restoration of all on Earth. Know that together with all who form the 144,000 star seeded beings, you hold ancient wisdom and great love within you. Know that this divine energy may be released from within your heart through merely recognising it exists within you. Know that over part of your journey as a being in human form, you are exploring this ancient wisdom that states that all is within you, and the divine aspect of all rests within your heart.

Know that as 144,000 awaken to complete recognition of their divinity together, it is Divine Plan, through the manifestation of all sacred keys releasing through all realms and dimensions of the Earth, for all beings to awaken to their divinity. Know that this has been written in light in the heavens above and in the centre of the Earth, and you are a part of this Divine Plan. Know that as you recognise your divine nature and the divine in all in your life, the sacred key you are radiates all alchemical elixirs of light and love to all beings on the Earth.

Beloveds, do not allow yourself to fall into separation from this, for this is the truth of your heart. Continue to seek within yourself your divine nature and to experience the divine in all. Do not allow the illusions of what occurs through the karmic plane to effect you. Teach yourselves to hold the light and love and to see the divine in all situations. Know that all that is releasing on the Earth is for the highest good of all, and that many journey through their ascension process through this.

Know that all that leave the planet at this time are moving into a higher platform of their being as they resolve their memories that offer them the illusion of separation. Know that only your divine experience will free you from all that you believe or choose to know in relationship to this. Know that it is your Divine Presence that is the key and that this Presence you are, will emanate through you without struggle or dissonance in your life if you allow this to be.

Know that also all others are on this path with you, and that this path is shared by all as a collective upon the Earth plane. Know that even those who do not recognise this are also journeying through this process of embodiment as the divine being they are. Know that some have chosen to accomplish this elsewhere and to complete their ascension in other dimensions, in other star systems in the heavens above. Know that all this is in divine order and all that is brought forth through you, is for you to embrace with your love and light and accept as divine in its own birthright. Know that all other judgments, thoughts and feelings are illusion and are merely the memories of your own separation from Source.

Know that this is your ascension into the light of God/dess, and all beings ascend with you into a higher platform of consciousness through the Earth Mother offering the pathway for this to each one of you. Know it is your time to explore within yourself the divinity of your Presence and to truly meet this within yourself. Know that if this is your prayer, this will come to you in divine order for your being. Know that if this is your focus, this journey and experience will come closer to you. Know that if this is your passion, this will manifest easily and gracefully in divine timing for your being to experience All That Is.

I bless each one of you and thank you for your sacred gifts through this ascension process, and ask each of you to receive from me divine assistance each day if you wish this to be. Give your permission for this and I will come to you and I will assist you to actualise your experience as a divine being on Earth. Know that upon this path there is cleansing and clearing to manifest. Each one of you must choose to clear the veils of illusion from your presence of mind, heart and soul; and as this occurs, all in your reality outside of you will begin to clear, just as within you this occurs. Know that all of your reality is a reflection of your inner reality, just as all of humanity's collective reality is a reflection of humanity's inner collective consciousness.

Know that all that occurs in the world that affects all beings globally is co-created by all beings on Earth through the inner experience of their being. Know that as all beings choose to open to the peace within themselves, world peace will manifest on the Earth. Know that only 144,000 need to choose this at this time for this to manifest instantly. Know this is divine law and can be created by all.

It is time for all Earth beings to gather together and to offer their self-realisation, their gifts and their passion towards the creation of an enlightened Earth plane. Know that not one can create this to be and that only a group who are connected deeply to their spirit and souls and the power that lies within them, can create this. Know that this is you and all that you know, and you may be the one that holds the sacred key of connecting all others to this. Know that it may be you that is the one who holds the ability to network this. We are asking each one of you to create a living light network that extends through all 144,000 for this purpose.

We are asking each one of you to create physical, emotional, mental and spiritual links with each other through this sacred process and form a collective of light and anchor the Family of Light on Earth. We place the clarion call out to all beings to anchor the Family of Light on Earth for the absolution of all karma of all Earth beings, and for the dissolution of all negative creations of humanity and for the restoration of the Earth grids through all dimensions of the Earth. We call to each one of you to create networks of light with each other and to network these with each other. We ask each one of you to open your hearts to each other and to know that it is not what you do, but it is what you resonate to, that creates change in life on Earth.

We are asking each one of you to break the barriers between each of you in your areas of life. We are asking each one of you to open your hearts to those other organizations of different focuses to you that work with the light. We are asking each one of you to join in heart space and to truly open and to recognise that only through this, will you create a global connection of sacred power, love and light that can instantly create all to be restored on Earth.

Know that it is important for each of you to recognise that even through all that you do, say, feel and think towards the living light manifesting through all beings, that you are able to extend yourself beyond this and beyond all living barriers of your mind and ideas of others. We are asking you to go beyond any inner fears that others are not of the light or are not of the light you are resonating at. We are asking you to truly let go of your judgments and to recognise the divine in all and to connect and create a network of 144,000 rainbow emissaries of love and peace.

We call for this now, and ask that through your soul signatures, you offer yourself to this sacred process through agreeing to this and you will allow the Family of Light to anchor through you as a group consciousness, and through this, the force of light on Earth will be permanent through the physical and etheric planes simultaneously, our Beloveds.

Know that in coming times, this collective will be needed to manifest projects and new forms of government. Know that 144,000 are the beginning to this, and we call for this now and ask if you will be one of these. If you agree to this, we ask you to say the following decree to allow yourself to participate in this living light love collective of rainbow warriors of peace and love.

"Beloved of the One Heart, I offer my divine gifts of love and light for the highest good of all through all manifestations of the Divine Plan on Earth. I accept and truly recognise myself to be one of the living light emissaries of the rainbow, and I now join with my brothers and sisters of the rainbow love and light to form a new form of group consciousness on Earth. I accept my role as a rainbow emissary of peace and love, and choose now to merge with all others who agree to this. I recognise the divinity in all others who commune in this way equally, as I recognise the divinity of all others who do not choose this.

I am one of the divine race of humanity, a caretaker of the Earth spirit, and I now give thanks for all that comes my way for the assistance of the manifestation of a new living light race on Earth. I offer myself to be one of the emissaries to be a way shower for this new expression of the human race, and I give thanks to All That Is for all the divine assistance.

As you say this our Beloveds, recognise that a Presence of divine consciousness begins to merge with you, through you, and from within you. Know that this is your Divine Presence that many call the Higher Self, and your role is to embody and become this on the Earth plane through the divine assistance of the greater Family of Light that supports you from the heavens. Know that the Family of Light is growing on the Earth, and through this sacred decree, you have created a living energetic link to all other Lightworkers and emissaries that choose to participate in this manifestation. We give thanks to you for this and support you in all ways, our Beloved.

Saint Germain

Saturday, February 19, 2011

RUSSIAN: Adamu-on-the-Divine-Deadline-channeled-by-Zingdad

В каждом уровне измерений над вашим собственным есть целая армада кораблей, ожидающих вашего внимания.

В момент перехода вы вдруг узнаете о  них, словно они всегда там были. Они внезапно станут  такой же частью  вашей реальности, как мелькающий транспорт на оживленной улице.

2011 February 11

by Steve Beckow

Теперь это очень ожидаемое  развитие. Зингдад, который, как  я думаю, живет в Южной Африке, согласился задать Адаму с Плеяд несколько вопросов по моей просьбе. Адаму, с которым я познакомился впервые в 2008 году, один из самых оригинальных спикеров, кого я когда-либо слышал. Я был весьма опечален, когда не смог найти посланий от него после 2008 года.

Я надеюсь, что это послание означает, что он снова начинает регулярные общения. Если вы введете в поисковик «Adamu” вы найдете о нем информацию. Я ему доверяю также как СаЛуСе, Хэттону (через Сюзи Вард). Matthew и  Saul. Это значит, по крайней мере, для меня, что мы стали неизмеримо богаче вместе  с растущим диапазоном достоверных голосов.

Я задал Адаму несколько вопросов и он ответил на первый – касательно представлений о божественных предельных сроках. Сначала идет мой  вопрос и потом его ответ. И спасибо, вам Зингдад за добровольно отданное время и энергию, в качестве посредника.

Заметьте, что Адаму говорит о своей продолжающейся эволюции: он вернулся к союзу с коллективом душ Плеяд(1) . Адаму говорит по поручению большого числа душ, также как Мэтью говорит за многих, чем просто один Мэтью, и СаЛуСа говорит за многих, чем просто за СаЛуСу.

Наше развитие никогда не остановится пока мы снова не соединимся с Богом, очень очень далеко от конца . СаЛуСа, Адаму и еще все те, кого  мы слушаем, все они развиваются, также как и мы.

Также обратите внимание на высокие стандарты руководства, которым он следует. Он не будет говорить о том, что говорит СаЛуСа. Если бы так было, то могло появиться искушение сравнивать правильность или неверность того, что является истиной для другого, и он так не поступает. Это пути, которым мы вскоре будем следовать с таким же успехом.

Адаму сказал, что «есть определенная дата расщепления  линии времени и это не та дата, которая может быть изменена». Говоря более широко, будет также и другая специфическая  дата по другим событиям, таким как раскрытие., Первый Контакт, т.п.;  на самом деле, по всем составляющим Божественного Плана. И вот такой ответ на мой специфический вопрос, но нам  Адаму дает  намного больше.

Стив: Командир Адаму, можете вы разъяснить нам вопроса о божественных предельных сроках и свободной воле. СаЛуСа с Сириуса говорит так:

«Мы подтвердим, что в целом контексте вашего Вознесения, есть данная нами  окончательная дата, к которой мы должны будем быть в готовности, чтобы начать действия. Мы можем найти  необходимым сделать первый шаг и убрать тех, кто задерживает нас в нашей миссии на Земле и всей жизни на ней. (СаЛуСа 22 марта 2010)

Мое понимание в том, что прежде  «окончательной даты», галактики должны уважать свободную волю, и тогда им не стоит доводить все именно до такой степени.
Однако, я также предполагаю, что «окончательная дата» - это не монолит, что  есть свои градации и специфика. Можете ли вы дать нам некоторое разъяснение этого вопроса и его отношения к Закону Свободной Воли, что поможет нам понять, как может или не может повести себя Свет по отношению к темным в это время?

Адаму (говорит через Зингдада) Мой дорогой Стив, как приятно снова говорить с вами. У нас будет несколько дискуссий и я чувствую, это важно немного отступить назад и дать вам некоторый контекст. Если вы немного понимаете мои перспективы , то мои слова будут легки для восприятия.

Для начала, мой друг, у  меня нет воинского звания. Я – просто Адаму. Предыстория такова, что имя «Адаму» - древнее. Датируется ко времени первых человеческих цивилизаций в Лире. Слово означает нечто подобное «первый человек» и может быть использовано при обращении к уважаемому дедушке  или возможно, мудрецу племени. Что-то вроде этого. Как таковое, это очень распространенное имя у Лирианской и Плеядианской цивилизаций.

Мой юный друг Зингдад  помнит меня по этому имени. Его первая инкарнация в эту галактическую систему было тогда, со мной, на Лире. Я был его... наставником и учителем.

С тех пор как была создана личность, которую он знал и полюбил, я добился возврата в соединение с коллективной душой Плеяды. Теперь я Един со всеми, кто мы есть. Итак, в реальности, вы теперь дискутируете с монадической сущностью. что вам известна, как Плеядианская цивилизация. Но это на самом деле могло бы быть трудным моему юному другу, - разговаривать с целым умственным восприятием всего, что есть мы и я представляюсь как говорящий.
Я надеюсь,  это понятно. С таким уместным контекстом я продолжу отвечать на ваши вопросы.
Позвольте мне установить то, что у меня нет практики комментирования мыслей и выражений «других». Поступать так, подразумевало бы, что их перспективы не имеют ценности или должны быть оценены мной. Я так не думаю. Каждый несет свою собственную истину и это их священное право и обязанность. И правда одного не может обесценивать правду другого. Итак, я беру на себя смелость переформулировать ваши вопросы. Пожалуйста, обратитесь ко мне с ним  еще раз, и поправьте,  если я неправильно понял ваш запрос.

Похоже, что вы хотите знать, есть ли окончательная дата, к которой вмешательство в ваше планетарное общество будет и должно быть проведено внеземными агентствами. И как следствие, вы хотите знать как такие пришельцы поступят с отменой вашей свободной воли.

Мой друг, есть так много уровней в этом вопросе, что будет тяжело найти ясный ответ для вас. Вы понимаете в уровнях измерений? Что ваш мир существует на сознательном уровне третьего измерения? И что есть более прекрасные и неуловимые уровни в других измерениях? И что каждый уровень измерения – это шаг наверх, назад к истинному союзу ....единству всех?

Если вы это понимаете, тогда это вам поможет в постижении ответа на ваши вопросы. Поскольку, действительно нет просто одного результата для вашей планеты. Есть очень много разных результатов и каждый из них будет происходить. Каждый будет настоящим. Ваша единственная временная линия вот-вот рассыплется на множество. И, да, есть определенная дата для такого расщепления линии времени и это дата, которая не может быть изменена.

Позвольте мне вначале обратиться к этому. Ни одна планета или звезда в целой вселенной никогда не остается неподвижной. Все находится в постоянном движении. И поскольку эти тела мчатся сквозь пространство в своих хитрых переплетенных спиральных танцах, друг вокруг друга, так и великие вселенские часы поворачиваются. На самом деле, здесь в третьем измерении это движение сквозь пространство и  ЕСТЬ время. Эти две вещиодно и то же.

И получается так, что в это время ваша планета пересекает область возрастания энергии. Ваша целая солнечная система. И поскольку энергия возрастает, то ваша планета готовится сменить свою вибрационную частоту. Это момент, когда вклад энергии абсолютно оптимальный и , в тот момент, произойдет мгновенное поэтапное преобразование.

Как вы это переживете? И что будет после этого? Эти вопросы, слишком обширны, чтобы их рассматривать здесь. Простой ответ – что  все будет целиком зависеть от вашего собственного уровня сознания. В действительности имеются такие, кто зациклен на грубом планетарном сожжении. Есть такие, кто жаждет конфликтов. Имеются и те, что не мыслят движения вперед без разрушений. Их нельзя сбрасывать со счетов вместе с их мыслями.

К счастью, есть другие более счастливые обстоятельства, доступные тем, кто желает их создавать. Если вы готовы для новой реальности с глобальной гармонией, тогда это тоже – будущая реальность, которую вы можете ввести в действие.

Вы видите, Стив, я говорю вам, что вы, каждый из вас, - это основные составляющие в определении каким будет ваше собственное будущее. Вам решать.

Будет ли взаимодействие с внеземными существами? Зачем вопросы, конечно да, это является бесспорным. На каждом пространственном  уровне выше вашего собственного есть целые армады судов, ожидающих вашего внимания. В момент перехода вы вдруг узнаете о  них, словно они всегда там были. Они внезапно станут  такой же частью  вашей реальности, как мелькающий транспорт на оживленной улице.

Но каким будет их намерение? И как они будут взаимодействовать с вами? Снова, это зависит полностью от вас. Стив. В прочтении так называемых ченнелингов  внеземных существ вы когда-либо задавались вопросом, почему некоторые говорят о только мире и любви и свете, тогда как другие говорят только  о насилии и доминировании и злоупотреблении?

Возможно вы думали, что некоторые были неправильными, и другие были правы? Хорошо, я скажу вам, что ни один не неправ, и правы все.  Но ваше внутреннее руководство ваших сердец говорит вам, что то, что отзывается внутри и то, что чувствуете как истинное. Это хороший индикатор того, что вы собираетесь пережить. 

Но вы – не жертва этого. Вы, конечно же, можете изменить то, что вам предстоит в будущем. Вы можете изменить это, пробуждением к вашей собственной врожденной природе и беря в свои руки контроль над вашим предназначением, судьбой. Поступая так, вы изменяете свой собственный энергетический резонанс и приносите себе новый другой результат в момент перехода.

Заканчивая этот вопрос: Да, Стив, будут определенные моменты, в которые великие изменения будут очевидными – божественный крайний срок, как вы выразились. И, да, в некоторых реальностях будут конфликты. В некоторых реальностях будут множество тех, кто желает этого в целях собственного развития души. Обе стороны желают такой конфликт и это их право получить его.

Однако, есть другие уровни реальности, в которых существа развились далеко вперед в творчестве и без разрушений. Вы получите то, что творите и таким образом, вы увидите, что неважно, что вы выбираете, ваша свободная воля всегда является главной.

Все дело здесь в том, что у вас всегда есть выбор создавать иллюзию, что у вас нет свободной воли. Вы всегда были в состоянии создавать то, что вы – не создатель. И вот почему это возможно для вас чувствовать, что у вас нет свободной воли в некоторых обстоятельствах. Но это иллюзия, которую вы можете увидеть, если захотите.
Я действительно надеюсь, что я ответил на Ваш вопрос в удовлетворяющей манере. Мы дадим моему молодому другу перерыв и продолжим с другими вашими вопросами в следующий раз.

Я - Адаму  от Монадического существа цивилизации Плеяд..

Спасибо, Адаму. Это был настоящий праздник и я и, возможно, другие поразмышляем над этим. Я, конечно,  надеюсь услышать гораздо больше от Вас. Нам нужно знать обо всех этих вопросах, а надежных голосов не так уж много. Пожалуйста, поговорите с нами снова.

Пожалуйста, размещайте этот материал везде, чтобы людям стал известен Адаму.

Завтра я помещу статью Зингдада о Вознесении.

Translators: Elizabeth and Alex

Thursday, February 17, 2011

FRANÇAIS - Appel à une Marche Pacifiste Mondiale 6 Mars 2011

Appel à une Marche Pacifiste Mondiale

6 Mars 2011

A peine avoir émis «l'Appel à une Marche Pacifiste Gigantesque» à Washington le 6 Mars 2011, que j'ai commencé à recevoir des courriels demandant pourquoi j'avais limité ceci aux États Unis et si je voudrais envisager l'extension de l'appel au reste du monde.

Je suis entièrement d'accord avec la demande pour l'extension de l'appel au reste du monde.

J'invite donc le monde dans son ensemble à participer à une «Marche Pacifiste Mondiale», qui se tiendra le 6 Mars 2011, à 12h00 heure locale, dans toutes les grandes villes, capitales d'État ou provincial, et les capitales nationales dans le monde entier.

L'objectif de la Marche Pacifiste Mondiale est de faire passer nos exigences pacifiquement et avec Amour à tous les gouvernements pour qu'ils prennent des mesures efficaces pour mettre fin à l'oppression, l'exploitation et la persécution de personnes, et, plus particulièrement, mettre un terme à:

(1)un gouvernement despotique et dictatorial partout.
(2) une répartition inéquitable des richesses sur la planète.
(3) des guerres et des génocides.
(4) du crime organisé.
(5) au traite des êtres humains, l'esclavage sexuel, le travail des enfants et toutes les autres formes d'exploitation organisée.
(6) L'érosion des droits civils, l'invasion de la vie privée, la censure, et toutes les autres formes de contrôle social des habitants de la planète.

Nous reconnaissons que les élites, les classes, les blocs de pouvoir, et les cabales ont grandi autour de la planète qui contrôlent la population dans son ensemble et qui retiennent la richesse du monde. Nous déclarons que toutes les circonstances qui désavantagent certaines personnes pour le bien-être d'un petit groupe d'élite doit maintenant se terminer sur la planète et que le bien-être de tous les gens doivent maintenant être notre idée directrice.

Nous déclarons à nouveau notre accord sur les principes énoncés dans la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme et les chartes et les conventions qui en sont dérivées.

Nous reconnaissons la fraternité de tous les peuples, sans distinction de religion, de race, de nationalité, de langue, ou d'autres différences.

Nous reconnaissons le droit de tous les peuples à la paix, à la liberté et l'égalité des opportunités.

Nous œuvrons pour un monde sans pauvreté, sans faim, sans manque d'éducation, sans domicile et maladie.

Nous souhaitons donner naissance à un monde qui fonctionne pour tout le monde, et pas seulement pour quelques-uns. Nous n'arrêterons pas de se réunir et de nous exprimer jusqu'à ce que toute dictature, crime et corruption sur la planète a pris fin.

Au nom d'un monde qui cherche à respirer librement,

Steve Beckow
Vancouver, Canada


English - What We Stand to Win by the Worldwide March of Millions, March 6, 2011‏

What We Stand to Win by the Worldwide March of Millions, March 6, 2011‏

The 2012 Scenario
One of the most useful aspects of calling for a worldwide expression of solidarity with the Light (a Worldwide March of Millions) is that it elevates the discussion we've been having.
The Worldwide March of Millions is a call for either a rally, march, or gathering, as the organizers choose, in major cities, state and provincial capitals, and national capitals for March 6, 2011, at 12:00 a.m. (that is, 12:00 noon) local time to express solidarity with the Light. It is a call for the people of the world to be on the march, on the move for freedom.
In countries that permit freedom of assembly and peaceful expression, it may be an organized march or rally; in countries that don't, it may be an ad hoc gathering or simply an expression of opinion via posters or the Internet, as the situation requires. We are asking people to do whatever they can while preserving their safety and security. In all circumstances, we call for the peaceful, non-violent expression of the people's wishes. Violence in any form is not encouraged or condoned. 
It encourages the citizens of each country to gather and express themselves on political issues of freedom and democracy, human-rights issues of persecution, and issues of criminality which stand in the way of the population realizing a global end to despotism, repression, inequality, poverty, and other intolerable conditions of life.
We've created a bigger problem than we had a week ago and it calls on us to reach more deeply within ourselves and come up with larger answers and more extensive solutions. The discussion that this involves is itself a vital part of the overall event.

For example, we may have remained on the fringes of the discussion of the Light and the dark, say, two weeks ago. But now we are obliged to really dig in, think for ourselves and arrive at deeper distinctions. What do we mean by forces that serve the Light and forces that serve the dark? What issues are we referring to?
In the West, we face issues like the erosion of constitutional rights, the transfer of wealth from the many to the few, the launch of pandemics on the population, the use of tainted vaccines producing conditions like autism, control of the media, the spread of censorship of the Internet, poisoning of the water supply with fluorides, poisoning of the air with chemtrails, the spread of genetically-modified grains and foods, the rigging of elections, warmongering, the transfer of wealth through increased military spending, weather warfare using HAARP and scalar weapons, false-flag or state terrorism, and so on.
In other parts of the world, issues may be different. They may focus more on the inequality of women, state torture, dictatorial regimes and the denial of democracy, child labor, sexual slavery, honor killings, dowry deaths, mandatory abortions for more than one child, compulsory sterilization, a lack of basic civil rights like freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, the occupation of one state by another, lack of access to the Internet, lack of educational facilities, lack of medical care, artificially-high food prices, etc.
Our view of what separates the Light and the dark may have been not well-developed. We may have held it to be service or no service to self. End of question. Easy answer.
But now, by creating a bigger problem through calling for worldwide marches and rallies,  we force ourselves to get more detailed and specific. We have to dig deeper and that's what creating a bigger problem does.
Let's ask ourselves: What does distinguish the Light from the dark? Well, in my view, a number of things.
The Light is committed to personal freedom for all; the dark is committed to personal freedom for some at the expense of others. So for instance the regimes of Hosni Mubarak, Muammar Ghaddafi and the mullahs of Iran allow for the freedom of the ruling elite but deny freedom to the people. Because they deny freedom to the masses, these regimes come to be seen by us as dark.
The Light will not violate freedom of choice, except under certain circumstances prescribed by the Divine for the service of all. Thus the Light will interfere with the freedom to explode a nuclear bomb or freedom to stage another 9/11. But the dark regularly violates freedom of choice by exploding bombs, engineering false-flag terrorist incidents, controlling minds, dumbing people down, and a wide range of other actions. To them freedom of choice is not something to be honored but in fact something to be curtailed and this difference in commitment separates the Light from the dark.
The Light is committed to abundance for all; the dark is committed to a transfer of wealth from the many to the few. We see this over and over again all over the world. Conservatives in developed countries speak of entrenchment and austerity but what they really mean is that they don't want to spend tax dollars on social-welfare - on education, medicare, unemployment insurance. In fact they want to spend tax dollars on munitions, which means that those tax dollars will end up in their pockets and not be spent on the welfare of the masses.

Mohamed Bouazizi of Tunisia
The Light says, no, we have a plan that will see abundance spread over all the population. You and I know that plan as NESARA (National Economic and Social Reformation Act), the "wisdom economy," or the “abundance program” and we hear that it is divine in nature. The Light is differentiated from the dark by being committed to abundance for all rather than abundance for the few.
The Light is committed to nonviolence and world peace. The dark is committed to violence and warfare. We hear that the dark are busy trying to start World War III to depopulate the globe. Depopulating the globe in itself, or “culling the useless eaters,” means murder. Murder through war, murder through chemtrails, murder through pandemics, etc. The dark is committed to harming other people, to violence of all kinds – sexual slavery, child labor, racial discrimination, religious intolerance, the list could go on and on.
The Light is committed to harmlessness, nonviolence and peace. We've heard the galactics like Hatonn and SaLuSa say that the Light would not kill the dark, even though the dark kills others. God would never sanction killing and the Light serves God. The Light obeys the universal laws. To be sure, the law of karma sees that one who lives by the sword dies by the sword but it isn't violent itself; it is neutral and leaves the determination of result to the cause. The Light says they will see that no nculear weapons work on Earth and that peace comes to reign globally. The dark's commitment to harm and the Light's commitment to harmlessness is therefore another basic difference.
And we could look at all the major freedoms and virtues and see the divide between Light and dark replicated throughout. The Light is for harmony; the dark for conflict. The Light is for security; the dark is for insecurity. The Light is for truth; the dark is for disinformation and fabrication.

Bibi Aisha,Afghani victim of spousal abuse
Because the dark fabricates, it will confuse the matter by saying it is in fact for freedom and democracy. How often did George Bush say that while blowing up the World Trade Center and declaring illegal wars against Afghanistan and Iraq? How often did he say it while curtailing constitutional rights through the Patriot Act and other measures? Regularly Bush, his administration, and the "national-security state," told us they were the guardians of values which they equally-regularly contravened. They had no respect for the truth and this again differentiated them from the Light.
By their commitments shall ye know them. Not by their expressions of commitment, because the dark will lie, but by their actual commitments.
In the West, we see around us FEMA camps, deep underground military bunkers, body scanners, closed-circuit TV, intrusive and invasive nanotechnology, chemtrail aircraft, crowd-control weapons – all the paraphernalia of social control and harmfulness. No matter what the dark says, their commitments show up in their equipment and technologies and the plans for their use.
The military when serving the dark employs tear gas, beats protesters, or shoots at crowds with rubber or real bullets. The military while serving the Light does none of these, but faces outwards and protects the crowd from all forms of attack.
The people cannot be fooled unless they close their eyes or want to be fooled. Until now they have simply felt powerless to effect change and so have declined to consider these matters.

Wael Ghonim, Facebook leader of Egyptian protest
But now we are no longer powerless. A conscious convergence is forming in people around the globe that we no longer need to remain subject to dictatorship, repression, torture, international crime, etc. Together we are far stronger than those who are against us. It is time to take back our countries, take back the streets, take back the night, take back our freedom and peace.
But not until we create for ourselves a really big problem, like taking upon ourselves wordlwide the task of throwing off the chains of the dark, do we begin to see the total picture. Our continued growth and learning depends on being willing to take on more and more, being willing to rest in not knowing and still take action, being willing to challenge a "greater" power than us who never until now did we think we could overcome.
These times may be challenging and yield anxious moments. But they are also yielding tremendous growth and greater comprehension. We will not be the same at the end of them, no matter what way things develop. We will be greater, braver, and wiser for the experience.  But more to the point we may win back the freedom, peace and harmony of the people in a world that works for everyone.

Steve Beckow  



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