

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Sirius Siblings of Light: ”Be full of Confidence – that All will develop into the Highest” (26-04-2016)

The Sirius Siblings of Light:  ”Be full of Confidence – that All will develop into the Highest”


Beloved Humans – beloved earth lights - we welcome you in unconditional
love and harmony – we ARE the Sirius Siblings.
There is a lot to report – because on the earth level – and especially in the earth magnetic field - an increased modification and re-alignment is carried out.
We would like to talk about it briefly – what it does mean for you and your light bodies. You are directly linked to the earth magnetic field through your light body system.
All your knowledge – all your memories – all that – what you know is
recorded in the magnetic field of the earth.

And now – because of an increase of the energy flow – that are reaching you – from the source – from the central sun – your memories will expand continuous.
Sometimes it happens – that the energies focus itself strongly to “penetrate” your body system – and as a result of this, symptoms can arise –
that might irritate you and keep yourselves busy.
This can lead to tiredness- which can occur spontaneously and if you can -
let it happen and look to get rest and sufficient sleep.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Joan, hoje, a Consciência Cósmica está acessível e pede-vos que continuem.

Obrigada. Damos as boas-vindas à Consciência Cósmica. Obrigada por estar connosco, hoje, para a sessão dos Membros Rainbow-Phoenix de 17 de Abril de 2016. Will Berlinghof é a Voz da Consciência Cósmica, Joan Miles faz as perguntas e é também a motivadora. Há alguma mensagem inicial ou algum evento que nos queiram transmitir neste momento? Obrigada!

Esta Consciência tem uma mensagem de abertura. Este conhecimento diz-vos, que se encontram num momento decisivo para a Humanidade e na qualidade de indivíduos, estão mover-se para uma realidade distinta. Desde há vários meses tem enfatizado muito o facto de que neste momento as energias são tais, que qualquer coisa pode suceder e que quem está no poder, está, efectivamente, a forçar as situações, pois eles também estão a compreender os alinhamentos dos planetas e as suas forças e a das energias instáveis e poderosas que se estão a reproduzir agora e de como podem utilizá-las para seu benefício próprio, ou pelo menos, é o que pensam.

Estes “poderosos” poderiam utilizar essas energias e criar situações favoráveis para si. Podem utilizá-las para benefício próprio, porém, é um tempo descontrolado, incerto e instável e ninguém pode prever o resultado de nada. Portanto, ninguém, incluindo os que vêem que as energias são muito poderosas e que se as utilizarem adequadamente podem obter o que desejam, que é continuar no poder, podem prever o que vai ocorrer, pois não podem prever o futuro como faziam anteriormente.

A capacidade que esses seres possuíam, no passado, de ler as diferentes linhas do tempo, a partir do espaço atemporal da quarta dimensão, já não é eficiente, nem funciona mais. Esta incapacidade vem-se verificando desde o evento da Ascensão maciça que ocorreu no dia 21 de Dezembro de 2012. Não obstante têm agido como se ainda pudessem alcançar os seus objectivos. Mas estes já não são garantidos nem se adaptam à Fonte Divina, cujo propósito é trazer um novo nível de consciência à Humanidade, à Mãe Terra e, inclusivamente, ao Sistema Solar, às Galáxias e a todo o Universo.

Nederlands -- Rainbow-Phoenix: 16 april 2016 De Kritieke Ruimte en Tijd van de Mensheid

Rainbow-Phoenix: 16 april 2016
De Kritieke Ruimte en Tijd van de Mensheid


Dat waar Kosmische Bewustzijn vandaag voor beschikbaar is. Dat dit Bewustzijn jou nu, Joan vraagt om verder te gaan.

Dank u en welkom Kosmisch Bewustzijn, dank u dat u vandaag bij ons bent voor de Rainbow-Phoenix leden sessie van 17 april 2016. Will Berlinghof is de Stem van Kosmisch Bewustzijn Joan Mills is de vraagstelster en de Energiegeefster. Is er een openingsboodschap of een gebeuren waarover u wilt spreken? Dank u.

Dat dit Bewustzijn een openingsboodschap heeft. Dat dit Bewustzijn tegen de leden zegt dat jullie nu in een heel kritieke ruimte en plaats zitten als mensheid, als individuen, die naar een andere werkelijkheid gaan.

Dat dit Bewustzijn de laatste maanden heeft benadrukt dat de energieën van deze tijd zo zijn dat alles kan gebeuren en dat degenen aan de macht inderdaad deze tijd doordrukken, want ook zij begrijpen de verbindingen van de planeten en hun krachten en van de energieën die zichzelf nu uitspelen en zij realiseren zich ook dat ze die onstabiele en krachtige energieën kunnen gebruiken in hun voordeel of minstens zo zien zij het.

Dat ze die energieën kunnen gebruiken die situaties van voordeel voor hen kunnen scheppen en toch tegelijkertijd is er een ‘wild’heid van deze tijd, een onzekerheid van hoe dingen naar buiten kunnen komen. Daarom, zelfs diegenen die zien dat de energieën van hoge aard zijn en als dat juist gebruikt wordt door hen om te winnen wat zij willen winnen, dat wat de voortgang zal zijn van hun macht, dat zelfs zij niet kunnen voorspellen wat er zal gebeuren, want zij kunnen niet langer meer in de toekomst kijken zoals ze eenmaal deden.

Dat wat hun vermogen was om verschillende tijdslijnen te lezen vanuit de tijdloze ruimte van de vierde dimensie, niet effectief is of werkt voor hen zoals dat ‘t eens deed, en dat dit zo is sedert de tijd van het gebeuren van de massa Ascentie die plaats vond in december 2012. Maar ze zijn doorgegaan alsof ze nog hun doelen kunnen bereiken, maar het is niet langer gegarandeerd en het is niet langer zo wat de Goddelijke Bron past/wenst en Zijn bedoeling om een nieuw niveau te brengen van bewustzijn aan de mensheid, aan Moeder Aarde en zelfs aan het zonnestelsel, de galaxies en het universum.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Council of Radiant Light: Unfolding the Pure Line of Spirit via Ailia Mira (Meredith Murphy)

Sunflower1 holographic pure line ailia mira expect wonderful

Unfolding the Pure Line of Spirit
The Council of Radiant Light
Channeled on 23 April, 2016 by Ailia Mira

The time is NOW. Be who you are. 
The time is NOW. Let yourself be free.
The time is NOW. Step away from all you’ve known and let yourself discover what IS. 

What IS is what’s NOW. What’s NOW is what is relevant for you. You will know it’s relevant for you when it IS. 
What IS is perfect! You can feed deeply from what IS. 

Let yourself know what IS. Let yourself focus your attention into NOW. Let NOW be fully received. Let yourself know you are this NOW and it is a full and beautiful expression of YOU. This NOW is YOU. It is YOU.
As you let yourself live the NOW and be in this NOW fully and freely receiving it and flowing…you will discover YOU. You will discover life. You will unfold the pure line of spirit! In you, through you, as you!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Français -- Cosmic Awareness/ CONSCIENCE COSMIQUE -- L’ESPACE-TEMPS CRITIQUE DE L’HUMANITE, le 17 avril 2016--

Le 17 avril 2016

L’entité qui constitue la Conscience cosmique est disponible aujourd’hui. Cette Conscience vous demande à présent, Joan, de poursuivre.

Merci et bienvenue Conscience cosmique, merci d’être avec nous aujourd’hui pour la séance avec les membres de Rainbow-Phoenix du 17 avril 2016. Will Berlinghof sera la Voix de la Conscience cosmique, Joan Mills sera celle qui pose les questions et l’animatrice. Y-a-t-il un message d’introduction ou un évènement que vous aimeriez aborder dès maintenant ? Merci.

Cette Conscience a un message d’introduction. Cette Conscience annonce aux membres, que vous êtes à présent dans une phase et un lieu critiques en tant qu’humanité, et personnellement transitant vers une réalité différente. Au cours des derniers mois cette Conscience, a insisté sur le fait que les énergies en ce moment sont telles que tout pourrait arriver et que ceux qui sont au pouvoir agissent sur les évènements en ce moment, car eux aussi comprennent les alignements des planètes et leurs influences, et celles des énergies qui sont émises actuellement et ils réalisent également qu’ils pourraient utiliser ces énergies instables et puissantes à leur avantage, ou du moins c’est ainsi qu’ils le conçoivent.

Ils pourraient utiliser ces énergies pour créer des situations qui les avantagent, pour les utiliser à leur avantage et pourtant, en même temps, il y a en ce moment une impétuosité, une incertitude sur la manière dont les choses vont se dérouler. C’est pourquoi, même ceux qui constatent que les énergies sont d’une nature élevée et qu’elles peuvent être utilisées par eux de manière à arriver à leur objectif qui est la poursuite de leur pouvoir, ne peuvent prédire ce qui va arriver, car ils ne peuvent plus regarder l’avenir, comme ils le pouvaient jadis.

L’aptitude qu’ils avaient de lire les différentes lignes temporelles à partir de l’espace hors du temps de la quatrième dimension, n’est plus efficace ou ne fonctionne plus comme autrefois, et il en est ainsi depuis l’évènement de l’Ascension en masse qui s’est réalisée en décembre 2012, l’évènement de l’Ascension du 21 décembre 2012. Cela ne les a pas empêché de continuer comme s’ils allaient arriver à leurs fins, mais cela n’est plus garanti et ce n’est plus ce qui convient à la Source Divine ni à Son objectif d’amener  à un nouveau niveau de conscience l’humanité, Mère Terre, et même le système solaire, les galaxies et l’univers.

Sunday, April 24, 2016



Aquello que es La Conciencia Cósmica está accesible hoy. La misma les pide que ahora, Joan, prosigan.

Gracias y damos la bienvenida a la Conciencia Cósmica, gracias por estar con nosotros hoy en día para la sesión de la Membresía Rainbow-Phoenix del 17 de abril del 2016. Will Berlinghof es la Voz de la Conciencia Cósmica, Joan Mills es quien hace las preguntas y también es la motivadora. ¿Hay algún mensaje inicial o algún evento del cual quisieran en este momento discutir? Gracias.

Esta Conciencia les tiene un mensaje de apertura. Este Conocimiento les dice a los miembros que se encuentran en un momento crucial para la humanidad y que como individuos se mueven hacia una realidad distinta. Que esta Conciencia desde hace varios meses ha hecho hincapié en que las energías en este momento son tales que cualquier cosa puede pasar y que quienes están en el poder están de hecho presionando las cosas en este momento, ya que ellos también comprenden las alineaciones de los planetas y sus fuerzas, y de las energías que se están reproduciendo ahora y ellos también se dan cuenta de que podrían utilizar estas energías inestables y poderosas para su propio beneficio o al menos, así es como ellos lo ven.

Los mismos podrían utilizar esas energías y crear situaciones favorables para ellos. Pueden utilizar esto a su favor y, sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, hay un desenfreno en este tiempo, una incertidumbre de cómo las cosas podrían salir. Por lo tanto, incluso estos que ven que las energías son de gran naturaleza y que si ellos las saben utilizar adecuadamente pueden ganar lo que desean, o sea su continuación en el poder. Incluso ellos no pueden predecir lo que va a ocurrir ya que no pueden ver en el futuro como lo hacían antes.

Aquello que era su capacidad de leer diferentes líneas de tiempo desde el espacio atemporal de la cuarta dimensión ya ni es eficaz ni funciona para ellos como lo hizo una vez. Ello es así desde el evento de la Ascensión masiva que tuvo lugar el 21 de diciembre del 2012. No obstante han procedido como si todavía pueden alcanzar sus objetivos, pero ya estos no están garantizados ni se adaptan a La Fuente Divina cuyo propósito es traer un nuevo nivel de conciencia a la humanidad, a la Madre Tierra, e incluso al sistema solar, las galaxias y al universo.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Romîna -- Eckhart Tolle -- Karma ta, Este Mintea ta

Karma ta, Este Mintea ta
Autor: Eckhart Tolle
Vocea din cap are o viata proprie. Majoritatea persoanelor stau sub vointa acestei voci; sunt posedati de gînd prin minte. Si cum mintea este conditionata de trecut, voi de asemenea sunteti obligati sa va întoarceti în trecut, iar si iar.
Asta este ceea ce în Orient este denumit Karma. Cînd cineva se identifica cu aceasta voce, nu este constient de acest lucru. Daca ar fi, nu ar mai putea sa fie posedat deja, pentru poate sa fie posedat numai cel care confunda entitatea care îl poseda, cu sine însusi, sau atunci cînd se converteste în aceasta entitate.
Timp de milenii Omenirea si-a marit aceasta posesie mentala, ignorînd ca entitatea posesiva nu este "EU-L". Printr-o totala identificare cu mintea, a aparut un fals simt al Eu-lui, Ego-ul. Densitatea ego-ului, depinde în ce grad voi - constiinta - va identificati cu mintea voastra, cu gîndul vostru. Gîndul nu este altceva decît un mic aspect al totalitatii constiintei, totalitatea a cine sunteti.



We have multiple planets in the Solar System moving into a retrograde position, which adds to the intensified sensations of the amplified polarities that are surging in the collective consciousness fields of the planet, during this cycle. Many of us that are sensitive to the collective miasma rising can feel this purge of imbalanced energies surfacing as a type of energetic pressure that gains its chaotic momentum in the environment. These accumulated misqualified or imbalanced energies in the collective consciousness have to find a point of release in order to clear out from the planetary grid.   We may have noticed over the past few days several strong earthquakes and volcanoes have erupted in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a direct result of tectonic plate shifting through the massive amounts of accumulated collective energies, both natural and unnatural,  attempting to find pressure points to release.  When there are multiple planets in retrograde simultaneously, there is a tendency in the planetary field to generate intersections between multiple timelines where people, places and things of the past, present and future, energetically bleed through into the current moment of reality. This can bring surreal and unexpected circumstances that may feel disorienting and strange, where things feel out of whack and we feel that we are out of sync with our daily schedule in life.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Romîna -- Lady Rowena, Sananda si Melchisedek: Ascensiunea/Inaltarea Inimii

26 Ianuarie,2016  

Iubite fiinte de Lumina, este timpul de deschidere catre o noua vibratie interioara, pentru chemarea constiintei voastre interstelare.
Sunteti fondatori ai acestei vieti actuale, si locuiti într-un corp fizic. Energia care scade, deschide usile inimii voastre, din aceasta cauza, aceasta perioada atît de intensa de salturi de realitate si deschideri, în care va aflati acum, este chemarea inimii, care vã va face sa luati directiile finale în schimbarile vietii voastre zilnice, asa cum niciodata înainte o facuseti.
Acest an, 2016, este guvernat de inima. Armonia a tot ceea ce se petrece în exterior, este datorata unei benzi de energie de fotoni, care vã deschide la o mai mare rezonanta. Este cea mai mare experienta pe care o puteti traversa constient: creatiile voastre fizice. Este energia vie care va ajuta si transforma interior si exterior. Tot ceea ce doriti, este o realitate pe care trebuie sa o asteptati cu rabdare, pentru ca sa se materializeze fizic.

English -- First Responders

Today we would like to share with those of you who have been specifically drawn to this message. To those who will read this message when it is first shared, and to the many many of you who will find this message when you are ready to do so, this message is specifically for you.

This great time of change can feel so challenging that you doubt in your ability to continue on.

You have found yourself doubting if you will be able to shine your light as you had agreed so many eons ago. There have been many names given to those of you who have chosen to lead the way, to awaken while everyone else still lays encased within the dream.

You have been called way showers, light bearers, light workers but we will share with you how we perceive you.

There are those on your world who are referred to as the “first responders”; those who run to save others while everyone else runs away from the danger.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016



That which is Cosmic Awareness is today available. That this Awareness would ask you now, Joan, to proceed.

Thank you, and welcome Cosmic Awareness, thank you for being with us today for the Rainbow-Phoenix Membership session of April 17, 2016. Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness, Joan Mills is the questioner and Energizer. Is there an opening message or any event you would like to discuss please, at this time? Thank you.

That this Awareness has an opening message. That this Awareness says to the members that you are right now in a very critical space and place as humanity, as individuals, moving into a different reality. That this Awareness for the last several months, has been emphasizing that the energies at this time are such that anything could happen and that those in power are indeed pushing things at this time, for they too understand the alignments of the planets and their forces, and of the energies that are playing themselves out now and they too realize that they could use these unstable and powerful energies to their advantage or at least, this is how they too see it.

That they could use those energies that could create the situations of advantage for them, that they can use this to their advantage and yet at the same time, there is a wildness about this time, an uncertainty of how things might come out. Therefore, even these ones who see that the energies are of a high nature and if utilized properly by them to gain that which they wish to gain, that which is their continuance of power, that even they cannot predict what will occur, for they no longer can see into the future as they once did.

That which was their ability to read different timelines from the timeless space of fourth dimensionality, is not effective or working for them as it once did, and that this is so since that time of the mass Ascension event that occurred in December of 2012, the Ascension event of December 21, 2012. Yet they have proceeded as if they will still achieve their goals, but it is no longer guaranteed and it is no longer that which suits Divine Source and Its purpose of bringing a new level of consciousness to humanity, to Mother Earth, and even to the solar system, the galaxies and the universe.

This is that which those in power right now do not comprehend or understand. It is as if they are automatons, automatic robots that are wound up and must proceed along the path that is set for them. They lack flexibility in this matter and because previous viewings of timelines showed that there were certain ones that they could use to their advantage because this was seen before December 21st, 2012, they are continuing along those options, those paths of possibility, that once showed them that this would be the way to go for them to achieve the results they wish to achieve.

There are other factors of course that are now playing themselves out, factors of intervention of the extraterrestrial beings that belong not to the Archonic forces, but to the forces of that which one could loosely call Divine Source and Divine Light.

That there are interventions that are happening and have been happening over the last several years, that have been shunting the ones who have been trying so hard, off of their path, that which they thought might come to be, and yet such as the inflexibility and thus the weakness of the powers-that-be that they cannot see that they are the powers-that-were and that the significance of their authority has been diminished, has been curtailed, and is not that which will proceed.

Having said this, this Awareness must also emphasize, this is only so for those who do not buy in any longer to the manipulations of those in power. The majority of humanity unfortunately is still being provoked towards reaction and towards certain response because they are not yet aware enough to see the manipulations or to understand that that which they assumed to be truth and reality of a third dimensional construct, that which is their reality is false by nature and manipulated by those who have a greater understanding of these events.

Having said this, this Awareness can also say that humanity itself is being moved towards events that will be so shocking in nature and so upsetting that previous tenants of faith and belief structures will crumble because the ones that have been pushing them are being deprived of their power and capacity to continue the sham and to continue the deception that they have been engaged in for hundreds and thousands of years.

There is that force that will help humanity even the ones that are totally unaware of things, who have not questioned, would not question, for they have bought into the reality constructs that have been given to them, that they have been indoctrinated into.

But the only way that this can happen are through extraordinary events. Events that do not go according to the plans of those who consider themselves to be in power, who have the right to do to humanity anything they wish as it has been and as they think it will continue to be.

These extraordinary events unfortunately, are events that could crumble existing structures of reality that most live their lives by.

For example: the assumption that if one works hard and has trust and faith in one's government that they will do alright. What will happen if the economic situation, for example, collapses? It is already a frightening state of affairs in the United States regarding the true levels of unemployment, that are not being reported accurately and many are already facing economic hardship because of a lack of employment and yet the belief is still they will be taken care of by their government, and that all will still work out.

However if an economic event of great magnitude to were to occur and that the economic backing of the American dollar crumbles, is devalued, then the situation will grow much worse.

This Awareness is here to say that at this time, one of the events that the United States and the world itself globally, is being moved towards is the collapse of the American dollar as the currency of international standing. There are events taking place at this time: meetings between the bankers and the President and the Vice President, all in secret. There are negotiations underway that are pushing a China agenda, that there is a very strong likelihood of a collapse of the American economy in the next few weeks.

That this Awareness speaks of this, for these are the events and the plans that are being worked with by ones in the know. That most of course do not know anything of this and simply are proceeding under the assumptions that America is alright financially and it is to be too big to fail and that what America is doing is that which is the envy of the rest of the world without ever understanding that the situation of America, what with its stolen gold, the gold that is the nation's gold by your former leaders, by your industrialists, your corporate leaders, has left the country bereft of gold as a backing for the currency and that this is well known amongst many in the economic field who deal with these matters but it is hidden both from the American people and generally from the populace of the planet, and many proceed as if the American dollar is the bastion of all currencies, the strongest of all currencies, when in actuality the American dollar is the weakest of the international currencies, and that it is all based on lies and deceptions, smoke and mirrors, to keep up the illusion that America financially-speaking, is still a powerful nation and can weather the storms of economic disparity.

There have been in the last several years, groups that are moving towards the abandonment of the American currency which is based on petroleum, thus the petro-dollar, back to a gold standard-backed currency. That China is that nation at this time that is in the strongest economic position for they have gold and that there are manipulations and plans to move the international currency away from America and to China, thus the UN, the Yuan, the Chinese currency becomes the international currency and this is very close to happening, and if it does happen a series of events will occur in the United States that will see the devaluation of the American dollar.

That these will be in preceded by a closing of the banks, that which will be called a bank holiday and that when the banks open again the dollar that was valued at one level will be much lower, having been devalued and that this will send shock waves through America and that there will be many collapses of many businesses and that many will find themselves in economic destitution and despair. That this can even happen as soon as May 2nd.

That this Awareness is putting this information out at this time, not to focus the attentions on this event happening. It is one event that could happen, one timeline that many are starting to energize. There is a strength to this timeline that must be acknowledged, but this Awareness would still say to one and all remember that you will receive what you focus upon.

That this Awareness presents this information to help you prepare for the shock of a collapse economically in the United States, but would also ask you to remember that it has been advising one and all towards that which this Awareness speaks of as sacred neutrality.

That this Awareness for several years has been speaking of the need not to go into panic or fear or meltdown, but to hold the space, to stay in that place of sacred neutrality with the understanding that this is what was needed, because the system itself, at the core, was and is corrupt, and that the corruption must finally be routed out, rooted out, must be removed, and if this means that the collapse will cause not the destruction of the United States, but rather its rebirth, so that a new system can happen and new leaders for the people and of the people can be elected.

For the deception that is prevalent in the United States of America and in other Western nations as well, which are following the lead of the United States of America is nothing short than the manifestation of these dark ones and the corruption that they are.

That because most do not question, most do not entertain even the thought that their own government that they have put on the highest pedestal in complete ignorance, in complete unawareness of the truth, that these very ones are the very ones that are causing great harm to the people and to the nation and to the planet itself, the global community of humanity, and it is for this reason that this Awareness has long been speaking of events that could happen to destroy the existing system and systems, to destroy the corruption of the leaders who would sell out and have sold out their own people for their own selfish profit.

This is that time. Prepare yourself now and be prepared, but also understand that you must be flexible, you must hold that no matter what happens, you will be alright, everything will work out, for you must also remember that Divine Source Itself, the Spirit of the Divine, the Spirit of your own multidimensionality in its expanded state, is also working towards coming through this event.
Therefore, even though an event of breakdown may soon occur, hold this as the time of breaking through, going through the blocks and the barriers.

That if one can maintain level footing, if one can maintain a clear head and if one can stay out of fear and panic and knee-jerk reaction, then one has a better chance of getting through the unfolding events.

That as one stays in that place of sacred neutrality, trusting that that which is happening is that which needs to happen to bring down the corrupt regime and that all will work out and that something much greater and much better than that which has been, replaces that which has been, then one will find that this journey, this transit through troubled times, although perhaps challenging, although perhaps a little frightening, is basically that which can be handled, and that which will indeed lead them as individuals and them as family units and them as cultural groups of a nation, that needs to be adjusted forward through the upheaval and to the place that lies beyond.

 Hold a future that all will work out because that which is the corruption has been removed, hold that Divine Source is with you, walks with you, will not abandon you, has not abandoned you, and that this too is part of a much greater plan of Spirit that needs to happen, for a cleansing is desperately needed at this time, for the corpse of the nation that is America is rotting and this corpse must be restored to a higher status of its own beingness.

It is that which is represented by the resurrection, that Easter recently put this theme into mass consciousness, that the one known as Jesus had been crucified, sacrificed on the cross of materialism and physicality, had died for the sins of humanity.

That this is part of a propaganda of religion, of the Christian region. But what is not propaganda is this understanding that if one lets go of that which no longer serves, which is only a deception and a deceit and one is willing to be born into the new truth of one's own being and the higher spiritual truths, that this will be the resurrection and the transmogrification of that which was at one level transcended into a higher level, consciousness itself, transcended from the restricted level of third dimensionality into the higher planes of fourth dimensionality and beyond into fifth dimensionality.

Remember this is all part of that which lies ahead and is possible but can only happen if that which is the rotting corpse that has been fed upon by ones who are vampires in nature, is finally released and let go and that this can only happen when certain events occur that while on the surface may seem horrible events, events of a great catastrophe, but in truth are those that serve the clearing and the cleansing of the rottenness of the decay, of the stench of deceit, of lies, of manipulation, of violence, of hatred, of all that which now is so, is held by those in power.

Therefore, be prepared for the energies are accumulating in terms of the economic collapse of the American dollar and the American economy. Remember that even if this happens, it does not mean that on a local level there are not sources of food or that you cannot still have shelter and protection, or that you will be crushed by it. This is not necessarily seen as that which will occur, unless, again this is emphasized, you believe that you will be crushed and destroyed by the circumstances that are being unleashed, by the events that are happening.

This Awareness has never completely spoken to the issue of an event that could happen and even while It is doing so now, It will still remind you that this is but a timeline of possibility, and that you are in a fulcrum point right now, before such an event happens, to focus yourselves in a direction, in an understanding of events that could occur, that would place you on a timeline other than that which is being outlined by this Awareness.

That this is your individual choice to hold that you can proceed in a different way and that which is being predicted by this Awareness does not need to be that which is your experience of reality, your experience of a timeline of events. That even though many are energizing this, these timelines of their individual making into mass, a mass timeline, even though energies are being collated here, collected towards this event to be so, that you, the individual, as a creator being, aligned with your own higher potential, and your own higher multidimensional nature, can still hold that all will be well, that there will be resolution to these events, and these dire events that this Awareness has been describing are not the events of your experience, are not the events of your timeline and for you these events may never unfold.

It would be a mistake however, to say that this means that this Awareness is wrong. It is not whether this Awareness is wrong or right, it is simply that this Awareness is sharing with you at this time, the energies that are underway. It is fact that President Obama met with the Vice President Biden for a series of meetings, an unprecedented occurrence. It is true that bankers have been gathering in Washington over the last few days for discussions. It is true there are discussions happening with China. These are facts that are happening in many timelines, but does this mean that you the individual, the Creator being of your life, needs it to express itself as spoken by this Awareness for all that is, is that which is the majority energy that many will choose to experience, but not the guaranteed energy that must be experienced by each and every individual. Be the strong individual, hold that all will work out, that even if events collapse, this is but a great opportunity presented by Spirit to move yourself forward, to move yourself beyond the limitations that are so at this time for the majority of people. Choose your timeline, focus on this, hold it to be so and then let it go, be flexible, for that is what is most needed at this time: flexibility.

That even though the world is on the very precipice of an event of great magnitude and other events also seen, not simply the economic fields, that could also possibly erupt, that this Awareness is still indeed saying to one and all, do not focus on these events as that which will occur, hold it rather as this could happen, and if it does happen and you do experience this type of upheaval, that you hold that you will be alright, that you and your loved ones will manage this, will come through this and that it is a breakthrough and not simply a breakdown, and that no matter what, this is that which serves the greater purpose of Source and Spirit, that serves the greater purpose of humanity and Mother Earth.

These are unprecedented times, these are times of extraordinary events, hold it always that however things unfold, this is your opportunity to break through. This is your opportunity to grow and expand, this is your opportunity to release and heal those areas of your own life and those areas of your collective lives with others, that need healing, need release. That it is the time to move forward into these events and through these events, and if it is so that you experience nothing of this, then pat yourself on the back for this will mean that you have been able to truly focus on a timeline that is possible, a timeline where the destruction does not need to occur the way that many hold it, and many anticipate it, and if it is that you do experience upheaval and events around you collapse; then do not go into fear and panic, do not go into hopelessness, do not believe what you are being told, but hold rather that all will still work out.

There are other forces at play here, than simply the economic forces that you are told about or the extraterrestrial negative Archon ones you are told about or the religious beliefs that are prophesizing Armageddon. Do not go there, for if you focus your attention there you could indeed experience these as your reality.

Hold simply that all is collapsing, coming down because the structure itself is rotten and a new structure must now be built: but for this to occur, the old structure must come down and that if you are experiencing anything of this which is hard and challenging, know simply that this is the hard work and that there will be benefit from hard work in the sense that that which is removed can then be replaced with that which is sound and of the highest spiritual nature.

Know that this Awareness will not abandon you. Divine Source and Spirit will not abandon you. Your own multidimensional nature and family will not abandon you. This Awareness asks you not to abandon Source, not to abandon this Awareness, not to abandon your own multidimensional spiritual nature.

That this is that which this Awareness presents as Its advice at this time, the eve before amazing events, the time before a collapse that is needed. That this Awareness sends Its energy to one and all in these outstanding times of possibility and potentiality. This Awareness holds that all will be well and asks that you hold this for yourselves and your loved ones as well. That the blessings and energies, the Light and the Love of this Awareness are there for one and all and it is so.

And so be it. Thank you Awareness, that was very, very interesting. The members I am sure will be pleased to have some insight as to what is going on. Thank you again.

That you are welcome, and that this Awareness would say that It would be well pleased if the majority never experienced anything of the events this Awareness is speaking of for it truly would be the indicator that they, those who have not experienced any of the events, have managed to set themselves upon timelines where such dramatic and extraordinary events need not take place and a more general peaceful transition does take place, where the forces of the Galactic ones that are here to assist and intervene, have had effect, where the powers of Divine Source have had influence and it is this that this Awareness will hold to be the experience of the majority and that this Awareness says it is possible for one and all who have such strong conviction and trust and faith that they can move through these outstanding changes in a much gentler way where change does occur but it does not necessarily mean the total collapse of all, because of factors unseen and unknown and unaccepted that will help and assist the transition.

Hold this to be the truth of your being and the timeline of choice for you and then release, let go, step into the sacred neutral and understand that no matter what happens, you will be alright and that you will come through this in fine form.

That is very, very hopeful and I really hope as well that the people recognize that this is possible. Thank you Awareness.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Romîna-- Cine sunt Maestrii Ascensionati/Inaltati?

Maestrii Ascensionati/Înaltati, erau fiinte de lumina care sau întrupat pe Pamînt, ca suflete omenesti. Si-au ridicat constiinta într-o unitate pura cu Dumnezeu, si corpurile lor fizice au devenit imortale, Lumina Divina. Erau capabili sa treaca de la planul fizic la o dimensiune mai subtila, purtînd corpul cu ei, sau experimentînd o tranzitie numita moarte.
Maestrii Ascensionati, au ajutat Umanitatea de la o dimensiune mai înalta, si multi dintre ei topesc in prezent constiinta lor cu a noastra, pentru a asista la propria noastra ascensiune de la dualitate. Pe Pamînt, exista cîteva "ascunzisuri" eterice ale Maestrilor Ascensionati, unde se concentreaza în activitatea lor Focul Sacru. Refugiul cel mai cunoscut este marele Oras al Luminii, Shambala, în desertul Gobi.

Français -- Kryeon - LES PRÉSOMPTIONS OU LES : « HA, JE PENSAIS QUE... ! »

Channelling présenté à San Antonio, Texas, USA, le 24 janvier 2016

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Salutations, chers Êtres Humains, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

Nous commençons toujours par un temps d'ajustement, un préambule, afin de vous aider à entrer dans l'ambiance et l'énergie d'un channelling. Même si vous avez mérité d'être plus éveillés et conscients, grâce à votre travail, vous en avez quand même besoin. Vous voyez le même homme qui était assis en face de vous, il y a quelques instants, sauf que la situation est très différente.

Mon partenaire sait qu'il y a une énergie bienveillante qui lui demande de se placer en retrait et de permettre à son corps physique d'être comme un téléphone humain. Ceci nous permet de vous parler, pour ainsi dire. Ce n'est pas de la "possession", car il est toujours là et conscient. Il a longuement travaillé sur ce sujet, afin d'en arriver à ce point. Il a dû apprendre à lâcher prise, être et permettre, etc., pour que nos messages passent librement. C'est votre manière de fonctionner, lorsque vous jouez le rôle d'un Être Humain.

Aujourd'hui - selon votre temps linéaire - mon partenaire vous a dit qu'il utilisait la synchronicité comme guide, au lieu de la logique. Voici un "ingénieur" qui vous dit de ne pas utiliser la logique ! Serait-ce un processus qui montre que ces deux manières de fonctionner sont appropriées, selon les situations ? C'est la logique de la survie spirituelle, basée sur le bon sens. Une logique qui dit que l'Esprit connaît, et qu'il a une vue d'ensemble que vous n'avez pas, dans la logique conventionnelle. Donc, si vous apprenez à faire confiance à l'Esprit, à votre Divinité intérieure, vous aurez cette vue d'ensemble. Ceci vous fera voir que de nouvelles connaissances sont disponibles. C'est la synchronicité. C'est un processus d'appel à une zone que vous avez, mais c'est difficile à réaliser - vraiment difficile. Vous devrez parfois sortir des sentiers battus où vous êtes confortables, et entrer dans cette zone.



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